Chapter 164 Congratulations, distressed (monthly ticket 980+)

When outside, He Tiantian likes to put on a well-fitting coat over the cotton-padded trousers.

Even in cotton-padded clothes, trousers, coat and trousers, He Tiantian's graceful and agile figure can still be seen.

In the morning, Wang Shuping came together. When she entered the kitchen, she saw that her daughter had rolled out noodles, chopped cabbage, and there were three eggs beside it. She probably wanted to make cabbage and egg salty noodle soup, and there were soaked and chopped radishes on the side. Dry, pickles.

"I told you not to get up so early, you just got up." Wang Shuping said angrily, "Mom is still young, so Mom will do all the work."

He Tiantian smiled and said: "I used to be ignorant and didn't understand the hard work of my parents. After I left home, I realized the painstaking efforts of my parents. Now I can cook, and I will be filial to you when I come back during the holiday."

"You child!" Wang Shuping's nose was sour when she heard that the girl liked her. The former daughter was stubborn and irritating, but now the sensible daughter made her feel distressed.

He Tiantian smiled, tilted her head with a simple ponytail on her mother's shoulder and said, "Hehe, cooking for parents is also a kind of happiness!"

In fact, the sudden death of her parents made He Tiantian close herself for a while, living like a walking dead.Not long after receiving Huo Yingjie's fake "breakup letter", she was disheartened. Qi Jianguo gave her some warmth, and she held onto it tightly as if catching a life-saving straw, hoping to have a family.

However, that was not a life-saving straw, but an invisible hanging rope hanging on the beam of the house, hanging her for the rest of her life, but she couldn't kick the stool under her feet.

But everything is a deception, a lie.

She has practiced good cooking skills, not to be filial to her parents, nor to entertain relatives and friends, but to cook meals for those who have cheated her all her life for more than 30 years.

However, for her parents who love her, she can only draw a circle on the ground during the Ghost Festival and secretly burn some paper money.

Now that she has a chance to get along with her parents again, how can she not be filial and serve her parents!
In front of them, He Tiantian is a precious and flawless treasure, unique.

When Wang Shuping heard her daughter's filial words, she finally couldn't help but shed tears and choked up silently.

He Tiantian's nose was also sore, and she said in a low voice, "Mom, every time I cook for you from now on, you will cry once, and your eyes can't stand it?"

Wang Shuping smiled, wiped her tears and said, "My daughter is obedient and filial, I'm too happy to be happy, why are you crying!"

He Tiantian smiled, and kissed Wang Shuping on the cheek, "That's right, we can eat right away."

Being so intimate with her daughter, she blushed and said angrily, "This child is so naughty!"

Although he said so on his lips, his eyes were narrowed into slits, and the corners of his mouth were upturned, which could see the happiness in his heart.

Her husband loves and respects her; her daughter is filial to her. Although her parents have passed away, she still feels that she is the happiest person in the world.

He Tiantian had already put the noodles in a small casserole and brought them to the dining room.

Grandma Qi, the old man Qi has already got up and washed up.

He Jingyu came over to help serve the meal.

The family of five sat down, and He Jingyu said while eating: "Godmother, I asked someone to find out about my brother-in-law before. But it has been so long, and I haven't found any news. But I will continue to ask reliable If there is any news, I will tell you right away."

Third Grandma Qi was in a calm mood, and said with a smile: "There is no rush for this matter, and it also depends on chance. God, if you want our mother and child to be reunited, we will be reunited sooner or later. If not, or I don't have this blessing, then That's why I didn't touch God."

"Relax, you are so kind, things will definitely turn around." Wang Shuping explained, this is a comforting word, and everyone thinks so.

At this dinner table, He Tiantian was the only one who thought that Wang Shuping's words were correct. Grandma Qi San was indeed blessed with future generations. When her son and son's descendants came, she could be called a house full of children and grandchildren.

After dinner, He Jingyu and Wang Shuping continued to go to work.

He Tiantian dressed up for Grandma Qi and old man Qi to keep warm, and went for a stroll in Nanshi together.

It started snowing as soon as I arrived in Nanshi, and it finally stopped. There is still a lot of snow on the ground, which is very slippery, and I can't go out for a walk at all.

After half a month of evaporation, the snow and water on the ground finally disappeared.

He Jingyu borrowed a tricycle early, and He Tiantian helped Third Grandma Qi to sit on the tricycle, and said, "Grandma, grandpa, today we are traveling around Nanshi poorly!"

"Okay, I can finally go out to get some air." Grandma Qi San said with a smile, she just wanted to go around and see what Nanshi was like.

Old man Qi is also very happy, he doesn't have to be bored at home every day, which is great.

He Tiantian locked the door, got on the tricycle, turned around and asked, "Grandma, where do you want to go?"

Third Grandma Qi thought for a while and said, "Are we far from Xuanwu Lake?"

He Tiantian laughed and said, "It's not far, it's three or four miles away. Since we want to go, let's start now."

He Tiantian rode a tricycle out of the alley, turned her head to the old man and said, "Grandpa, you come up too, we can speed up."

"No need, if you ride slowly, I can keep up." Old man Qi was unwilling to go, the road here was not good, and there were two people sitting on the tricycle, so it was very difficult for He Tiantian to ride.

"It's okay, I have great strength!" He Tiantian urged, "Come on..."

"Sweet girl, let's slow down and let your Grandpa Qi go. When you get tired when you come back, your Grandpa Qi will get in the car again." Grandma Qi San said, "We still want to see what's on both sides of the road!"

Seeing that the two insisted, He Tiantian stopped persuading her and rode a tricycle slowly on the road.

Old man Qi was walking behind. This Nanshi is different from the last time he came here.

The people here no longer suffer from the war. Although their faces are thin, there is no fear in their eyes. Everyone is busy with their lives.

No one hangs out on the road. Even the elderly and children in the family use their handicrafts from the factory to subsidize their families.

It is rare for He Tiantian to ride a tricycle and enjoy the scenery on the road.

But everyone was very busy, at most they would cast puzzled looks at the three of them, and they didn't have time to talk to them.

Along the way, He Tiantian explained that she rode slowly, so she didn't feel tired, and old man Qi could keep up.

Before they knew it, they had arrived at Xuanwu Lake.

Today's sunshine is clean and warm, shining on the clear water, sparkling.

"Grandma, why do you want to come here?" He Tiantian stood by the lake and wrapped a scarf around Grandma Qi.

 Keep asking for votes.

  Recommend the contradictory orange "Cannon Fodder" to travel to various mission worlds to help people avenge their hatred and fulfill their wishes.

  Encountering all kinds of scumbags, white lotus green tea...

  Tong Xinlan, whose three views have been impacted, said:

  Treating scum with kindness is the greatest harm to innocent good people!
  It should be killed!
  It should be cut off!
  Those who should soak the pig cage, wait a minute, lock the adulterer in together!


(End of this chapter)

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