Chapter 188 Suffering, parting

Seeing this, He Tiantian felt happy for Professor Wang and Professor Gu. Fortunately, Gu Yujun did not deny his parents.

"Yes, you are Professor Gu, the son of Professor Wang?" He Tiantian asked, this person looks a bit like Professor Gu.

"Yes, I'm Gu Yujun. How are my parents now? Where are they sent?" Gu Yujun asked, wanting to know about his parents.

He Tiantian briefly talked about the situation of Professor Gu and Professor Wang.

Knowing that his parents were safe, Gu Yujun was relieved.

"Why did you come here empty-handed, didn't you bring some clothes for the old man?" He Tiantian asked in surprise, there was no need to worry about eating and drinking in Qijia Village, but there was a lack of clothes.This winter there are rabbit fur jackets to keep warm, but in spring there are no clothes.

Gu Yujun's daughter-in-law, blushing, said: "I'm sorry, we are too nervous parents, we can't wait to pack our clothes, so we came here. We will go back now, pack our things, and deliver them tomorrow night. Just to trouble you, we have to give The second elder brought a lot of things."

He Tiantian heard this, and said: "It's okay, if we go here, someone will take us to the car. When we get there, someone will pick us up, and we can bring a lot of things."

"Thank you so much." Gu Yujun said without stopping, and hurried home to pack his things.

After Gu Yujun and his wife left, old man Qi also came back.He held two big packages in his hand, which were full of clothes.

After waiting very late, Sun Sihao's wife, Mo Xiaohui, did not come.

Sun Sihao still took the initiative to ask He Tiantian to bring something.Now that Mo Xiaohui is indifferent, He Tiantian is also very embarrassed while sympathizing with Sun Sihao, so it's better to go again.

"You have tried your best, don't be sad." Grandma Qi said, helping others to do what they can.

Since He Tiantian has already gone to look for it, it's not the reason why Mo Xiaohui didn't give it away.

The next night, Gu Yujun and his wife prepared two big packages, which were full of clothes. They looked big, but they were still good.
For three days in a row, there was still no movement from Mo Xiaohui.He Tiantian sometimes wondered if Mo Xiaohui didn't see the note?Just when He Tiantian was hesitating whether to go again, Mo Xiaohui waited.

It was nine o'clock in the evening when Mo Xiaohui came over.

"Yeah, it's you, come in quickly." Seeing the package on Mo Xiaohui's arm, He Tiantian sighed in her heart, no matter what Mo Xiaohui is, but being able to send something to Sun Sihao proves that this woman is not bad.Even if you do something bad, it may be forced by the situation.

He Tiantian is an experienced person who knows the morals of the world, and it is very strict for these people with problematic backgrounds.

Mo Xiaohui entered the door, but did not enter the house, showing embarrassment, and said awkwardly: "I'm sorry that day, I..."

"It's okay, you also have a problem, bring something?" He Tiantian interrupted Mo Xiaohui, such a thing is indeed embarrassing, there is no need for Mo Xiaohui to say it again.In that case, the more you say it, the more you will be hurt.

Mo Xiaohui said bitterly: "Yes, I don't want that either. But I..."

"Don't worry, I won't talk too much." He Tiantian promised that Mo Xiaohui was probably worried about her talking nonsense after returning to Qijia Village.Since this woman is still interested in Sun Sihao, there is no need for her to talk nonsense in the middle.

Sun Sihao and Mo Xiaohui are not very old, let's wait until they are reunited.

"Thank you so much." Mo Xiaohui said gratefully, "These are the clothes I packed for him, and I would like to trouble you to take these things back. Here are two dollars..."

Mo Xiaohui handed out two crumpled four-and-a-half cents and handed them to He Tiantian.

He Tiantian shook her head and said, "I'm just taking some things with me, it doesn't cost any money. Take them back quickly!"

Seeing that He Tiantian didn't accept the money, Mo Xiaohui thought that He Tiantian disliked the money and said with a bitter face, "Girl, the money is not dirty!"

He Tiantian was taken aback, and quickly explained: "That's not what I mean. Sun Sihao's life in Qijia Village is pretty good, he can eat enough, and it doesn't cost much. You spend money everywhere in the city, so I leave it to you Let me bring something, it’s nothing but a little effort.”

"How can this work? Let you contribute for nothing." Mo Xiaohui still wanted to give He Tiantian money.

He Tiantian smiled and said: "It's really not necessary, you should take it back. Sun Sihao's performance in Qijia Village is not bad, maybe he can write a letter and go home after a while."

After hearing this, Mo Xiaohui said happily, "Is it true?"

He Tiandian nodded.

It's just that Mo Xiaohui seemed to have thought of something, and her expression became gloomy.

"Hey, in my situation, I don't know what to say." Mo Xiaohui said bitterly, "Hey, I still don't want to. Let's take a step and count it as a step."

After Mo Xiaohui put down her things, she turned and left, entering the night.

Hey, another poor woman!

He Tiantian's sadness didn't stay for long, and was replaced by the sadness of parting soon.

This time, Grandma Qi, although she didn't find any news about her son Qi Shuliang, she walked around the place mentioned in her son's letter and felt at ease.After a hundred years, when I see my son underground, I will be able to discuss the customs of Nanshi with him.

Although Wang Shuping was smiling these days, she was always sad in her heart, and her daughter was about to leave again.Her daughter's sensibility and diligence made Wang Shuping relieved and sad.

"You don't have to worry, at least you still have your adoptive father and foster mother watching." He Jingyu comforted, with old man Qi around, no one would bully He Tiantian in Qijia Village.Furthermore, with a step-mother who understands righteousness and a shrewd old lady by her side to raise her daughter, at least there will be no problems in life and growth.

Wang Shuping had no choice but to nod, and said, "Yes, no matter how worried I am, what can I do, I can't follow my daughter. This year's tasks are heavy, and I don't have time to see her. The next time we meet, it will only be at the end of the year."

"Yeah, I hope that our results this year can make our situation better. When everything goes smoothly, we will bring our daughter back." He Jingyu said, in fact, it is very simple to bring our daughter back, but Huo Zhekun told him some time ago Let him not act rashly, there will still be turmoil in Nanshi.It is not a good choice for He Tiantian to come back now, let He Tiantian continue to stay in Qijia Village for a year to avoid this turmoil.

In the face of powerful forces, individuals are small and powerless to reverse the overall situation.

Although he was reminded by his daughter before, He Jingyu didn't dare to be careless and followed Huo Zhekun's advice.After all, he is just a researcher and not familiar with politics.

 Ask for a ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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