Chapter 193
Seeing this, He Tiantian had no choice but to give the shoulder pole to Qi Fangfang.

These are two large buckets. Although some water was sprinkled just now, there is still a lot of water in them. Adding the weight of the buckets, they are very heavy.

Qi Fangfang, who had never done heavy work before, staggered and struggled a lot.

Humph, let you choose!
Tired of you!
He Tiantian cursed viciously from behind!
After walking a few steps, Qi Fangfang regretted it!
It was too heavy. She had never picked anything so heavy.

But the words have already been spoken, and I can't take them back now, I can only grit my teeth and exert all my strength.

Only then did Qi Fangfang look squarely at He Tiantian, who had other merits besides her face.No wonder when my brother persuaded his mother, he said that He Tiantian was strong and could work.

If it's true, when she saw He Tiantian was very light, she picked up two buckets of water. She thought it was very light, but she didn't expect it to be so heavy.These two buckets are heavier than the buckets in their home.

Qi Fangfang comforted herself while carrying water.

After He Tiantian became a member of their family, let He Tiantian work hard to make up for her.

After finally arriving at Grandma Qi's house, Qi Fangfang poured the bucket of water with the medicine powder into the big water tank, and then she was relieved, and then poured another bucket of water into it.

"Oh, I'm so tired." Qi Fangfang complained, "Sister Tiantian, look at how kind I am to you, and you should treat me better in the future."

He Tiantian sneered in her heart, Qi Fangfang and Qi Jianguo are really good brothers and sisters.

Putting medicine in the barrel was probably Qi Jianguo's idea.

It is estimated that the normal method can no longer get close to her, and it is estimated that the overlord will force himself to bow, and cook raw rice and cooked rice.

It's just that He Tiantian lives in Grandma Qi's house, and there are people in the neighbors.Once Qi Jianguo used force, as long as He Tiantian yelled loudly, he would not be able to accomplish anything, but would get into trouble instead.

So, Qi Jianguo came up with this idea.

There are so many relatives in Qi Jianguo who are doctors, both Chinese medicine and Western medicine, so it is not easy to get some medicine!

Even if the medicinal powder is not a sleeping pill, it is probably some other pickled medicinal powder.

"Hehe, thank you very much." He Tiantian smiled, "You are too polite, I can challenge you, but you just want to snatch it. You are so diligent, I thought you had something to hide from me, It's as if you have done something unscrupulous and want to ask for my forgiveness."

Qi Fangfang was stunned, quickly shook her head to retort, and said angrily: "Sister Tiantian, how can you say that about me! I treat you so well! It's too hurtful for you to say that. Listening to what you said, someone must be there You speak ill of me behind my back. You don't know what kind of person I am, and you can't listen to others chewing on your wife's tongue. "

Really can act!

Qi Fangfang should become an actor!
"Hehe, no one said anything bad about you, I was joking with you." He Tiantian smiled, "Okay, I'll keep your good words in mind, so you can go back to eat quickly. I have to go to the animal husbandry team in the afternoon. Well, I don't have time to chat."

Seeing He Tiantian's soft words, Qi Fangfang had no intentions, so she smiled and said: "That's fine, you just remember my kindness. I'm hungry too, and I'm going home for dinner. I'll be looking for you when you get off work." Play."

The task has been completed, her shoulder hurts, and she wants to go home to see if the skin is worn out.

"That's fine, I won't send you off." He Tiantian said, cooperating with Qi Fangfang in acting.

After Qi Fangfang left, Third Grandma Qi asked curiously: "Fangfang is a bit strange today!"

He Tiantian sighed, Grandma Qi San was very observant!
"Grandma, because Qi Fangfang did something wrong." He Tiantian said, and decided to tell Grandma Qi San, and the two discussed a good countermeasure.

Third Grandma Qi put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hand, and asked, "Then what did Qi Fangfang do? If she bullies you, tell me, and I will seek justice for you."

He Tiantian is her granddaughter now, she can't let He Tiantian's Qijia Village be bullied.

He Tiantian told about Qi Fangfang's drug powder in the bucket.

Grandma Qi San didn't speak, but squinted her eyes, thinking carefully.

After a while, Grandma Qi said slowly: "Sweet girl, this time we have to plan carefully."

"Grandma, Qi Fangfang prescribes the medicine before we make lunch. She has already calculated that the water is for us to eat at night. Even if it is not poison, it is also drugged. Qi Fangfang is a woman. Even if there is drug, she can't do anything to me, but Qi Jianguo is not necessarily that lowly hooligan." He Tiantian said, "I found out this time, if I didn't find out, I will suffer again this time."

After hearing this, Third Grandma Qi nodded and said, "It's not poisonous, it's probably a drug. You and I are both stunned, so you can only let people do whatever they want."

He Tiantian has been here all the time, feeling scared for a while.

If Qi Jianguo insisted, although the King Snake could protect her, if he didn't control it well and committed a taboo, the King Snake would have to be implicated.

"Then what should we do?" He Tiantian asked, seeing what the third grandma Qi could come up with.

Grandma Qi San frowned, and said: "Hiding is not a long-term solution after all, and you still can't hide. How about this, you call Xiaoyan over at night. With a witness, the next thing will be handled easily."

He Tiantian was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Will Xiaoyan be hurt by this?"

"No." Grandma Qi San waved her hand, "If we didn't know about the drug, and let Xiaoyan live here, it would hurt Xiaoyan. But now that we are prepared, it won't happen. As long as Qi Jianguo comes over, When I enter your house, I will yell and arrest the hooligans. Everyone in the neighborhood will come over. No matter how powerful Qi Jianguo is, he can't do anything. As for Xiaoyan, I can be your witness. Dazhu, neither Qi Jianguo will be let go, and Jianguo will be neatly ordered."

He Tiantian hesitated, and said: "This is my business, it's not good to bring Xiaoyan in?"

Third Grandma Qi looked at the kind-hearted He Tiantian, explained slowly, and said, "Sweet girl, this is not a city, this is a countryside, and the clan concept is very strong. If you are the only one in the house, even if Qi Jianguo is caught, Because if nothing happens, he will not be punished. Because Qi Jianguo’s surname is Qi, even if he is a villain, he is still a descendant of the Qi family. Even if Secretary Qi had conflicts with Qi Jianguo before, he was forced by the clan in the village and this incident. I will not report this matter due to the impact of the incident, at most I will give you some compensation. In this case, can you swallow this breath?"

Can you swallow this breath?
In a word, until He Tiantian's heart and lungs!
She couldn't swallow this breath!
Why does she have to endure Qi Jianguo's harassment over and over again for such a nice person!

The last report!
Last time trespassing!
Drug this time!

He Tiantian has had enough!I don't want to bear it anymore!
 Ask for a subscription, ask for a reward, dare not ask for a monthly pass, the debt of last month has not been paid off yet! /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
  Today at 09:30, red envelope benefits will be distributed in the all-determined group!
(End of this chapter)

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