Chapter 25
Aunt Liu likes He Tiantian's diligent and sweet mouth, and she always mentions He Tiantian along the way, which benefits He Tiantian a lot.

"Sweet girl, if you have time in the future, you can cook something for Uncle Qi. I was busy in the past and I didn't have time, so I only cooked occasionally." Aunt Liu said, "He is a pitiful old man without a wife. , I have no children, I am missing an arm, and it is inconvenient to do things, so I can help me if I can."

He Tiantian said: "Okay, I will often make it for Grandpa Qi when I have time in the future."

These are small things, and He Tiantian is very good at it, so it doesn't take much trouble.

Aunt Liu said in a low voice: "Uncle Qi is not an ordinary person, he not only has a work point in the village, he can get food, but also receives a lot of good things from the commune every month. You give him Cooking, you are indispensable. This is not enough, because Uncle Qi has high prestige, even the village secretary Qi Dazhu respects him, and the people in the village respect him very much. As long as he treats you well, you will be a little girl in the future. In Qijia Village, no one dares to bully you."

He Tiantian was very happy, the whole morning's hard work was not in vain, this Aunt Liu reminded her everywhere.Although she knew she wanted to curry favor with the old man Qi, she was also grateful for Aunt Liu's kind reminder.

"Thank you, Aunt Liu." He Tiantian said with sincerity. If there is any benefit in the future, she will also give Aunt Liu some.

She wants to take revenge on Qi Jianguo's family, she can't do it alone, so she needs some help.It’s just that I’m new here, so I can’t be in a hurry. I’ll deal with some people in Qijia Village first and then look for opportunities step by step.

"No need to thank you, you are only two years older than our girl, and it's not easy for you to leave your hometown. Don't dislike it if you say a few more words." Aunt Liu saw that He Tiantian was sensible and listened to her words. With a sense of achievement, it is inevitable to say a few more words.

"You are also doing it for my own good, so why would you dislike it!" He Tiantian said, chatting and laughing with Aunt Liu along the way, and returned to the village together.

With only one morning's work, and a good relationship with two "colleagues", I have a good start. I believe that the future work will be very smooth.

He Tiantian went to pick up Grandma Qi San, who was peeling the cotton husks, and helped Grandma Qi San go home together.

Yes, in just two short days, He Tiantian has made Grandma Qi San's place her home.

Old, I hope He Tiantian can accompany her and take care of her by the way.

Little, I hope to have a foothold here with Grandma Qi San, which can help her open up the situation in Qijia Village.

The two complement each other and complement each other.

"Grandma Qi, sit down for a while, I'll cook." He Tiantian helped Grandma Qi San to the house, brought water and a towel, and wiped Grandma Qi San to cool off the heat.

"No hurry, just eat whatever you want." Grandma Qi San said, her heart was sweeter than honey.Now the two of them eat their food together, and there is no one else, and Grandma Qi San is not worried about He Tiantian stealing it.

He Tiantian, made gnocchi, put green vegetables, a little oil, a little salt, even soup and water, for lunch.

Grandma Qi San has bad teeth. It is best to eat such a meal. She is very satisfied and will let He Tiantian cook in the future.Now she can't give He Tiantian good things.If He Tiantian would always treat her like this, when she died, she would give He Tiantian a box of gold and silver jewelry that she had secretly hidden before.

Otherwise, she would have given He Tiantian a silver hairpin.

After dinner, Grandma Qi San and He Tiantian took a nap at home.

As long as it is not busy with farming, when the weather is hot, get up early in the morning to go to work, you can rest more at noon, and go to work again at 02:30 in the afternoon.

He Tiantian poured hot water into her army green kettle, slung it on her back, carried a bamboo basket on her back, sent Grandma Qi San to the place where the cotton husks were peeled off, and hurried to the back.

When Old Man Qi saw He Tiantian coming, he rarely smiled: "Here!"

"Come on." He Tiantian said, putting her bamboo basket on the side, carrying the big basket that Aunt Liu carried in the morning, "Grandpa Qi, I'm going to mow the grass, Aunt Liu is here to watch in the afternoon. on."

Don't be lazy, know how to advance and retreat.

This kid is great!
"Let's go." Old Man Qi nodded and pointed to the west side, "There is a lot of green grass over there. In the morning, your Aunt Liu has already cut a lot, so it's okay if you cut less in the afternoon."

"Thank you, Grandpa Qi." He Tiantian responded and walked up the mountain with the big bamboo basket on her back.

Although old man Qi said so, but on the first day of work, He Tiantian couldn't be lazy.The diligence now leaves a good impression on others. In the future, if you are lazy, others will not talk about it.Now it is a large group, and everyone works like this, grinding foreign workers.

However, foreign workers are well aware of it, but if they have a reputation for being lazy, they will become the object of contempt by others.He Tiantian's previous life was not due to laziness, but because of her young age and frail body. She couldn't do the work without saying that she couldn't complete the task, so she was always talked about by the people in the village.

Good looks and literacy, these advantages are the big girls in the country, the little daughter-in-law can't match, but just like this work, He Tiantian can't keep up with them.In order to prove that they are better and more powerful than He Tiantian, they often talk about He Tiantian and the other educated youths, looking for pride.

Seeing that there was no one around, He Tiantian speeded up and came to the green grass that Old Man Qi said.

He Tiantian was not tired at all. She thanked Uncle Snake more than once in her heart for improving her body. If it was before, it would have taken an hour to get here, but now it only takes half an hour to get there.

The terrain here is fairly flat, and there is a lot of mud under the feet, so the trees and grass are very lush, and just such a large piece is enough for He Tiantian to mow for a week.

Qi old man is also a good person!

He Tiantian mowed the grass, even though the sickle was not very sharp, it still did not affect the speed of her mowing.Maybe even faster if the scythe was sharp.In less than an hour, He Tiantian had already mowed several piles of green grass, and the basket was full of real things.

He Tiantian saw that it was early, and there were some fresh and tender wild vegetables on the side. He dug some, scalded them, and prepared a cold dish for the old man Qi.After finishing this, He Tiantian rested on the mountain for a while, and then went down the mountain with the bamboo basket on her back.

Going up is easy, going down is hard.

It took He Tiantian half an hour to go up the mountain, and about 45 minutes to go down the mountain.

When Aunt Liu saw He Tiantian came back with more grass than she had in the morning, she smiled and said, oh hello, this girl is good at work and has good strength. She will save a lot in the future.

"Hurry up and put it down." Aunt Liu said, "I cut more than I did in the morning. You girl is too sincere."

Aunt Liu said that, but she was very happy in her heart!
(End of this chapter)

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