Chapter 309 Putting a long line to catch big fish (36)

Huo Yingjie survived a crisis here and continued to devote himself to work.

By going to the security office to report on ideological work, I met that person.

There was no need to shake hands, but when Huo Yingjie saw the man, he actively extended his hand.

The man was also surprised to see Huo Yingjie being so enthusiastic, but he didn't want to hit the smiling face, so he had to reach out and shake hands.

Just in the short one or two seconds of shaking hands, the little spinner read the memory of that person, and left a mental imprint, which can be used to read the memory at any time in the future.

This person is Zhang Wei, the deputy director of the security department.

No wonder, such important information can be intercepted.

Huo Yingjie smiled, this person is a big fish in the research institute.

But now that Huo Yingjie has mastered this person's memory, if he arranges for spies to come over in the future, he will be able to be prepared.

At the same time, Huo Yingjie really traced back from Zhang Wei's memory, and finally found the big tiger in Yanjing.

For his own self-interest, betraying the highest interests, I don't know what is going on in that person's mind.

For the purpose, the struggle, is it worth it?
Every time the little spinning turtle completes a task, it will be praised by Huo Yingjie, so the little spinning turtle is very grateful to the snake king for his generosity.If given the chance, it will reciprocate the Snake King.

Huo Yingjie didn't have any worries, and began to devote himself to the intense work.

However, he did not forget to write a letter to He Tiantian, telling him about the pain of lovesickness.

The little tortoise felt that the exercises given to it by the snake king were very useful, and practiced it every day, especially when it was by the master's side, it would get twice the result with half the effort.

Let's talk about He Tiantian's home in Qijia Village, a guest came, Qi Ling!

Qi Ling brought Old Wu and Xiao Chen to Qijia Village again.

Qi Ling took out various materials and turned to He Jingyu with a serious face. He Tiantian said: "There is a slow poison in the big cake, which can make people weak and skinny until the oil is exhausted, about a year to half a year." Then die."

He Jingyu was stunned for a moment, his face paled, it turned out that it was really poisonous, and someone wanted to kill their family!

"Then what should we do now?" He Jingyu asked, "This cookie was given to our family by Liu Lingli!"

Qi Ling nodded and said: "We have accepted your report, and we will go over to interrogate Liu Lingli immediately. By the way, did you have any witnesses at that time?"

He Tiantian thought for a while and said, "At that time, it was just me, my parents, grandma, and Liu Lingli who brought her new husband over, and she didn't eat at my house, and my mother gave her back a bottle of malted milk."

"Did no one else see it?" Qi Ling frowned, "If there is no other person to testify, then Liu Lingli does not admit to giving the big cake. Or if she does not admit that she was poisoned in the big cake, we will not be able to arrest her because of insufficient evidence. "

"Then let her get away with it?" He Tiantian said, "Liu Lingli not only poisoned our pancakes, but I also know that she is indiscreet. She has just married Hu Damao for more than half a month, but has a fast three months pregnant."

After Liu Lingli chose to poison them, He Tiantian would not regard her as a narrow-minded fellow, but a murderer.

Without evidence, He Tiantian has to create evidence to get Liu Lingli arrested.

People do not kill themselves for their own sake!

She Tiantian is not the Virgin Mary, she will not give the slightest sympathy to such a woman!
Because Liu Lingli is a cold-blooded snake, you are kind to her, maybe when she accepts your kindness, she is a little grateful, but most of it is jealousy.Such a snake would bite her benefactor anytime and anywhere.

"Ah?" Qi Ling frowned, "Is there such a thing?"

"If you don't believe me, you can find a doctor to feel Liu Lingli's pulse." He Tiantian said, "I heard from you and my father that Hu Goudan used to swear dirty words about women's misbehavior before he died. Maybe Hu Goudan scolded her like this when he found a woman with a bad style in the village."

Qi Ling frowned, although he felt that there was some connection, but it was all guesswork and could not explain the problem.

He Tiantian wanted to say more, but Wang Shuping pulled He Tiantian's clothes and said, "Tiantian, it's about a woman's reputation, you have to be careful."

He Tiantian hesitated to speak, what should I say?

She really couldn't think of a reasonable reason to convince them.

"Hey, anyway, this is a matter for your police, and you will investigate, so I won't say more." He Tiantian said with a wry smile, "But she gave me poisonous cakes, it's true."

Qi Ling nodded and said: "Well, don't worry, I will try my best to track it down."

Qi Ling took people directly to Hu's Village, to Hu Damao's house.

When old man Hu saw the police coming to the house, he shivered, not knowing what happened.

"My lord, what are you doing here?" Old man Hu asked cautiously, hoping that his son wasn't causing trouble outside.

"I have something, I want to ask your son!" Qi Ling said, "Are they at home?"

"My daughter-in-law is at home, and my son... my son has gone to work!" Old Man Hu stammered, but he couldn't let the police know that his son had gone to gamble.

Liu Lingli heard someone talking in the room, so she hurried out.

Seeing that it was Qi Ling, he was startled and stood still.

It's time to come!
Liu Lingli has been restless at home and dare not go to Qijia Village to inquire.

But she experimented on that dog. If people ate it, He Tiantian's family would have been uncomfortable a long time ago, so they would have come to call the doctor Wang Shuilian from Hujiacun.

But there was no strange illness from Qijia Village, no one came to invite Wang Shuilian, and there was no bullock cart to send someone to the county hospital.

The joy in Liu Lingli's heart disappeared.

She realized that there might be an accident, racked her brains at home, and finally thought of a way!
Don't admit it!

Liu Lingli admitted that she sent sugar cakes to He Tiantian's house that day, but she absolutely did not admit that she poisoned the sugar cakes.

"Did you give He Tiantian some sugar cakes on August 8th?" Qi Ling asked, and Xiao Chen Zhuo recorded it.

"August [-]th?" Liu Lingli counted with her fingers in a decent manner, "Yes, that was the fourth day after I got married. Thinking about the wedding day, Tiantian had something to do and didn't have dinner at my house, so I just I made some food and gave it to He Tiantian, thanking her for coming to my wedding."

"Who did you go with?" Qi Ling asked.

"My husband and I are ashamed."

"Did you meet anyone on the road?"

Liu Lingli thought for a while and said, "It was very hot that day, and I didn't meet anyone!"

Liu Lingli was secretly happy, yes, that's it, admitting the superficial, but not the inner.

"Did you eat the pancake you made?" Qi Ling asked again, staring into Liu Lingli's eyes.

"Eat it!" Liu Lingli said, "My husband and father-in-law also said it was delicious, and also said that I am good at making pasta!
"We detected something in the sugar cake you gave to He Tiantian's family, how do you explain it?" Qi Ling asked, finally getting to the crux of the matter.

"Impossible!" Liu Lingli said, "It's impossible for me to poison it, we also ate it ourselves."

(End of this chapter)

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