Chapter 320 You two vixens

After a while, Ye Xiaofan woke up slowly, his face was burning with pain, he opened his eyes and saw He Tiantian, thought he had misread, rubbed his eyes, and touched the wound at the corner of his eye.

"Oh!" Ye Xiaofan cried out in pain, with a bloody smell in his mouth, he spat out a piece of meat.

"Sister Xiaofan, don't be afraid, you're safe." He Tiantian said comfortingly, "Qi Shuqiang has already been tied up by me, so I won't hurt you anymore."

Ye Xiaofan was at a loss and couldn't stop crying: "Tiantian, what should I do in the future?"

Seeing Ye Xiaofan like this, He Tiantian hurriedly said: "Qi Shuqiang hasn't done anything yet, the pain in your body is caused by him beating."

When Ye Xiaofan heard this, he touched his body with both hands, his eyes lit up, and said: "Thank God, thank God, otherwise...or else..."

"Sister Xiaofan, what do you want to do now?" He Tiantian asked, it was Ye Xiaofan's freedom to report to the police or not.

If Ye Xiaofan doesn't call the police this time, she won't try to persuade him, but she won't help Ye Xiaofan again in the future.

No matter what you encounter, you have to make your own choices, and then bear the consequences of your choices.

Ye Xiaofan swallowed his anger and said: "Call the police, report the crime, I was almost ruined by this scum."

Fortunately, Ye Xiaofan was not mistaken, for a person like Qi Shuqiang, if you tolerate it once, you will be harassed countless times in the future.

"That's fine, we'll help you." He Tiantian said, "Girl, hurry down the mountain and tell Secretary Qi that Qi Shuqiang is playing hooligans in the back mountain. By the way, don't forget to tell Brother Wang Lei to let him ride a bicycle. Go to the police!"

Miss Qi nodded and said, "I'll go back right away."

Seeing that Miss Qi ran away, He Tiantian walked to the front, went to the bloody thing that Ye Xiaofan had spat out just now, picked a small leaf and wrapped it up.

"Tiantian, why did you pick up such pickled things?" Ye Xiaofan asked puzzled, seeing Qi Shuqiang disgusted, let alone the bloody mess.

He Tiantian smiled and said, "Miss Xiaofan, you don't understand this. This is when Qi Shuqiang forced you, and you bit Qi Shuqiang's ear while struggling. This is evidence."

After experiencing so many things, He Tiantian has done everything.

Ye Xiaofan was taken aback for a moment, his eyes turned red immediately, and he choked up, "Tiantian, if it wasn't for you today, I...I..."

"Sister Xiaofan, I happened to meet, so of course I can't ignore it." He Tiantian said, "You don't have to be so grateful to me."

"I am like this now, will Zhang Qingshan..." After the anger just now, Ye Xiaofan thought of his object, what if Zhang Qingshan detests her?
In the previous life, even if Ye Xiaofan went crazy, Zhang Qingshan always took care of Ye Xiaofan, and never disliked Ye Xiaofan, he was a man who valued love and righteousness!
He Tiantian believed that Zhang Qingshan had true love for Ye Xiaofan, so He Tiantian was not worried, and comforted Ye Xiaofan, saying: "Miss Xiaofan, if Zhang Qingshan really likes you, he will only love you and will not dislike you. Let's talk , then Qi Shuqiang is not done yet! I will testify to you!"

After hearing this, Ye Xiaofan got some comfort, and said: "I hope so, even if everyone knows about the trouble, I will make Qi Shuqiang pay the price, this scumbag!"

"By the way, Miss Xiaofan, why did you come here?" He Tiantian asked, "Now I'm alone, and I dare not go up the mountain."

Ye Xiaofan dodged his eyes, and said embarrassedly: "I saw the note Qingshan left for me, asking me to wait here!"

"Ah?" He Tiantian was surprised, "Are you two dating?"

When He Tiantian encountered such a thing, Ye Xiaofan didn't want to hide it from He Tiantian, nodded and said: "We have dated here before, so I came here after receiving that note. I didn't expect it to be long, I didn't wait Come to Qingshan, this Qi Shuqiang is here."

"Where's the note?" He Tiantian asked, that note might have been written by Lin Xiaoru.

Ye Xiaofan thought for a while, touched his pants pocket, and said, "It's in my pants pocket!"

"That's fine, when the police come later, you can take it out." He Tiantian said, and she didn't take it, lest her fingerprints touch it and destroy the evidence.

Although He Tiantian is not sure whether there is fingerprint identification technology now, but he knows that idlers should not touch the evidence.

While He Tiantian and Ye Xiaofan were talking, Qi Shuqiang woke up slowly.

The pain behind his head and in front of his forehead made Qi Shuqiang hum involuntarily.

Ye Xiaofan heard the voice and cursed: "You hateful hooligans, you should all go to jail! Tiantian, are you tied tight?"

He Tiantian said: "It's tied tightly, I can't move."

Hearing Ye Xiaofan and He Tiantian's voice, Qi Shuqiang remembered that when he was doing that, he was knocked out, and it was He Tiantian who knocked him out.

"You two stinky bitches, let me go quickly, you seduced me, and even tied me up, play fairy dance for me!" Qi Shuqiang preemptively cursed loudly, insisting that it was Ye Xiaofan who seduced him.

When Ye Xiaofan heard this, he trembled with anger, he was seriously injured, but he was so stimulated that he was so angry that he couldn't speak, so he could only point at Qi Shuqiang.

"Sister Xiaofan, don't be afraid!" He Tiantian reassured Ye Xiaofan, "Qi Shuqiang, when you do something illegal, you have to think about the consequences of doing so. I didn't expect that the captain of the first team, who is usually good-looking, would actually So nasty."

Seeing He Tiantian, Qi Shuqiang became even angrier, and said, "You vixen, you seduced Qi Jianguo, and you're here to seduce me! You're a broken shoe, a junk..."

"Damn!" He Tiantian spat, "It's just you who have a shoehorn face, and you still seduce you, and you don't take a pee to see how ugly you are. Sister Xiaofan and I have a date. Culture, you are young, and you can still fancy a dirty junk like you, so get out of here."

"That's right, pickled junk, you just wait to go to jail. Qi Jianguo is locked up, and you can't escape. I'm ashamed, and I won't make it easier for you." Ye Xiaofan said with a hoarse voice, bitterly.

When Qi Shuqiang heard it, He Tiantian and Ye Xiaofan were very tough, and they didn't let go, so they immediately faltered.

Originally he thought that He Tiantian and Ye Xiaofan were a woman who valued her reputation, and after threatening her a few times, he let him go without daring to speak out.

But he also didn't think about it, could the person who can throw a stone at his head be a person who is afraid of trouble?

Since the strong ones are not enough, then come soft ones.

Qi Shuqiang knew that if people from the village came, he would not only lose his reputation, but even go to jail.

He couldn't afford to lose this man, let alone go to jail.

Knowing the current affairs is a hero, let's talk about it after fooling around!
"Comrade He, Comrade Ye, I was wrong, I know I was wrong, just let me go this time, I will never dare again." Qi Shuqiang begged, "I have an old man and a young man, let me go Me, never dare again."

Ye Xiaofan pointed at Qi Shuqiang and cursed: "You have an old man and a young man, you would have thought that I also have a family and a partner? If you succeed, how can I live?"

(End of this chapter)

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