Chapter 349 Opera, Chinatown, Sugar Man

What is the name of the cartoon, and He Tiantian doesn't know how to translate it. She can vaguely understand the dialogue in it, but if you want to savor it carefully, that sentence is over.

He Tiantian was struggling to watch, but with snacks, the time passed quickly.

After the movie, they went to eat at a nearby restaurant and then went to the playground.

Qi Zhenghan, Qi Zhengmin thought that He Tiantian liked these things, but He Tiantian didn't dare to go on the merry-go-round except for the other things.

She was dragged by Qi Zhengmin and drove the bumper cars for a while. Sure enough, if the name of the game is the same, as long as there are cars, she will bump up the bumper cars.

After one round, He Tiantian stopped playing and stood outside watching Qi Zhengmin play.

Seeing that He Tiantian stopped playing, Qi Zhenghan was also beside him, very sweet company, watching his sister play.

"Zhenghan, do you know the place where Chinese opera is performed?" He Tiantian asked, although she couldn't play many games and half understood the movies, but she saw a lot of things this day and was very happy.

Grandma Qi San is at home, she must be a little bored.

I chatted with Grandma Qi San before, and heard her say that she likes to listen to opera.

Now in China, apart from model operas, nothing can be heard or seen.

Now that it's out, maybe you can hear it outside!

"There are operas in Chinatown, and Dad sometimes goes to listen to operas." Qi Zhenghan said, "Do you like to listen to them too? Although I listened carefully, there are many that I don't understand, but I can feel the beautiful accents!"

"Actually, I don't understand much." He Tiantian said, "It's not that I want to watch it, but I want to take grandma to listen to the opera. You know, in China, because of a political factor, we listen to these operas. I don't understand, so Grandma hasn't heard it for a long time."

"Ah?" Qi Zhenghan was puzzled, "That's art, why not let it be listened to? Not allowed to act?"

"Uh uh..." He Tiantian didn't know how to explain it. Chinese people like Qi Zhenghan who were born and raised in country M have very little awareness of their motherland, and most of them are smeared by hearsay. H country.

"Is it hard to answer?" Qi Zhenghan asked, "I heard from my father that you can't get enough to eat in China? Didn't you go to school?"

"Uh uh..." Although this question can be answered, it cannot be said that she can eat enough, most people can only eat half full!

"I knew it was not good there, so don't go back, okay?" Qi Zhenghan said in a muffled voice. He already knew from his father that He Tiantian didn't want to go to school here, and why Tiantian felt sorry.

He Tiantian turned her head and looked at Qi Zhenghan. Some of her hair was blown by the wind and covered her face. She stretched out her hand to stroke some, and said, "It's not good there, and the material life is lacking, but that is my motherland, my country. The family is there. It may not be good there now, but it will be better later."

"Do I have to go?" Qi Zhenghan asked, feeling very disappointed in his heart, he had his own thoughts, if He Tiantian stayed here, because of time and distance, maybe he would break up with her fiancé?

"Yes, we have to go." He Tiantian said, "When the two countries establish diplomatic relations, maybe they will be able to communicate normally. At that time, I will invite you to my house as a guest."

"Okay, okay!" Qi Zhenghan smiled, "When the time comes, you will take me to see the Great Wall..."

"Uh uh..." He Tiantian was speechless, she wanted to say that her home is not in Yanjing...

I don't need to explain too much, if Qi Zhenghan really went, she would at best take him for a stroll, as a landlord.

"Okay, let's take grandma to the theater tomorrow." Qi Zhenghan said, filial to Grandma Qi San in his own way.

"Great." He Tiantian was happy, she finally had the opportunity to see Chinatown abroad.

Qi Zhengmin had had enough fun, he dragged He Tiantian from left to right, and Qi Zhenghan went home.

When passing by a cake shop, Qi Zhengmin also went to buy the shop's signature cookies, chocolates and so on.

Although there is still more to say, they must be back before dinner.

At home, after dinner, He Tiantian and Qi Zhengmin went for a walk with Third Grandma Qi, and He Tiantian told her what she had seen outside today.

Grandma Qi San listened carefully and asked questions if she understood something.

"Grandmother, I heard from Sister Tiantian that you like to listen to operas. Dad has booked a box at the Jixiang Building in Chinatown. We will accompany you to listen to operas tomorrow." Qi Zhengmin said excitedly. Although she did not understand operas, it did not affect She tastes the snacks there!

Besides, with grandma around, she will be pampered.

Grandma Qi San was taken aback, looked at He Tiantian and asked, "What did you say?"

"I said it, don't you want to listen to the opera? I asked Zhenghan, and he said that there is one in Chinatown. He probably told Uncle when he came back." He Tiantian smiled, "Since you are here, don't leave any Pity!"

"Yeah, you know what's on my mind." Grandma Qi San said with a smile, she was still muttering in her heart today, asking her son to take her to the theater tomorrow.

"Haha, yes, I will dress you up beautifully tomorrow, and we will go to the theater together." He Tiantian said, walked around outside, and returned to the bedroom.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Qi Shuliang took everyone to Chinatown to listen to a play.

When she arrived in Chinatown, Grandma Qi was very surprised when she saw the familiar traditional characters around her and the buildings with obvious H country characteristics.

"Oh, if I didn't see foreigners passing by, I would have thought this was country H before liberation." Grandma Qi San sighed, she hadn't seen such a scene for many years.

Small merchants and hawkers on both sides of the street open their doors to do business, and Grandma Qi San knows all the things they sell.

"I want to go down for a walk!" Grandma Qi San said softly, she liked the atmosphere so much.

"Okay, I'll accompany you down." Qi Shuliang said with a smile, he brought a lot of bodyguards with him, and he greeted a friend of the sheriff here today, asking him to pay more attention to the security issues here.

As for the local Hongmen, Qi Shuliang also greeted them.

Third Grandma Qi got out of the car and walked on the street.

"Oh, that's a sugar figurine." Grandma Qi's eyes lit up, "Can you make one for me and the children?"

"Mom, if you like it, I'll make it for you." Qi Shuliang smiled, and said to an old man who was catching sugar, "Uncle, make six sugar figures!"

"What shape do you want?" The old man heard six, the list is not small, and the young and old of this family seem to be rich, maybe they can earn some tips.

Grandma Qi San thought for a while, and said: "I am a rabbit, make me a little rabbit, Shuliang, you are a cow, make you a scalper; Tiantian is a sheep, make her a little sheep... ··”

Six people made sugar figures according to their zodiac signs.

Anna saw that everyone had them. Although she didn't know what the zodiac sign was, the tiger cub in her hand was majestic and majestic, like a work of art.

The old man who made sugar figures should be an artist.

(End of this chapter)

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