Chapter 361 Procrastination, Detection

The man was taken aback, and the signing hand stopped.

"I think it's less than before, please check it again." He Tiantian said, in fact, she didn't know if it was less than before, she was just delaying time and let the snake king read the memory!
The maid and the chef were very surprised, but He Tiantian said, they had to follow suit, and if something was really missing, they had to make up for it themselves.

By the time the Snake King finished reading, the maid and the chef had already counted it again.

He Tiandian nodded and said, "I misread it, please forgive me."

The man signed it and returned the little book to the maid.

When the man's car drove out slowly, He Tiantian looked at the maid and the chef.

"Don't use these ingredients." He Tiantian said, it's poisonous, and she wants to stop it.

"Why?" The maid was taken aback, a little dissatisfied, without using these ingredients, the rest of the ingredients at home were simply not enough to eat.

"Did you not notice that the person who came to deliver the ingredients today has changed?" He Tiantian asked back, "Also, you didn't notice that when I asked you to count again, that person was a little nervous, but he didn't refute."

"Yes, the person who delivered the food before was thinner and shorter, but this one is taller and stronger, so it is definitely not the same person." The chef thought for a while, and said: "The ingredients my wife ordered are all high-quality, and the distribution The quantity has been checked before, and there has never been a mistake. We were doubting their professionalism and integrity just now. Under normal circumstances, they would explain a few words. That person didn’t say anything, which is indeed abnormal, unless that person is a dumb person. .”

"Obviously this is a job that needs to communicate with others, and a dumb person is not suitable." The maid shrugged, expressing her doubts.

The chef and the maid have worked here for a long time, and they have a certain degree of loyalty to the manor and the owner. Moreover, Anna and Qi Shuliang are good employers, they pay a high salary and are easy to get along with. They cherish this job.

He Tiantian nodded and said: "Now that there are so many bodyguards in the house, you must have seen that something important has happened. In this case, let's be careful. If possible, let's take some of each of these ingredients Send it for testing."

"But there isn't enough food at home? Are we going to stop eating today?" The maid was anxious. If she couldn't let the master eat on time, it would be her negligence, and she didn't want to bear such a mistake.

"It's okay. If there is anything, I will take care of it. In short, be careful." He Tiantian said, "I will solve it for lunch at noon."

Qi Zhenghan went out for a walk. Hearing this, he thought for a while and said, "It's urgent, and I won't blame you. Uncle Sam, your son works in a testing agency. You can send some to Brother Mike for testing."

This cook was in the manor when his grandfather was alive, so Qi Zhenghan doesn't treat you as an outsider.

"Okay, I'll go now." Chef Sam agreed, and asked people to load the things on a train, which was covered with other things, and was going to go to his son for testing.

Qi Zhenghan wrote a check and said to Chef Sam: "To do these tests in private, you need to rent tools. This is the fee. Thank you for your hard work!"

"Okay, kid, I'll let Mike test it out as soon as possible." Uncle Sam took the check and said heartily.

When Uncle Sam left, the maid, Qi Zhenghan looked at He Tiantian.

"What are we having for lunch?" Qi Zhenghan looked at He Tiantian with smiling eyes.

Oh, what can I do!
High-quality and warm-hearted man!
If she had a daughter, she must have recruited Qi Zhenghan as her son-in-law.

He Tiantian drove away the messy thoughts in her head, and said with a smile, "Is there any flour at home?"

"Yes!" said the maid, "There are hundreds of catties of flour at home!"

"What's left from yesterday?" He Tiantian asked, there's food, but I'm afraid I'll be hungry!
"There is still rice at home, as well as onions, carrots, eggs, beef, and some chicken wings." The maid replied, counting like this, there are quite a lot of things in the house.

He Tiantian thought for a while and said, "Uncle Sam is not here today, so let me cook with you. Zhenghan, go catch some fish in the small lake behind. The lunch dish is fish and beef, and the food is rice and noodles."

"Great." The maid was very interested. She knew that He Tiantian was also a master of cooking. Every time she cooked with He Tiantian, she could learn some simple and delicious Chinese dishes.

Qi Zhenghan found a fishing rod to go fishing, and Qi Zhengmin followed Grandma Qi to find wild vegetables in the manor.

He Tiantian was in the kitchen, asking the maid to make beef, carrots, onions, and some ingredients into pieces, and prepared to make saozi for noodles.

Then He Tiantian started kneading dough. There were dozens of people in the manor. Kneading dough is a technical job. Fortunately, bread is often made at home, so there is a machine for mixing dough. As long as it is plugged in, it can knead dough automatically.

Hey, developed countries are developed and convenient!
There are not only rice cookers made in Japan, but also noodle mixers. This is He Tiantian's life after [-] in her previous life!

On the side of country M, it was reached in the 70s.

Hey, no wonder later generations always say that China is at least 30 years behind the United States!

Compared with now, what is 30 years, at least 50 years!

After kneading the dough, it is necessary to wake up the dough. The huge dough is placed in a large basin and covered with a layer of kitchen plastic film.

Next, it's time to roll out the noodles.

At this time, the maid seemed to be performing magic tricks, and found a small noodle making machine from somewhere.

my mom!

The developed countries are so happy!

Where machines can be used, we will resolutely not waste manual work!

"I bought this before, but it has never been used. I didn't expect it to come in handy now." The maid said excitedly, "If this lunch is delicious, it will come in handy often in the future."

With a noodle maker, it's much faster and less tiring.

First roll the dough into a dough about [-] cm wide, and then just press a button, and the blades that divide the dough will come out, and thin noodles will come out.For the sake of taste, He Tiantian replaced the blade with a larger blade gap, so that the cut noodles are wider and more chewy.

After all the dough in the basin was processed into noodles here, Qi Zhenghan had already caught seven or eight eels.

Maids are good at handling such fish, give them to the maids.

He Tiantian started to make noodles, a big pot full!

The smell is so strong that the maid took a pen to record it from time to time while cooking fish.

Grandma Qi San, Qi Zhengmin dug up wild vegetables, and He Tiantian checked the side. If there was no problem, she scalded them with hot water and made cold dishes.

(End of this chapter)

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