Chapter 364 Two-pronged approach
The Snake King continued to practice, and He Tiantian had no worries for the time being, and fell asleep peacefully.

Let adults like Qi Shuliang and Anna handle those complicated matters.They don't lack methods and manpower to deal with it, they just lack accurate clues.

Sure enough, after Qi Shuliang woke up from the dream, he was sweating profusely, thinking about the dream just now.

When I was young, I often heard people say that dreams are reversed, and dreams are not real!

But why did he feel that the dream was like reality just now?
Qi Shuliang attributed it to thinking day by day and having dreams at night, and he didn't take it to heart. Under Anna's persuasion, he continued to sleep.

However, it was that dream again.

This time Qi Shuliang was not intimidated, it had happened several times in a row.

Qi Shuliang felt that this dream was complete and the information was comprehensive, maybe God helped him?

Why don't you try?
Wait until daytime to send someone to investigate. If it is true, this time, he can annihilate those people in one fell swoop and avoid future troubles.

As long as those people realize that Qi Shuliang is not easy to mess with, these people will not be so unscrupulous.

The people sent by Qi Shuliang brought useful news after two days of investigation.

Because it was a dream, there was still Huo Yingjun in it, so Qi Shuliang and Huo Yingjun talked about the investigation of the past two days, and they were going to discuss a solution once and for all!

"Mr. Qi, we have to take a two-pronged approach. First dispel their arrogance, and then negotiate from the front." Huo Yingjun suggested, "If you rely solely on violence, you are in the open and those people are in the dark, which is not good for you."

"Yes, there is an old saying that if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about it. If we can't suppress them from the front, our life will indeed not be peaceful." Qi Shuliang said, "But the basis of positive discussions lies in whether the attack from behind is effective!"

Huo Yingjun smiled and said: "Mr. Qi, if you are so thoughtful, this matter will definitely be resolved as soon as possible."

"I hope so!" Qi Shuliang nodded.

After that, Huo Yingjun and Qi Shuliang sent people to fight together, and directly took over two sub-bases, one headquarters, wounded many people, but did not kill them, and obtained a lot of secret information.Afterwards, police cars from country M roared in and arrested more than 80 people.

Although a few of them went outside to inquire about the news, they were not caught, but they were also wanted by the whole city.

This time it can be regarded as a complete victory!
With the official interrogation, country M has obtained a lot of clues and evidence, and has realized that someone is destroying the hard-won fragile diplomatic relationship between country H and country M.

Their president visited country H early last month and made major diplomatic progress.

Anna's father has many rich businessmen and high-ranking officials who have close contacts in country M.

Qi Shuliang is a representative of the Chinese in country M and a representative of the Chinese American Dream.

Furthermore, starting from the fundamental interests of country M, their goal is country Su, a superpower as large as theirs, instead of country H, which is closed and backward, but very capable of fighting.

Taking advantage of the hostility between country H and country S, and taking the opportunity to win over country H, then they will have the energy to go all out to fight for hegemony between country M and country S.

In terms of politics, money, contacts, etc., senior officials of the government of country M privately warned the leaders of a country or a region not to try to do things against the will of country M!

Even if they refuse to accept it, it is impossible for the two parties to carry out assassination and sabotage operations without domestic support.

At the same time, under the intervention of country M, these things are forbidden, and they dare not dare anymore, leaving this place of right and wrong one after another.

Because they didn't leave, sooner or later they would be abandoned by the superiors and cleaned up by Qi Shuliang and Huo handsome people.

Wait until these things pass, a month later.

Qi Zhenghan missed the exam and can only continue to work hard next year.To make use of this year, he needs more social practice, which is not a waste of time.However, Anna Qi Shuliang paid for it, and Qi Zhenghan himself had excellent grades, so he had to take extra exams in his studies, so Qi Zhenghan got the university notice as he wished.

He Tiantian really did what she said this month, eating well, sleeping soundly, and gaining a few pounds compared to last month.

Every time Qi Zhengmin saw He Tiantian, he found that He Tiantian was always eating.

When it's time for meals, eat; if it's not time for meals, eat snacks.

No way, kid Qi Zhengmin couldn't stand it anymore, pinched He Tiantian's rounder and rounder little fleshy face, and said, "Sister Tiantian, as a lady, you can't stop eating all day long, do you think it's appropriate?"

He Tiantian blinked her eyes, and actually wanted to say that although the food was delicious, she didn't want to eat so much, but if she didn't eat it, she wouldn't have the holy blood to supply the Snake King!
"No, I'm just a little hungry." He Tiantian said, "I'm growing, I was too thin before."

Qi Zhengmin looked at He Tiantian, nodded and said: "You are indeed growing, Sister Tiantian, I found that you have grown taller."

He Tiantian was taken aback, and asked, "Really?"

He Tiantian remembers that she didn't eat well in her previous life, and she was tired from working, so she didn't grow taller. She was always 1.5 meters eight, five or nine, but she claimed to be 1.6 meters.

"Believe it, you can go to the gym downstairs and weigh yourself." Qi Zhengmin said, forgetting to persuade He Tiantian to eat too much.

He Tiantian followed Qi Zhengmin to the gym.

Qi Zhenghan was doing strength exercises, and when he saw He Tiantian coming, he trained harder, showing off his strong muscles under the vest.

He Tiantian walked to the weight and height manager, took off her shoes, and stood on it, and a nice female voice came out from inside.

The weight is 49 kg, the height is 1.6 meters four, and it is five centimeters longer.

This is still without shoes, and with shoes on, even if it is flat, plus one centimeter, it is only 1.6 meters five.

"Sister Tiantian, your weight is okay, not too fat, but your face is too bad." Qi Zhengmin commented on He Tiantian like a little adult, "It stands to reason that your baby fat should disappear ,But······"

"Okay, don't worry about it so much!" He Tiantian said carelessly, "As long as the weight is within the normal range, there is no need to count rice grains to eat for a little weight."

Qi Zhengmin shook his head, and said: "Mom said, girls can't be like that, I don't want to be like Alice's mother before I'm 30 years old, with such a big butt and a hulking waist!"

Qi Zhengmin said while gesturing with a super big butt.

Qi Zhenghan who was on the side shook his head and said, "Is this how your mother educated you? What about your ladylike upbringing?"

Qi Zhengmin stuck out his tongue, talking casually with He Tiantian all the time, forgetting about his elder brother beside him.

"I'm sorry, brother, I know I was wrong." After Qi Zhengmin finished speaking, he dragged He Tiantian and ran away.

Qi Zhenghan, who was secretly remorseful, scared away his sister and took He Tiantian away.

(End of this chapter)

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