1970 is a little sweet

Chapter 37 The Postman Niu Dajun

Chapter 37 The Postman Niu Dajun

At this moment, an army green bicycle was parked at the entrance of the post office, and a burly man in an army green liberation uniform walked into the post office.

"Da Qiangzi, hurry up, I still have a lot of letters to send." A young man with a shaved head hurried in, poured a large pot of cold water, and asked aloud.

Qi Xiaoyan, who was waiting on the side, saw the person coming, her eyes lit up, and she whispered, "Brother Dajun?"

Niu Dajun, who had just finished drinking water, was stunned for a moment, looked at Qi Xiaoyan, his face was slightly red, and he was a little embarrassed. The rude look just now was seen by the beautiful little girl.

"You know me? You are..." Niu Dajun felt that Qi Xiaoyan was familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.He has just recovered for a month, and many people from his hometown have changed in appearance. He doesn't know him, and he makes a lot of jokes.

Although Qi Xiaoyan was nervous, she still said very generously and politely: "I am Qi Xiaoyan, and my second brother is Qi Rongjun."

"Yeah!" Niu Dajun was stunned, "Aiya, you are Brother Rongjun's younger sister, why do you feel familiar! Sister Xiaoyan, are you coming to the post office to send a letter?"

Seeing the sister who respects the leader, Niu Dajun was very excited and enthusiastic.

"No, brother's letter, my dad sent it a few days ago, and I came to accompany my friend to send it today." Qi Xiaoyan said with a smile, this Niu Dajun and his brother had been to their house before, so they recognized it.

"Oh, what's your friend's name? Next time I get the letter, I'll send it to you immediately." Niu Dajun said, if it were someone else, he would not be so diligent, but the company commander's sister's friend is also his sister. Do him a favor.

"Her name is He Tiantian. She is an educated youth from Nanshi." Qi Xiaoyan thought that He Tiantian wanted to receive the letter as soon as possible. Now that there are people in the post office, good friends can receive the letter two days in advance.

How sweet?
Is this name familiar?

Suddenly, Niu Dajun said with a smile: "I must have sent the letter three days ago. He Tiantian received the letter and came here to send a reply."

Qi Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said, "No, she didn't receive the letter, so she's very worried. Follow me and me to send another letter today, and I want to ask about the situation at home."

Niu Dajun was stunned, scratched his head and said, "No, I changed jobs and started working five days ago. I sent two letters to your village three days ago. If you don't believe me, I still have records!"

He Tiantian wrote the address there, not paying attention to the conversation between Qi Xiaoyan and Niu Dajun.

When Qi Xiaoyan heard this, she quickly walked to He Tiantian and said, "Sweet, Brother Dajun has already sent the two letters sent to you three days ago to the village, don't send this letter yet, wait. After you understand this letter, you can write to your parents again, lest they worry about receiving this inexplicable letter from you."

He Tiantian heard it, turned her head suddenly and said, "Where? Where?"

Has her letter been delivered to the village?

Why doesn't she know?
Her letter arrived, but she didn't receive it. She used her toes. Qi Jianguo and Qi Shuli hid her letter privately.

The thing she was worried about still happened.

Niu Dajun over there had already taken out his notebook and turned to the fifth page. The two letters from He Tiantian were both sent from Nanshi.If Niu Dajun was an old postman, maybe he wouldn't be so meticulous.

But Niu Dajun has just started working, and he would rather work harder than make mistakes, so he is very meticulous in his work.When sending letters to the village branch, he asked the recipients to sign.

In Niu Dajun's notebook, Qi Shuli was written.

"Qi Shuli, this is the name signed by the accountant of your village." Niu Dajun said, "Look, there are two letters written on it. I have delivered this letter. As for whether the accountant named Qi Shuli has given it to you, then I will I don't know. But as postmen, it's our duty to deliver the letter to the recipient, and when you get to Qijia Village, I'll go back with you to clarify this matter."

Even if it's someone you don't know, Niu Dajun will seriously inquire about it.

Now that the company commander's sister is here, Niu Dajun doesn't want to make a mistake and humiliate the company commander and the soldier.

He Tiantian saw that Qi Xiaoyan and the postman brother knew each other, and the other party was so serious and responsible. This time, he could not only get the letter back, but also have a good relationship with the postman. Next time, he could take the letter directly from the postman.

"Then I'll trouble Comrade Postman." He Tiantian said gratefully, she didn't come in vain today, and Qi Xiaoyan also made a great contribution this time.If she didn't know the postman, it would be difficult for He Tiantian to find out if her letter was hidden.

Ever since he met Qi Xiaoyan, He Tiantian has actually approached with purpose, hoping to become friends with Qi Xiaoyan and let Secretary Qi take care of her for her daughter's sake.Along with getting along, Qi Xiaoyan's sincerity and enthusiasm moved her.

He Tiantian secretly decided that she not only wanted to change the fate of herself, her parents, but also help Qi Xiaoyan, so that she would not die because of Li Mingkai, a heartless man.Be sure to help Qi Xiaoyan to find a good husband and live a happy life.

Niu Dajun still has something to do, and said, "When are you going back, can you wait for me for a while, I will count the letters to be sent, and I will go back to Qijia Village with you."

"My father went to the commune for a meeting. I guess we will have dinner in the commune. We will go to the hostel for a bowl of noodles and go back in the afternoon." Qi Xiaoyan replied softly, this time she helped her good friend and was very proud, so that He Tiantian will be with her in the future. Even better.

When Niu Dajun heard this, he patted his head again and again and said, "Oh, my pig head, I forgot this. Now it's almost time for lunch. Since Uncle Qi is in the county, I will take you to dinner. ."

When he was in the unit, Brother Rong Jun took good care of him, especially when he was assigned to work this time, he specially rated him very high in his file, otherwise he, an ordinary veteran, would not have gotten such a good job.

Now that he sees the company commander's sister and doesn't invite him to dinner, how can he be so embarrassed to see the company commander in the future?
"No need." Qi Xiaoyan blushed and refused. What she said just now seemed to make people think that she deliberately wanted others to invite you to dinner.

"I must." Seeing Qi Xiaoyan's retreat, Niu Dajun's face turned red, "Sister Xiaoyan, if you don't let me invite you to dinner, I won't be ashamed to see the company commander in the future!"

Qi Ergou saw that this Niu Dajun was sincere, smiled on the side, and said, "Xiaoyan, don't refuse, this comrade Dajun also has a lot of heart."

Seeing what Brother Ergou said, Qi Xiaoyan nodded and said, "Then...that would be troublesome."

"No trouble, no trouble, this is what it should be." Niu Dajun said, "Just that package of letters, I can take it after I register it."

"Don't worry, take your time." Qi Xiaoyan whispered, and when she writes a letter to the second brother next time, she must tell the second brother about the warm hospitality of the Niu Dajun.

 Today's double update, thank you for your rewards, collections, recommended tickets, and a single chapter at the end of the month.Not much to say here.

(End of this chapter)

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