Chapter 370 Escape
At night, He Tiantian was hungry, but no one brought them food.

Those people thought that the drug they used could keep He Tiantian and Qi Zhengmin unconscious, so naturally they didn't have to come over to deliver food.

He Tiantian looked at the time on the watch and asked, "Snake King, can we do it?"

At this time, there was a burst of dynamic music outside, and the sound of some people drinking.

"Okay!" Snake King sneered, it thought of a wonderful idea, maybe without the police, these people can kill themselves!
He Tiantian untied the rope on Qi Zhengmin's body and carried Qi Zhengmin on his back.

Only a "click" sound was heard, and the lock opened.

Seeing the scene was too horrifying, He Tiantian couldn't find a suitable adjective for her memory of keeping her own life in her previous life.

"Hurry up!" The Snake King reminded, how long does this woman want to see!

He Tiantian just remembered that they are not out of danger yet!
Going out under the cover of the snake king, this is a three-story villa.

He Tiantian had already spent almost 2 minutes at the door.

"Go out and go to the right!" The Snake King reminded, "When you get to that forest, you can hide in it now and wait for me."

"Ah? King Snake, won't you go with us?" He Tiantian was taken aback and asked quickly.

"Leaving without giving them some lessons is not my king's way of doing things. Hurry up and stop dawdling." The Snake King said angrily, what time is it, and you are still dawdling, do you think you can escape danger like this? ?

"Oh!" He Tiantian responded, and hurriedly walked eastward with Qi Zhengmin on her back, following what the Snake King said.

The snake king turned his head and looked coldly at the villa behind him.

Those people in the room are even crazier!

All be damned!

The snake king turned around, turned into a ray of golden light and disappeared into the room, catching up with He Tiantian.

However, before the Snake King left, the Snake King did not forget to create a way for He Tiantian to escape, which was done for the police to see.

He Tiantian and Qi Zhengmin's room lock is good.

The window is open.

A rope that was torn from the bed sheet and connected together was tied to the window, the length of which reached the ground of the first floor, and He Tiantian's footprints were even left on the wall.

"Come out, we can go." The Snake King said softly.

He Tiantian carried Qi Zhengmin on his back and walked on the road with the snake king.

"Snake King, what did you do when you went back?" He Tiantian asked, "Are we safe now?"

"It's just a little maneuvering while on the move, it's nothing, you don't want to ask more." The snake king didn't want to say more, it wished He Tiantian could forget all about such a scene.

He Tiandian nodded, but the Snake King didn't want to say it, so she didn't ask, just leave here as soon as possible.

"Where are we going now?" He Tiantian asked, "Back to the tourist town, or to New York?"

The Snake King made some calculations and said, "It's closer to New York, probably fifty kilometers away, but we have a small police station thirty kilometers away."

He Tiandian nodded and said, "Alright then, let's drive overnight."

After walking about five kilometers, He Tiantian carried Qi Zhengmin on her back, a little tired, and asked: "Snake King, there is no need to hide now, can you wake up Qi Zhengmin and let her go by herself, so I can be lighter. "

"Hmm!" The Snake King cast the spell again.

Qi Zhengmin woke up slowly, his confused eyes were out of focus, and it took him a while to see He Tiantian clearly in front of him.

"Sister Tiantian, I seem to be in a coma." Qi Zhengmin saw He Tiantian, thought of the situation when he was about to faint, and held He Tiantian's hand tightly.

He Tiantian patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid, we were kidnapped, but we have escaped now. Now that you are awake, let's go."

After hearing He Tiantian's words, Qi Zhengmin was slightly relieved, looked around, and asked, "But it's so dark, we don't know the way, where are we going?"

"I passed a road sign just now, and I walked along this road for about forty kilometers, and I will arrive in New York." He Tiantian said, "Let's go, don't stand there, maybe those people will find us missing, will come after us."

Originally, Qi Zhengmin didn't want to leave, but when he heard He Tiantian's words, he didn't dare to be lazy, and followed He Tiantian, holding He Tiantian's hand and walking forward.

"Sister Tiantian, shall we take a ride?" Qi Zhengmin saw a car whizzing past her, and her feet were already torn, which was extremely painful.

He Tiantian also thought about stopping a car before, but it was very dangerous for two girls to ride in a car at night.

"No, it's too dangerous. How can you be sure that those people are good people?" He Tiantian asked back, it's better to rely on herself.

"But sister Tiantian, you can't be sure that everyone is a bad person?" Qi Zhengmin objected, her feet hurt too much and she couldn't take it anymore.

He Tiantian looked at Qi Zhengmin and said, "You forgot, we just escaped from those bad guys. If we get into another bad guy's car, we won't be lucky enough to escape again."

"But my feet hurt..." Qi Zhengmin whispered, "Why don't we rest here and take a ride during the day?"

He Tiantian looked around and asked again, "Aren't you afraid of being drunk dry by mosquitoes?"

Qi Zhengmin was taken aback. There were indeed many mosquitoes in the suburbs in summer.

"Okay, then let's move forward." Qi Zhengmin had a bitter face. It was the first time she had suffered like this when she grew up.

"Don't be afraid, I'll be with you!" He Tiantian finished speaking, pulling Qi Zhengmin to continue walking.

In fact, Qi Zhengmin didn't know that at this moment, people outside could not see them at all!

The Snake King didn't remove the invisibility spell on them!

The road was very dark, He Tiantian led Qi Zhengmin to keep walking.

When you are tired, rest for a while, feel more comfortable, and move forward again.

(End of this chapter)

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