Chapter 414 Real Achievements

There are so many people at home, Grandma Qi San is a little worried about how to live?

Seeing this, He Tiantian said, "Grandma, let's move the utility room to the firewood house in the backyard, so that we can free up two rooms for Zhenghan and a few bodyguards. There is a room on the east side of the main house. It belongs to the uncle, and it will be left to the uncle and Aunt Anna. Zhengmin will share a room with you, and grandma and grandma Lan will live with me, so it is barely enough."

"There's no bed in the firewood room!" Grandma Qi was in a dilemma, she couldn't fit so many people at one time.

"It's okay, I'll borrow it from Secretary Qi's house later." He Tiantian said, "At Village Chief Qi's house, his son and daughter are outside, and there are two big beds available at home."

"Well, that's fine." Grandma Qi nodded and said, "It's still early, everyone hurry up and clean up."

He Jingyu helped pack things, and Wang Shuping took He Tiantian to the kitchen to cook.

Anna wanted to help, but she didn't understand the earthen stoves in the countryside at all, so she was kicked out by He Tiantian.

In the kitchen, there are only Wang Shuping and He Tiantian.

"Tiantian, you have grown taller and fatter than before." Wang Shuping was very happy, which means that her daughter has not been wronged!
"It's taller and fatter." He Tiantian said, "If you eat so much there, of course you will get fatter."

"Hehe, is it better over there than here?" Wang Shuping asked curiously. After being closed for too long, their understanding of the outside world depends at most on the radio, but those contents are also filtered and cannot represent the overall situation abroad. Condition.

"Well, how should I put it?" He Tiantian pondered for a moment, and then continued: "Actually, the material life in the United States is rich, and the cultural life is even richer. It's just that you are in China, so I think the place where your parents are is the best place." OK."

Uncle Wang looked envious, and was even happier when he heard his daughter's words.

"You have a sweet mouth." Wang Shuping said, "Actually, your father and I have thought about it, and we have also said in private that if possible, I want you to study abroad."

"That can't be done." He Tiantian said, "If you go outside to study, you can't come back all year round. Not to mention the long journey and political tension, I don't want to go."

"Yes, if you go abroad to study, then the future of you and Huo Yingjie will become unknown. The nature of his work is destined to require strict political review from the other half." Wang Shuping sighed, "Just staying in the country, I always It's a pity."

"It's okay, I can study by myself." He Tiantian smiled.

"That's the only way to go." Wang Shuping said. She and her husband received a systematic education, but her daughter only graduated from junior high school.

Hey, at the age of Huaguduo, it is in the school that he eagerly absorbs all kinds of knowledge and enriches his knowledge, instead of working all day, facing the loess and turning his back to the sky.

The value of young people is not just simple physical labor, but learning the knowledge of their ancestors step by step to form their own cognitive ability and creative thinking.

"Mom, let's not talk about this for now, let's cook quickly." He Tiantian said, "There is so much smoke in the room, it's better not to talk."

"Hehe." Wang Shuping smiled.

The atmosphere at home here is quite good, and the atmosphere at the village branch is even more enthusiastic.

Qi Shuming brought over two baskets of peaches, Zhao Dajiao hurriedly sent them to wash them, put them in two basins and serve them up.

"Leaders, this is our village's response to the city's policy. With the support of two experts, we have opened a peach orchard experiment field. This year, dozens of peach trees are bearing fruit. Please let the leaders try it and see how it goes. ?”

Secretary Ma was taken aback and was very happy. This was their response to the provincial policy, but everyone did not expect the results to be produced so quickly.

"Okay, the work in Qijia Village is in place, and the two experts are also very good and hardworking. By the way, where are the two experts?" Secretary Ma asked, wanting to ask about the specific situation.

Qi Dazhu looked at Qi Shuming.

Qi Shuming understood, and said: "Go back to the leader, Expert He is home now, I'll call Expert He over right now."

"Shuming, hurry up." Qi Dazhu said, "Our peach orchard is thanks to two experts. Come, come, taste the peaches first."

"Okay, let's have a taste." Ma Zijian said, taking a bite of the beautiful peach in his hand.

Seeing that Ma Zijian took the peaches, everyone took the peaches one after another.

Everyone ate the peaches, and the sweet and fragrant taste filled their mouths.

"Comrade Qi, this peach is so good!" Secretary Ma gave a thumbs up, "I've never eaten such a delicious peach!"

"Yes!" Everyone said one after another, not just to echo Secretary Ma, but because these peaches taste really good.

The magistrate Niu saw that everyone was praising him, so he finally felt relieved.

This peach is a good new variety. Not only can it be sold at a good price, but it can also bring many benefits to Qijia Village. At least the road construction can be settled.

The county has road construction quotas every year, but it is not impossible to build a section, it must be able to bring benefits to the entire Taoyuan County.

Now Taozi in Qijia Village has entered the eyes of the city leaders and has become a political achievement from top to bottom. If the road is repaired again, it will definitely pass.

At this time, Qi Shuming arrived at Grandma Qi's house.

"Shuming, why are you here?" Grandma Qi asked, now that there are so many leaders, Qi Shuming should be busy greeting the leaders.

Qi Shuming smiled and said, "Third Aunt, the leader ate peaches, and wants to see Brother He and Sister Wang, and wants to ask about Taozi."

He Jingyu just thought about seeing his mother and forgot about the leadership.

"That's fine, I'll go with you, Shuping won't go, she'll cook at home." He Jingyu said, his wife is a very introverted person, she doesn't like such occasions, so it's okay not to go.

Furthermore, there are many things at home, and I am too busy!

He Jingyu followed Qi Shuming to the village branch.

Seeing He Jingyu coming, Ma Zijian got up quickly, walked a few steps quickly, stretched out his hands, shook hands with He Jingyu and said, "Expert He, you have worked hard."

"It's not hard work, it's all about serving the people." He Jingyu said that they came here to support the agricultural and sideline industries in Huai City, and at the same time keep them away from the right and wrong circles in Nanshi.

Seeing that He Jingyu was so humble and very useful, Ma Zijian had a better impression of He Jingyu, and asked, "Expert He, can you introduce this peach to me? These peaches are so good, we have to report them to the province as soon as possible."

"Yes." He Jingyu said with a smile, the more attention the leaders paid, the greater the contribution he and his wife made. They really played a role in supporting the local agricultural and sideline industries, and they didn't take the city's wages and subsidies for nothing.

"Expert He, please." Secretary Ma led Expert He to the center so that He Jingyu could introduce him.

It is the political task of the above that the overseas Chinese in country M return to their hometown to worship their ancestors, not their credit.

But this peach tree project is a real achievement!

(End of this chapter)

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