Chapter 430 Robbery, Tomb Robber
Some are old and stop learning after two days; some children are very playful and stop learning.Parents just beat them with sticks, and children are also quick-spoken. You are illiterate, why should you let me learn?

Illiterate, still marry a wife and have children!

The adults couldn't refute what they said, so they could only pinch their noses and continue to study, setting an example for the children.

Because of the vigorous promotion of Village Chief Qi, the literacy work of Qijia Village is ahead of other villages.

In order to encourage everyone, the village head Qi also used the surplus money in the village branch to set up rewards. If you have good grades, you can get prizes.

There are kettles, face plates, toothpaste and so on.

Wang Lei, Zhang Qingshan and even Huang Jingli all got closer to the villagers because of their participation in the literacy work.

He Jingyu and Wang Shuping led more than [-] young apprentices, and it took more than ten days to cut the cuttings from the branches and plant them in the plastic greenhouse.Because of last year's experience, even if this year is several times more than before, but because of the large number of people, we can do it with ease.

Everything in Qijia Village is on track.

That day and night, Qian Shikun and Sun Shihao were looking at Taoyuan in Taoyuan.

It was a bit cold in the room, and the two lit a fire, started to warm up, and talked about things in the village.

At this time, Qian Shikun heard a voice outside.

"Hush!" Qian Shikun hissed, signaling Sun Sihao not to speak.

Sun Sihao silenced and lay down by the window together.

There was a gap beside the window, Qian Shikun and Sun Sihao looked out along the gap.

It was pitch black outside, so you couldn't see clearly, but you could hear the clanging.

The sound was that of a hammer hitting a stone, and it was man-made.

"Old Qian, should we go out?" Sun Sihao was afraid, these people had tools in their hands, and they went out to fight recklessly, what a disaster!
Qian Shikun listened carefully, and said: "There are several people outside, we can't beat them, we can't go out. Hurry up, hurry up, pretend to be asleep."

Qian Shikun heard footsteps approaching.

Sun Sihao and Qian Shikun quickly lay down on the wooden bed and covered them with quilts.

"After a while, two people whispered by the window: "Brother, do you want to kill them? "

The other person pondered for a moment, and said: "No, we may not be able to dig the tunnel today. If we kill them, someone will come up tomorrow and they will find us."

"Then what should we do? Brother?" the man asked, a little anxious, "If they wake up, wouldn't it be..."

"Didn't you bring drugs?" The man said softly, "Give them one and let them sleep more soundly."

"Bring it, bring it." The man said, and then only heard the sound of a match being lit, and a puff of smoke was blown into the wooden house.

Sun Sihao dared not move Qian Shikun inside, nor did he want to move.

Because those people were just looking for something, they didn't seem to want to kill people and alarm the villagers down the mountain.

After a while, Qian Shikun and Sun Shihao lost consciousness.

After blowing the drug, the group continued to dig holes not far from Taoyuan.

The next morning, when He Jingyu arrived, Qian Shikun and Sun Sihao were still sleeping.

"Uncle Qian, Brother Sun, wake up?" He Jingyu was surprised, logically speaking, it is impossible for the two of them to sleep until now and pay off!
After a while, Qian Shikun and Sun Sihao rubbed their eyes and finally woke up.

"What's the matter with you? Are you sleeping so soundly at night?" He Jingyu laughed, like you, if someone stole our peach tree, you wouldn't hear it! "

Hearing this, Qian Shikun remembered what happened last night!
"Jingyu, we didn't sleep so hard on purpose, it was because someone blew drugs into the house last night." Qian Shikun said, thinking about it now, he felt scared.

"What's going on?" He Jingyu was shocked, and turned his head to look at the Taoyuan. There were no shortage of peach trees, and the greenhouse was not broken either!
Sun Sihao said: "Yesterday we were chatting by the fire, and we heard voices outside, and we looked out of the window..."

Sun Sihao and Qian Shikun told the story again.

He Jingyu frowned, and said, "Come on, follow me over there to see why those people come to dig holes in the middle of the night!"

"Will there be treasures?" Sun Sihao said excitedly, otherwise who would be so bored to dig a hole in the middle of the mountain in the cold weather!

Qian Shikun looked around, and said mysteriously: "I guess there is no treasure, but maybe the ancient tomb."

Many former emperors and generals liked to dig mountains for tombs. Maybe there is an ancient tomb in this mountain!

After hearing this, He Jingyu also felt that the possibility was very high, so they came to the place where the sound was made yesterday.

There is dense withered grass around, which has been camouflaged. If you don't look carefully, you can't really see that there is a [-] cm hole directly under the withered grass.

Although He Jingyu is not an expert in archaeology, he can tell at a glance that this is a stolen cave!

"Cave robbery?" Qian Shikun was pleasantly surprised, "It's really an ancient tomb!"

"Yes." He Jingyu said, "It's not safe here, let's go down quickly and tell Secretary Qi to report to the cultural relics department."

"Then... shall we still guard here at night?" Qian Shikun said, "Tomb robbers are no different from robbers, almost all of them have lives in their hands."

He Jingyu thought for a while, and said, "You don't need to come over tonight."

"Those tomb robbers will definitely become suspicious when they see that there is no one in our wooden house." Sun Sihao said, "If they jump over the wall in a hurry and blow up here with gunpowder, our Taoyuan will be even more dangerous."

"Let's talk to Village Chief Qi first." He Jingyu said, now is not the time to be a hero.

The three went down the mountain and went straight to the village branch.

Not long after Village Chief Qi arrived at the village branch, he saw He Jingyu bringing Qian Shikun and Sun Sihao over, his face was solemn, his heart skipped a beat, and he asked cautiously, "Someone came to destroy Taoyuan?"

"No!" He Jingyu shook his head, "I didn't come to Taoyuan, but to rob the tomb."

"Tomb robbery?" Secretary Qi just let go of his hanging heart, and hung up again, "Did I hear wrong, tomb robbery?"

"Yes, you haven't heard of it, it's tomb robbery." He Jingyu said, "We found a well-covered robbery hole not far from Taoyuan, and yesterday it was Big Brother Qian and Big Brother Sun who were on duty at night. The sound of ping-pong-pong, and they blew drugs into the cabin, there must be something wrong."

"But our Qijia Village has no treasures, and there is no royal tomb!" Qi Shuliang said, "Our ancestors have lived here for hundreds of years, I really don't know!"

"You also said that it was hundreds of years ago, maybe this cemetery was hundreds or thousands of years ago?" He Jingyu said, "It doesn't matter whether it is a tomb robbery or not, but it is true that someone is plotting to do something wrong. The most important thing now is to report it quickly. . Otherwise, the loss will not only be the things in the ancient tomb behind, but also our peach orchard!"

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(End of this chapter)

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