Chapter 441 Consistent, Doubtful
Qi Ling explained that this is all about grandfather, who often told them in private.

In this day and age, such a thing is simply not dared to say it with great fanfare.

"That's the same as Brother Qi's words." Grandma Qi said, "You know, although I can communicate with country M, but not often. The next time I write a letter, I will ask someone to Your second grandfather brought a letter. Even if he can't come back to recognize his relatives, at least he can send some photos back, and you can also prepare some photos."

Qi Ling knew about Grandma Qi's family, and it was safest to go through Grandma Qi.

"Thank you, Grandma Qi." Qi Ling said gratefully, "When I'm done with this matter, I'll take pictures and take a family portrait when I get back."

"Okay!" Grandma Qi said, so that one more family can be reunited.

He Tiantian saw that it was almost finished, and asked, "Brother Qi, have you found the whereabouts of those tomb robbers?"

"I went to the mountain to look around just now, but I couldn't find it." Qi Ling said, "But I can be sure that those people cannot leave here, and they should still be in the back mountain."

He Tiantian was surprised, those people were in the back mountain, but they died in the back mountain!
"Oh, then please ask Brother Qi to investigate it as soon as possible. We heard that those tomb robbers are extremely vicious people who dare to kill and set fire to anything." He Tiantian said, making a scared expression!

"Yes, so when you go to the back mountain, you must go together, not alone." Qi Ling said, as long as those people are not found, the villagers of Qijia Village will not feel at ease.

Qi Ling made notes to Village Chief Qi, He Jingyu and others one by one.

Of course, everyone automatically ignored the discovery of the dragon crossing the catastrophe.

Even if he saw this matter with his own eyes, he could only say a word in front of his own family, and he couldn't say it outside at all.

If it is not done well, there will be a big hat of feudal superstition, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Furthermore, the villagers of Qijia Village also have their own selfish intentions. They attribute the good weather and good weather of Qijia Village in the past two years to the blessings of gods, and they don't want those outsiders to disturb and violate the dragons and gods.

Except for this, I didn’t say anything, but I said everything I saw and heard.

Qi Ling's analytical ability is very strong, so he directly shifted the focus to Hu Sanchuan in Hujia Village.

So after taking notes in Qijia Village, he took Old Wu and Xiao Chen to Hujia Village.

The head of Hu Village, Hu Village, saw Qi Ling trembling. This is the city policeman.

As long as you come to Hujia Village, there will be no good things in Hujia Village.

"Qi Gonggong, what's your business here?" Although Secretary Hu hated to see Qi Ling, he couldn't just drive him away, didn't he seem very guilty?

Qi Ling smiled and said: "This time there is something wrong, I want to find out about the situation from Hu Sanchuan in your village."

"Hu Sanchuan?" Hu Zhishu was stunned, "He is just a hunter, he is bold, usually has great strength, and works hard. His family is very popular in our village."

"Xiao Chen write it down." Qi Ling reminded Xiao Chen on the side, and hurriedly recorded, "We just asked him to understand the situation. We didn't say that he was related to the case now!"

"Hey!" Secretary Hu sighed, hoping that nothing would happen.

Originally, there was a thriving Qijia Village near the village, which has already surpassed Hujia Village.

After the previous murder and poisoning cases, the reputation of the Hu family village was completely stink.Now the big boys can't find a wife, and the big girls can't find a husband's family.What happened in Qijia Village before, all went to Hujia Village.

Hey, when I go to the commune meeting in the county seat, Village Chief Hu can't wait to put his head in his crotch, it's too embarrassing.

Village head Hu brought Qi Ling to Hu Sanchuan's home.

Hu Sanchuan was recuperating at home, when he saw Qi Ling coming in, he was nervous, but he tried to stay calm on the surface.

The biggest mistake that night was throwing away the shotgun, otherwise it would have been impossible to find him here.

"Captain Qi, hello, what's the matter?" Hu Sanchuan was careful. Qi Ling had been to Hu's Village several times, so almost everyone in Hu's Village knew Qi Ling, so it was not surprising that Qi Ling came up to address Captain Qi.

Qi Ling looked around and asked: "On the night of January [-]nd, that is, the night before the eve, where were you?"

Qi Ling didn't waste time and asked directly.

Hu Sanchuan thought for a while and said: "That night I was chased by wild boars in the back mountain and fell into a trap. Maybe I was sitting on the ground, warmed up by a poisonous snake, bit my arm, and the whole arm was numb. I knew it was a poisonous snake, so I cut off my arm with a knife to save my life."

"What about your shotgun?" Qi Ling asked, staring into Hu Sanchuan's eyes.

"At that time, I thought I was going to die, and I didn't know where the strength came from. I climbed up and broke my arm, so I hurried down to find a doctor." Hu Sanchuan said, "I don't know where I lost my shotgun."

"Then you have been hunting in the mountains recently, have you met any strangers?" Qi Ling asked, what Hu Sanchuan said was reasonable and reasonable, but after thinking about it carefully, it was not logical.

Hu Sanchuan thought for a while, then patted the other uninjured hand on the bed, and said, "I've seen it, one of them is relatively short, and the others are tall."

"Do they have guns?" Qi Ling asked, the tomb robbers must have guns.

"Yes." Hu Sanchuan said, "Seeing that they had guns and there were several more, I didn't dare to go forward and hid."

"When and where was that?" Qi Ling asked.

Hu Sanchuan thought for a while, and said: "The afternoon of the day before yesterday, when I was playing tricks..."

"Are you in good health now, can you show us the trap you fell into?" Qi Ling asked, looking at Hu Sanchuan seriously.

Hu Sanchuan smiled wryly, and said: "Captain Qi, I want to take you there too, but look, my arms and legs can't climb mountains, I can't go up!"

Qi Ling nodded and said, "Well then, I won't make things difficult for others. If there is no problem, please sign your name here."

"I can't write names, can I print my fingerprints?" Hu Sanchuan asked, a rough man, who can read!
"Okay!" Qi Ling said, took the ink pad, and Hu Sanchuan pressed the fingerprint with the remaining hand.

About half an hour later, Qi Ling came out of Hu Sanchuan's house.

"Captain Qi, I think Hu Sanchuan is lying." Old Wu said, "It's winter, even if digging traps is still daytime, who would dig traps at night! He won't be afraid of freezing to death in the back mountain overnight!"

"Yes, Captain, I also think there is something wrong with that person." Xiao Chen said, "Even though he is Orion, he spoke to us very calmly, as if he had thought about it beforehand." Xiao Chen said, feeling very strange.

(End of this chapter)

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