1970 is a little sweet

Chapter 45 Lost, hard work

Chapter 45 Lost, hard work

Professor Gu and Professor Wang looked at each other and smiled, this kid has a temperament like Senior Brother He!

At this moment, Qi Ergou drove the ox cart over, and saw He Tiantian smiled and said, "Sweet girl, are you tired of mowing the grass?"

"Not tired, second brother Qi." He Tiantian said, "I can do it. Brother Qi, what are you doing here with the ox cart?"

This is the work that Qi Ergou's mother, Zhao Dajiao, personally arranged for her. Even if she is tired, she cannot be said to be tired.Besides, compared to other people, this work is not too important for He Tiantian.

Because he can often go up the mountain, He Tiantian can pick delicious food on the mountain. If he is lucky, the snake on his ankle is in a good mood, and he can catch some meat and fish for He Tiantian.Exactly the way she likes to live!
"That's good." Qi Ergou smiled, "The village party secretary has already organized, let me pull these people to criticize."

Professor Gu, Professor Wang and the five people in the room were shivering and pale when they heard that they would be criticized.

"Second brother Qi, they are elderly people..." He Tiantian knew that she was a small talker and that Qi Ergou was kind to her. She couldn't push her nose on her face and directly plead for these people, she could only Talk side by side.

"Sweet girl, go to work, we know about this." Qi Ergou said, "Don't be afraid, it's just a cutscene!"

After Qi Ergou finished speaking, he went into the room and picked up an old man lying on the hay and put it on the ox cart, and didn't mean to embarrass these people.

These people could finally breathe a sigh of relief when they saw that Qi Ergou carried people to the ox cart instead of letting them climb over by themselves, or walk over with a lame leg.

He Tiantian in the previous life knew that Village Chief Qi treated these people who were sent to him kindly. Although there was no benefit in the past few years, after seven or eight years, the benefits were seen.In addition to Qi Xiaoyan's suicide, the eldest son of the village chief was the first to get rich in the village, and the second son rose step by step in the unit, and finally achieved a high position.As for Li Mingkai, the culprit who had to commit suicide by Qi Xiaoyan, the end was miserable. Although he didn't die, when he was working, half of his body was suppressed by the machine, and he was directly paralyzed.

Qi Ergou is not very smart, but he is obedient on one merit.

When the village chief Qi was in power, he followed the village chief Qi; when the elder Qi was in power, he followed the eldest son of the village chief.Just because of this, the village chief Qi's family did not treat Qi Ergou badly, and Qi Ergou's family became the second richest in the village.

Qi Ergou took the person away. He Tiantian originally wanted to go there to see it, but thinking that he has seen it in his previous life, he doesn't need to watch it in this lifetime.Knowing that they don't have a big business and don't need her help, she'd better go to the mountain to mow the grass.Get some more wild vegetables, if you can catch pheasants, you can make soup for them.

He Tiantian carried the bamboo basket on her back and walked up the mountain.

The task in the afternoon is also very heavy, and it is also three trips back and forth to cut the three big baskets.

Two baskets have been completed, this is the third basket.

He Tiantian dug up a basket of wild vegetables and heard the sound of rushing water. He Tiantian came to a small stream. The water was clear. snake.

Rub, rub, rub!
"What do you want?" The King Snake had already got off He Tiantian's ankle, jumped into the creek, and stuck a head out of it.

The speed was so fast that He Tiantian couldn't see clearly, how did the little silver snake come down?
"It's nothing, it's just that I want to eat meat, can you help me catch two chickens?" He Tiantian said, she didn't have the ability to catch them herself, so she could only ask the little silver snake for help.

"It's stupid!" The snake king said angrily, it's not very easy to have him improve his body and catch two pheasants!
"Hehehe!" He Tiantian smirked, "The King Snake is amazing!"

"That's natural!" King Snake swam around in the water and said proudly with his head raised.

He Tiantian was speechless, but now is the time to beg the King of Snakes, so it's better to be humble.Furthermore, although King Snake is arrogant, he still helps her every time.When the little silver snake has had enough, climb out of the water, "Xixi Susuo" on the ground, and crawl forward in an "S" shape.

He Tiantian chased after him, one person and one snake, very fast, and after a while, he came to a dense grass.

"Why don't you leave?" He Tiantian asked, except for the grass, there is no pheasant in front of you!

When the King Snake saw He Tiantian glaring at her, He Tiantian didn't dare to say a word.

The surroundings were very quiet, but within half a minute, a few pheasants came out of the grass.

He Tiantian was overjoyed, but she found that these pheasants were dizzy and unconscious as if they were drunk.

"Don't do it yet!" The little silver snake gritted his teeth and said, stupid, really stupid!
"Hey!" He Tiantian replied stupidly, bending over to break the neck with one hand, then grabbed the other two, and swiftly broke the neck of the pheasant again.

The King Snake looked at He Tiantian swiftly, without a moment's hesitation, he pondered for a moment, and said, "I usually see you as timid, but you are not afraid of killing these pheasants!"

He Tiantian picked up the pheasant, sighed, and smiled bitterly: "What cruelty, fear, nothing compared to hunger. In my previous life, I opened a braised meat shop. I would kill a lot of chickens and ducks a day. I'm still afraid to cry if I'm a chicken, and I've already died of poverty."

"Humph!" The King Snake saw that He Tiantian was right and righteous, but he was angry, "You are so capable, why are you still living in such a poor state?"

He Tiantian heard it, her heart was full of sourness, this snake king would tell the truth, and said, "What's the use of being diligent, the eyes are blind, the heart is empty, it's just a life with a muddy body."

The King Snake saw that He Tiantian, who was still in high spirits just now, suddenly became lethargic, and knew that He Tiantian had a bad past life.Although it was unintentional to hurt He Tiantian, he was still a little embarrassed.

He Tiantian put the pheasant in the basket, which was covered with a lot of grass, stuffed full, and heavier than usual.

The King Snake knew that He Tiantian was in a low mood. He lowered his head, his thin shoulders were drooping, and he had no energy. He couldn't continue laughing at He Tiantian, so he obediently ran to He Tiantian to rest at his ankle.

He Tiantian carried her things down the mountain, tears streaming down her face.Since her rebirth, she has been encouraging herself to be strong, but the past life will still affect her mood from time to time.

Although a bit hypocritical, she couldn't help it.

Walking with a sullen head, walking out of the shadows of the mountains, the bright rays of the sun greeted He Tiantian's gloomy heart.

He Tiantian raised her head and looked at the endless sunset!

The chance to start all over again is already precious.What reason does she have to feel sad about the absurd past in her previous life, the more sad she is now, the more failure she has in the past.

Seize the present and look to the future.

Her life is destined to be different from her previous life, so she will use her own hands and efforts to create, not useless tears!

(End of this chapter)

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