1970 is a little sweet

Chapter 48 Protection

Chapter 48 Protection
Village Chief Qi was taken aback. He had always thought that someone else had reported him, but he didn't expect it to be someone from the village.It seems that in Qijia Village, his prestige is not enough to convince the public.

When this happens, there are two possibilities.

First, someone had a problem with these few old people who were sent to the village and wanted to put them to death.

Second, some people in the village disapproved of him, they fell in love with his position as the village party secretary, and wanted to replace him.

No matter which possibility, Village Chief Qi cannot accept it.

Village head Qi reached out to get the letter to see who would expose him.

But Zhou Zhouhai had already retracted it, and said with a smile: "Cillage Chief Qi, you must not read this letter. We must protect those who expose it, otherwise, no one will support our work in the future."

"Since it's a report, it's a one-sided statement. Only after the investigation can I have the right to speak." The village head said, "I always follow the instructions of the commune, and I don't protect the people who have been sent down. Now those who are assigned to our village It has already participated in mass production and is undergoing further labor reform and ideological reform. Director Zhou, if you don’t believe it, you can check it at any time.”

Village head Qi has this self-confidence. Except for the old man with a broken leg, everyone else has already gone to work in the fields today.Even if Hai goes to check on Thursday, nothing will come out.

"Inspection is a must, but Village Chief Qi, you can't follow, we have to investigate in person and get first-hand information." Thursday Haidao proudly said, "The people I brought are currently inspecting."

Village Chief Qi felt aggrieved, it was the first time that he was so run on by a young man.

Hey, the world is in chaos, so chaotic that he can't tell the principles of ethics and common sense, and he is at a loss as to what to do.

But these people obviously came prepared, Village Chief Qi didn't dare to be careless and dealt with it carefully.

He Tiantian was mowing grass on the mountain, when the snake king on the ankle suddenly crawled out, reminded He Tiantian who was working dully, and said: "Here comes from the village, there are more than [-] vicious people, they don't look like good people, it seems It's for those old folks..."

Although the Snake King is always in his enchantment space, as long as he is not practicing, he can also perceive things outside.

He Tiantian had a good impression of those people, and the Snake King took it to heart.

Now those who can be called vicious are those young people who are confused and passionate.When these people come over, the old people in the village who have been sent down will be pitiful.

This morning, Professor Gu and others had already gone to work, but the white old man was resting in the house.Gu Nianbai, the village chief, had a broken leg and was unable to work.But these students and young people don’t care. If they don’t work, if they don’t accept labor reform, then they have ideological problems and must be corrected.As for fractures, no one cares at all.

He Tiantian didn't care about continuing to mow the grass, so she picked up the almost full bamboo basket and ran down the mountain quickly.

"Hey...hey...you wait for me..." Seeing He Tiantian running away, the Snake King kept chasing and shouting, cursing inwardly , What a bad guy.

"Aren't you the Snake King? Can you still catch up with me?" He Tiantian didn't even look back, and accelerated down the mountain.

The Snake King was so angry that he was half dead, his eyes were on fire, he could keep up with him in short distances, but he couldn't in long distances.

"You..." The Snake King really regrets that he didn't kill He Tiantian before. This ugly woman actually underestimated it. The King must let her see how powerful it is, and continue to chase after it like a snake.

Chasing is catching up, but now he has reached the foot of the mountain.

The snake king was so exhausted that he was out of breath and hid in the shaded grass to rest.When the rest is over, I will teach this ignorant woman a lesson!
When He Tiantian arrived at the animal husbandry team, seeing that the students and young people hadn't arrived yet, she hurried into the room and said, "Grandpa Bai, the young students are here, I'll help you out, and you sit on the ground drying grass, which proves that you are also working , it is estimated that it can pass the inspection.”

The old man Bai also knew that these little devils seemed to be crazy, and they couldn't make sense at all.If you don't put on a show now, those people will definitely torture this old man.

"Then I'll trouble you, sweet girl." The old man Bai said, asking He Tiantian to help him out.

He couldn't stand on his legs for a long time, so he had to sit on the ground. He Tiantian quickly dumped the freshly cut grass in a pile, and just after it was poured, he heard a noisy sound from outside.

"Grandpa Bai, I'm sorry." He Tiantian whispered, she did this to protect old man Bai.

In the previous life, nothing like this happened at all.

He Tiantian panicked, guessing that it might be because she changed some things, and the things around her changed accordingly.These old people are also implicated by her, so He Tiantian hopes that she can try her best to help them.

"It's okay." The old man smiled wryly, today's life is not easy!

"You have to work with a broken leg. Only by receiving labor and re-education can you show your sincerity." He Tiantian said sharply, "You should quickly spread out these grasses to dry, otherwise you will refuse to accept the reform."

The white old man lowered his head, sat on the ground, spread out the green grass piled on the ground with both hands, and picked out the weeds inside.

At this time, Zhou Zhouhai had already brought people to the animal husbandry team, just in time to see such a scene, he took the lead in applauding, and said: "Okay, this is our promising young man! A young man with consciousness and ambition..."

He Tiantian smiled modestly, and said, "I'm sorry, I only realized the importance of enlightenment after I received a profound education. Now is the time for great construction, and we can't let the black sheep hold us back."

"Yes, that's how it should be." Zhou Hai smiled and said, "Yes, yes, you did a good job. As you can see, this comrade did a very good job. It is our job to let those who make mistakes receive labor re-education. greatest success.”

He Tiantian applauded, and said: "You are so right. Our village head Qi said so. You see, in our village, even if a bone is broken, we still have to work. This is just responding to the call of the organization!"

Those young people who followed also started to applaud Zhou Hai.

Zhou Hai was happy, Qijia Village was not bad, and his awareness was high.However, it was a waste of time to come this time, and there was no gain.

Thinking about it the other way around, passing the surprise inspection can also prove that his work is in place!

Village head Qi was secretly surprised when he saw He Tiantian behind Zhou Zhouhai. Could it be that He Tiantian reported him?
Village head Qi was dubious, but seeing that Zhou Zhouhai had no intention of continuing, he was slightly relieved.

"Village Chief Qi, you have done a good job. Those who made mistakes have been labored and ideologically remolded." Zhou Hai changed his name, and no problems can be found today, and it is indeed a busy farming season. If re-education is carried out , which affects the mass production, that is, his work is not in place, and Director Zheng will not support him.

 Chapter 48, you can still read it during the day.It was around [-]:[-] p.m., and I received a back notice saying that sensitive content had been blocked. I had already edited it and waited behind me.There are some places in the text that have pinyin or are separated by spacers in the middle. This is also to avoid shielding harmony and causing inconvenience to everyone. I am very sorry.

  In future writing, I will definitely be careful and try not to be imprisoned in the future. o(╯□╰)o
(End of this chapter)

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