1970 is a little sweet

Chapter 52 Looking for the Inner Ghost

Chapter 52 Looking for the Inner Ghost

Qi Shuli can't do it!

Village Chief Qi glanced at Qi Shuli and asked, "It's not from the village, who could it be? On Thursday, Hai told me in person that he was from our village. Is it necessary for him to lie and deceive us?"

"Cough cough!" Qi Shuli coughed twice, "Those people were originally sent-down labor reformers, maybe it was someone looking for trouble, or it might be... those young people in the city... "

Qi Shuli has long been disliked by those young people in the city whose eyes are higher than the top. Now that he has the opportunity to discredit them, he will naturally not miss this good opportunity.Anyway, it's just suspicion, no evidence is needed, and he's not talking nonsense.

Zhao Bigfoot looked up at Qi Shuli, lowered his head again, and pouted his lips. This old bastard probably has a crush on some young girl again.Those young people in the city are not very old, and their looks are okay.I didn't have a chance before, but now I have a little chance, and I start to show my face, an old rascal who is alive and well.

Besides, those young people in the city and the people who were sent to the city have no contact at all, and there is no conflict at all. Why should they report it?

Qi Shuqiang, the captain of the first team, said, "Second brother Shuli, what he said makes sense. People in our village should not be able to do such a thing."

The captain of the second team, Qi Shuming, looked at Qi Shuli, Qi Shuqiang, took a puff of dry smoke, and said, "I haven't caught the current one, and I can't be sure who it is. Although those young people in the city are squeamish, they are not blind. People shouldn't do such a thing."

Qi Shuli sneered and said, "Just the few of us, I'm also talking about it, and I didn't say that it must be done by young people in the city."

"That's right, I'm just saying, if it's impossible for the young people in the city to report, then it's even more impossible for the villagers in our village to be from the villagers." The first team leader Qi Shuqiang and Qi Shuli have a closer relationship. Qi Shuli spoke.

Village Chief Qi knew that the first team leader and the second team leader usually like to compete, but he didn't expect to be able to raise the bar on this matter.

Hey, I don't worry about it, and I don't even look at what form it is now, and I'm still fighting in the nest!

"Since everyone can't tell who it is, then go back and think about it." Village Chief Qi said, not wanting to see them raise a bar and let these people leave.Instead of letting these people raise the bar here, it's better to go back and look for clues.

"Yeah, please, I can't find out about this matter for a while, then check it slowly, check it carefully, you can't wrong a good person, and you can't let a bad person go." Qi Shuli said righteously, "Today Qi Village If you are exhausted, we will not disturb you, rest well, and find out the inner ghost only when you have the energy."

"Yes, yes." Qi Shuqiang echoed again, like Qi Shuli's answering worm.

The second captain, Qi Shuming, said: "Mr. Qi, this is a strange thing. There are many people in the village. It is estimated that there is no useful information in the village. If you can, Village Chief Qi, you should find someone from above to help you check. Find out who reported it, teach him a good lesson, let him know that it is a great relationship, and cannot cause harm to the whole village because of him alone."

Re-education time and time again throughout the day, affecting production and work, I don't know who is afraid that the world will not be in chaos and harm the entire Qijia Village?In good conscience, during the time when Village Chief Qi was the party secretary, the village was very peaceful, and other villages did not dare to come to trouble.It is good enough to take care of the people in the village and get benefits for the villagers from the commune.

But some people only see a little bit in front of their own eyes and don't see it for a long time.When I found out that there were not as many things as before, I began to regret it.

Seeing that everyone was talking, Zhao Dazuo couldn't stay silent when she came here. After thinking for a while, she said, "Mr. Qi, it's actually not difficult to find out about this matter. First of all, that Zhou Zhouhai said , that person wrote a letter-report-report. In this way, many people can be excluded. There are not many literate people in our village. Also, if you write a letter, you have to send it to the commune, and then check again. Whoever went to the county town during this time can exclude many people, and narrow down the scope of the remaining people, which will make it easier to check. .”

Several people looked at Zhao Dajiao, director of the Women's Federation. It was not easy. If this Zhao Dajiao was a man, the village chief, Qi village chief, would be willing to let her be.

Narrowing down is better than finding a needle in a haystack.

"Okay, let's do it like this, the three of you will go and find out which literate person has been to the county during this time." Village Chief Qi also thinks this is reliable. Just prepare with both hands, now is busy with farming, we must harvest corn and rice as soon as possible, this is the top priority."

Village Chief Qi explained that nothing has a big belly. If food is gone, it means life is gone. Where can I manage re-education and a series of sports!

Several people agreed, said a few words, divided the labor, and then left.

After several village officials left, Liang Hongyu came out of the back room. There were so many people just now that she couldn't be present and couldn't interject. Now only the husband and wife were left, and she slowly said, "Bigfoot's method is good. I also have to find someone to help me find out. Dazhu, since we have no grudges with the people in the village, there are people who are now prosecuting-calling, maybe someone is interested in your position as the village party secretary. A few village cadres were there just now. Sorry to say."

Village Chief Qi sneered, knocked off the ash from the copper smoking bag, and said, "The village is not as peaceful as we imagined. I used to be careless in the past, and I won't be able to do this in the future. No matter what the outside world is like, as long as you arrange for those who will be sent down. Staff, more than anything."

"What I'm saying is that if you are in good health, do some heavy work, and if you are not in good health, you should be lighter. Anyway, don't let them idle, so those who engage in sports can't do anything." Liang Hongyu said, "Old man Bai is My son specially explained it, and let us take good care of it. It seems that someone in the village has seen that we are different from old man Bai, and we can't help old man Bai clearly in the future, we have to find a way to get others to come forward. "

"Hey! What a mess!" Village Chief Qi sighed, his eyes suddenly lit up, thinking of today's great hero and said: "Yes, sweet girl, she is a clever one, if it wasn't for her today, I would be unlucky too. I'll be free tomorrow. When you see Sweet Girl, let her take care of the old man Bai secretly. It is more convenient for her to work in the animal husbandry team. "

Liang Hongyu nodded and said, "That's a good idea. That girl is a clever one. Leave it to her. We can rest assured. When there is an opportunity to recruit jobs or go to college, let her pay attention."

"That's natural." Village Chief Qi said, "I never treat people badly. It's just that the recent world has been chaotic, and there has been no quota. But fortunately, there is enough food in the village, and the sweet girl is small. When the limelight passes, She's an adult, so it's not too late to make arrangements."

Liang Hongyu was very satisfied with her husband's arrangement, and said, "That's fine, I will tell her when I see sweet girl tomorrow, that girl is clever and will definitely complete the task."

That He Tiantian is very smart and knows how to do what is good for him. As long as they reveal the promised benefits, He Tiantian will definitely help.

(End of this chapter)

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