Chapter 568 Qi's Primary School, Pregnant

He Jingyu can write with a calligraphy brush. During the Chinese New Year, the villagers took the cut red paper and asked He Jingyu to write couplets.

For weddings and funerals, He Jingyu will also be asked to help keep the accounts, and gradually become the orderly of Qijia Village.

Secretary Qi asked He Jingyu to write "Qijia Primary School", these four words, and then got four big stones, carved words on them, and painted them with red paint.

These four big characters can be seen from a distance, "Qijia Primary School".

April [-]st is April Fool's Day, but it is also the day when Qijia Primary School starts.

Under the leadership of their parents, the children came to sign up one after another.

Twenty cents for tuition!
No money for books!

The average family can afford it, so many people come to sign up.

There were more than 300 people who signed up on the first day, most of them were from Qijia Village; on the second day, there were more than 200; on the third day, dozens.

After three days of registration, there were a total of 590 nine students, one person short of six hundred, twelve classes.

This is elementary school.

The result of the educational gap.

The teachers began to examine the cultural level of the students and found that the students were illiterate, so children aged seven and above were enrolled in the first grade.

Children under the age of six all go to Yuhong Class, which is divided into Junior Class, Middle Class and Senior Class according to age.

The children in the Yuhong class are relatively young, and adults in other villages cannot send their children, so more than 260% of the children in the Yuhong class are from Qijia Village. Including the little kids from Hujia Village, [-] children are taken in.

The children in Yuhong class are small, there are [-] students in each class, and there are seven classes in total.

At least seven teachers.

All the junior high school students and high school students in the village are not enough!

So village head Qi found a few elementary school graduates from the village to become teachers of the Yuhong class.

Qi Daniu is also among them, in charge of teaching the third class of Yuhong Class.

He Tiantian is in charge of Class [-], Grade [-]. She is a Chinese teacher, teaching Pinyin and Chinese characters.

Li Mingkai can play the accordion, he is the only music teacher in the school.

Wang Lei and Zhang Qingshan are math teachers.

Sister Wu, Ye Xiaofan teaches Chinese.

The reason why female teachers are allowed to teach Chinese is mainly because female teachers are more patient.

The final candidates for the principal were Principal Yang, an old teacher sent by the commune, and Secretary Qi, the vice principal.

On the day the school officially started, Zhang Niansheng and Niu Peng came over, planted a few small trees, and said some impassioned words of encouragement in front of all the students.

From this day on, He Tiantian became a teacher.

Huo Yingjie is free, a part-time physical education teacher.

Women sing their husbands!

He Tiantian feels very happy and fulfilled when she is with children every day, and she doesn't miss cooking for grandma, mom and dad, and grandpa Qi.

In a blink of an eye, it's summer vacation!

The hottest part of the day can be overwhelming for adults, let alone children.

Two and a half months of school, two months of vacation, school starts on September [-]st.

In just two and a half months, the child did not learn much, only half a semester, but the content of the first grade is very simple, and the child is relatively older, basically knows the Chinese pinyin, addition and subtraction within [-] Law.

There is another place in the rural elementary school that is better. When the farming is busy, they have two weeks off to help the production team at home.

There were watermelons planted in the peach orchard, and He Jingyu saw that they were ripe, so he picked two and put them in bamboo baskets, and carried them home.

Peach trees and peaches belong to the village, but as for the growth below, people in Qijia Village turn a blind eye.

Seeing a watermelon, He Tiantian put the watermelon in the cellar, and took it out to eat after dinner at night, and it became cooler.

"Dad, what did grandma say in the letter?" He Tiantian asked, serving food from the house and putting it on the table in the yard.

"Your brother's name, He Zhifei, and your grandmother asked about your situation." He Jingyu smiled, "She also said that she wanted you to go abroad."

He Tiantian glanced at Huo Yingjie who was not far away, and said with a wry smile: "I still won't go, I'll prepare for the college entrance examination next year."

"Hehe, whatever you want, anyway, there will be opportunities in the future." He Jingyu smiled, and went to the room to ask Wang Shuping to eat, and he held the child.

The child is five months old, chubby, very cute, but also very naughty, crying when no one is around.

If someone is there, even if adults ignore him, he will play by himself without crying.

"Father, let me hold you. You eat first." He Tiantian smiled and reached out to take her chubby brother.

He Tiantian was holding the child, while Huo Yingjie took out He Doudou's cradle.

"Let him stay inside, Doudou is very good and won't cry." Huo Yingjie said, although my brother-in-law is very cute, but after eating, it's best to sleep in the cradle, which is cool and comfortable.

Wang Shuping smiled and said, "It's still cool in the cradle, as I said just now, don't hold it."

Today He Jingyu not only brought back two watermelons, but also two crucian carp.

He Tiantian made braised crucian carp, stir-fried eggplant, cold cucumber, and tomato scrambled eggs.

Although simple, it is much richer than in the city.

He Tiantian had eaten, went to wash the dishes, and squatted on the ground. For some reason, she suddenly felt the food in her stomach rising continuously, and she accidentally vomited it out.

He Tiantian spat out a puddle of the food he had just eaten.

Huo Yingjie, who was cleaning the watermelon, was taken aback, quickly dropped the watermelon, ran over and asked, "Tiantian, what's wrong with you? You've eaten your stomach!"

He Tiantian pushed Huo Yingjie away and continued to vomit, but what came out was water.

Grandma Qi San and Wang Shuping looked at each other with joy on their faces.

He Tiantian has been married for half a year and has never been pregnant. Wang Shuping is secretly anxious. After all, one of the reasons why Huo Yingjie followed his daughter to Qijia Village is to have a baby, but there is no movement for half a year, so it's hard to explain!

Furthermore, if you are young and have not conceived for such a long time, then there is a problem!
If you have any questions, just watch them!
It's just that she can say it for her daughter, but for her son-in-law, Wang Shuping is too embarrassed to say it!
"Tiantian, tell me, when was your last menstrual period?" Wang Shuping asked directly, regardless of Huo Yingjie's presence.

He Tiantian has never given birth to a child, and she doesn't know how many days of delayed menstruation is pregnancy.

He Tiantian was also very excited when she saw her mother asking this question, so she quickly stretched out her fingers to make the final calculation.

However, there was Huo Yingjie who knew better than He Tiantian beside him, and said, "53 days ago, your period ended."

He Tiantian and Wang Shuping were taken aback for a moment, but the day ended 53 days ago, which is estimated to have been two months.

"Yingjie, hurry up and ask Dr. Wang, let her come and see, is it there?" Wang Shuping urged, she couldn't wait.

"Oh!" Huo Yingjie pushed the bicycle in the yard and walked out of the yard.

When he was about to reach Wang Shuilian's house, Huo Yingjie realized that he would feel his pulse too!

When I was nervous, when I was excited, I actually forgot.

(End of this chapter)

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