Chapter 590 thin, college entrance examination

It may be that it feels cooler, and the baby's crying is quieter.

The little tortoise whimpered, not knowing what he was talking about, but the child gradually stopped crying.

It would be great if the little tortoise could take shape, and help him take care of the children.

In this way, both he and Tiantian can go to college without worrying about the children at home.

It's just that if it is transformed, how to explain the origin of the transformed little tortoise?
It's hard to explain to my father that there is one more person rashly.

Huo Yingjie dismissed the idea.

He Tiantian made the meal and brought it to the stone table under the tree, only to find that the child had stopped crying and was sleeping very soundly.

It also feels much cooler!

"Oh, something's wrong, how did it become so cool?" He Tiantian asked in surprise, although it didn't look like she was in an air-conditioned room, but it was already very cool, and at the same time, the child wouldn't feel too cold.

Huo Yingjie pointed to the little Xuangui under the two cribs and said, "It's him. He's always cold and has air conditioning."

"That's really great, this summer doesn't have to be so difficult." He Tiantian said, "By the way, this can only be used in our home, but we can't tell other people, even parents-in-law, it's hard to explain!"

"You're right, you can't let your parents know." Huo Yingjie smiled, "Come on, eat quickly! Eat more, you haven't had a good appetite these days and you've lost weight!"

For his wife's hard work, Huo Yingjie has always seen and kept it in his heart, and tried to do what he could.

He Tiantian squeezed her face, then looked down at her rather magnificent chest, and the fleshy belly, very speechless!

This is thin?

Which of Huo Yingjie's eyes could see that she had lost weight?

"Eat more too." He Tiantian said, "I'm not thin, you are."

At night, the child was crying. He Tiantian just woke up and saw that Huo Yingjie was already up to change the child's diaper, hug and coax the child.

Most of He Tiantian's work was breastfeeding, and Huo Yingjie basically did the rest.

Huo Yingjie was not fat before, but now he is even thinner.

"Be fatter and look better!" Huo Yingjie smiled, his eyes glanced at He Tiantian's chest.

"Eat!" He Tiantian blushed, embarrassed by her husband.

Ever since she was confinement, He Tiantian heard from her mother that she can only have intercourse after two months, so she has been avoiding Huo Yingjie's love.

Huo Yingjie felt sorry for his wife. Although he knew that his wife had recovered, he did not force He Tiantian.

It's just a pain in the ass.

"Hehe, I'm serious, I'm not joking." Huo Yingjie said, he liked everything about He Tiantian.

It is really rare to have each other!

"Then you look better if you are fatter, and you should eat more." He Tiantian gave Huo Yingjie the chicken legs in the bowl, hoping that Huo Yingjie would eat more, "You are the pillar of the family now, and you have a heavy burden to feed Our three mothers, it’s okay to be in poor health!”

"You are not a burden, but my family, my dearest people." Huo Yingjie said, and gave He Tiantian the chicken legs again.

He Tiantian took the bowl away and said angrily, "Okay, hurry up and eat it! If you don't eat it, I won't eat it either."

Huo Yingjie would go to the surrounding countryside every morning to buy old hen stewed soup for her to drink.

Huo Yingjie was always worried that she wouldn't have enough to eat, and everything was tight to her, which made He Tiantian both moved and angry.

"Okay, okay, I'll eat." Huo Yingjie smiled and ate the chicken drumsticks, "Drink more soup! I'll go buy some fish tomorrow morning, and stew fish soup tomorrow."

"Although speculators are not as strict as before, you have to be careful not to be caught." He Tiantian reminded that after a year or two, there will be more spontaneous markets in the countryside. By then, as long as you have money, You can buy a lot of things.

"I see, it'll be fine." Huo Yingjie smiled, not caring, the person who can catch him hasn't been born yet!

Sure enough, the next day, Huo Yingjie got two black silver carp, bought tofu, and stewed the fish head tofu soup. The remaining fish pieces couldn't be eaten for a while, so they were salted.

Not only He Tiantian, but Huo Yingjie and Huo Yingjie also ate well. Huo Zhekun and Jiang Lifang's food level has also improved greatly since He Tiantian and his wife returned to Nanshi.

Jiang Lifang is the happiest. Now her home is safe and sound, her baby is imported, her work is going smoothly, and she is happy all day long.

He Tiantian wrote to Grandma Qi, Old Man Qi, Da Niu Qi, Qi Xiaoyan, and Niu Lili in Qijia Village, waiting for their replies.

There is still one week before the college entrance examination, He Tiantian took out Huo Yingjie's notes and read them carefully, lest she forget.

The work of taking care of the children fell entirely on Huo Yingjie.

As a top student, I have mastered that stuff long ago, so I don't need to spend time reading books at all.

The exam is coming tomorrow. He Tiantian checked the tools and some documents used in the exam to make sure they are correct before going back to sleep.

Waking up in the morning, He Tiantian uses a manual breast pump to wash out the milk and put it in a feeding bottle. When the child is hungry, he can warm it with hot water and give it to the child to drink.

In order to take care of the children, Jiang Lifang asked He Tiantian and Huo Yingjie to take the exam with peace of mind, and asked for leave to take care of the children at home.

The child is growing up, almost two months old, chubby, pink, very cute.

He Tiantian and Huo Yingjie came to the examination room together.

Huo Yingjie looked indifferent, but He Tiantian was very nervous. The difficult review and exam process in his previous life kept flashing in his mind.

"Tiantian, you are so hardworking and smart, you will definitely be able to do it." Huo Yingjie encouraged, the past is over, there is no need to think about it.

Now is all that matters.

He Tiantian looked at her husband, nodded and smiled, and said, "Okay, I understand. Let's work hard together."

He Tiantian and Huo Yingjie went to their respective examination rooms.

Looking at the unfamiliar faces full of hope in front of her, He Tiantian also became energetic. She has worked hard for so long, and it is time to reap the rewards.

Whether she can get in or not, she has to go to university!

It's a pity that I didn't go to college because of those wolf-hearted people in my previous life.He Tiantian, who knew the truth, felt remorseful and wanted to die.

But in this life, if she doesn't go to school because her child doesn't go to school, it's for the child, so she is willing.

He Tiantian found her seat, and after the invigilator checked, she heard the voice on the radio announcing the start of the exam.Quietly afterwards, the examinees watched the teacher distribute the test papers, which were not only test papers, but also filled with the hopes and ideals of many people.

"After writing down your name, place of origin, and ID number, you can start answering the questions." The invigilator reminded that he was worried that some people would patronize the exam and forget to write their names. Even if they got full marks in the exam, it would not help.

(End of this chapter)

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