Chapter 596 Admission Notice, Grandma Wang

After staying in Nanshi for a few days, Chief Engineer Sun, Aunt Li, and Zhou Yuanchao are going back to Nanshi Science and Technology Research Institute.

Zhou Yuanchao would pick up Wang Ying from get off work these few nights, chatting and speculating.

Although they have not yet reached the level of lovers, they can be regarded as familiar friends.

He Tiantian prepared several boxes of Xinghualou snacks for them, and Huo Yingjie sent them to the car.

Wang Ying actually came over to send Zhou Yuanchao a bag of fruit.

Zhou Yuanchao was grateful and said, "I'll write you a letter when I get there."

"Okay! I'll wait for your reply." Wang Ying said, she also had a good impression of Zhou Yuanchao, a simple and honest man.

The parents also secretly met Zhou Yuanchao in private, and they were very satisfied, and told her to get along first, and then get to know each other better.

Zhou Yuanchao often wrote letters to Wang Ying, and the two gradually became better off.

He Tiantian heard about Zhou Yuanchao and Wang Ying from Huo Yingjie, and said with emotion: "This is also fate! Otherwise, Zhou Yuanchao met so many girls, why did he only get to chat with this Wang Ying?"

"Yes!" Huo Yingjie nodded, "That sentence is absolutely true, if you are destined to meet thousands of miles away, it is difficult to hold hands if you don't have the opportunity!"

In a blink of an eye, it's time to fill out the volunteer application form.

Now fill in the volunteer application, the score has not yet come out, you need to estimate the score yourself.

With Huo Yingjie, an extremely smart person, He Tiantian calculated her score after the exam, and directly filled in the Chinese major of Nanshi University.

Huo Yingjie took advantage of the opportunity and directly reported it to the Department of Chemistry.

One liberal arts, one science.

After filling out the application form, He Tiantian and Huo Yingjie forgot about the college entrance examination, and the family stayed at home, not going anywhere.

In the hot summer, Nanshi is one of the three hottest stoves in the country, hiding at home is the best choice.

She used to think that the college entrance examination was very important, and it was an obsession in her heart.

Now that she has passed the college entrance examination, He Tiantian doesn't have the feeling that she has to go to college anymore.

It may be that her life is good now, and going to college is not her only hope.

A month passed, and in mid-August, He Tiantian and Huo Yingjie were locals from Nanshi, and they were the first to receive the admission letter from Nanshi University.

Huo Yingjie, as the number one scholar in Suzhou Province, was admitted to the university with the No.1 grade.

Although He Tiantian's grades were not as good as Huo Yingjie's, he was still in the top [-] of the whole body.

I got the admission notice, which said to report to the school on September [-]st.

Going to school is easy, but what about two four-month-old children?
It's impossible for her and Huo Yingjie to go to school with the child on their backs!

They are willing, and the teacher allows it!

When Jiang Lifang and Huo Zhekun came back from get off work, they saw two admission notices on the table in front of their son and daughter-in-law.

"It's great, both of you passed the exam." Jiang Lifang said, very happy.

Huo Zhekun was also very happy. His son graduated from high school, which has always been a pain in his heart. His daughter-in-law graduated from junior high school, and Lao He and Wang Shuping were more concerned.Now that I am admitted to university, I can finally receive higher education in a legitimate way.

"But what about the child?" Huo Yingjie wondered, "Both of us are going to college, and the child is left alone."

These colleges are full-time, with classes taking place throughout the day.It is impossible for two people to stagger the time of class!

After hearing this, Huo Zhekun smiled and said, "This way you don't have to worry, I've already figured out a way."

"What way?" Huo Yingjie said, "I can't let my mother retire early!"

"Your mother is still young, and now she is the backbone of the hospital. It is the time when she is rich in experience. Retiring is a loss to the country." Huo Zhekun said, "I have already written to Yanjing to let the king next to your grandmother Auntie, come and help us take care of the baby."

Huo Yingjie's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said, "Grandma Wang, that's really great."

He Tiantian was puzzled, and asked in a low voice, "Who is Grandma Wang?"

"It was my grandmother's former maid. Later, she married. The man died in the War of Resistance, and she has been with my grandmother since then. She used to take care of my uncle and father. Even when I was young, Grandma Wang helped take care of me until I was four years old. I only returned to Yanjing at the age of [-]."

"That's about the same as our grandmother!" He Tiantian nodded, she was her own person, she was trustworthy, and she could safely hand over the child to her.

This Grandma Wang is similar to Grandma Lan who is next to American grandmothers.

Although he is a master and servant, he loves sisters.

"Yes, Aunt Wang is here, you have to respect her." Jiang Lifang said, she didn't want her son and daughter-in-law to underestimate the people around her mother-in-law.

Furthermore, when people come to help look after the children, they must be respected.

"Don't worry, Mom, we must respect Grandma Wang." He Tiantian said, when school starts, the child is already five months old, and he can eat milk powder at that time.

He Tiantian and Huo Yingjie are refreshed after solving the important matter in their hearts.

I can finally go to college with peace of mind.

Finally, at the end of August, Grandma Wang was ushered in.

Huo Yingjie went to meet him in person and brought him home.

Grandma Wang met He Tiantian and had a good impression of him. She packed up and came over after receiving a telegram from Huo Zhekun in the capital.

"Grandma Wang, drink some water." He Tiantian brought tea and a plate of snacks to Grandma Wang herself.

Seeing He Tiantian and Huo Yingjie's enthusiasm, Grandma Wang was also very happy, and said, "You are welcome, and you don't need to be busy."

"Should be, should be." He Tiantian smiled and said, "Brother Yingjie, you stay with Grandma Wang, and I will cook."

Seeing He Tiantian enter the kitchen, Grandma Wang looked at the child in the crib.

Whoops, it's so cute, even cuter than their dad when they were young!Two at a time, so cute!

In Yanjing before, I thought that Huo Yingjun's son was already very good, but compared with these two children, there was still a gap.

But this is normal, after all, Huo Yingjie and He Tiantian are much stronger than Huo Yingjie and Zhao Huanhuan in appearance.

"Yingjie, these two children are really good-looking. They are bigger than when they were in Bairi, and they look much better. Another day, you can take another photo for the old lady, and the old lady will send it to you. They can't come, but every day After looking at the photos a few times, it’s extremely tight!”

"Okay, I have a camera at home, I'll take pictures later." Huo Yingjie said with a smile. He also likes to take pictures to keep his children's childhood memories.

With Grandma Wang and He Tiantian at home, Huo Yingjie felt a lot more relaxed.

Before school started, He Tiantian and Huo Yingjie were going to the supply and marketing agency to buy larger baby bottles and milk powder when they received a super large package from Paris.

There are not only ten buckets of milk powder for children, six large, medium and small feeding bottles of different sizes, but also clothes for all seasons.

Ever since she had a child, He Tiantian found that the things sent by her grandmother were obviously less for her.

But He Tiantian didn't lack anything and didn't feel lost.Anyway, giving her a child is the same as giving her.

There are only two pairs of good-looking autumn shoes, one pair of leather shoes, one pair of sneakers, and two autumn clothes.

Huo Yingjie had two sportswear and two pairs of sneakers.

(End of this chapter)

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