Chapter 617 Retain, watch the night

Village head Qi had already calculated in his heart that the benefits of dividing the land to households are great, but he was worried that the policy would suddenly change in the future, and those who were on the line would not be guaranteed at the end of the festival!
"It's a lot!" said the village chief, "I also said that if the land is divided into households, it seems that subsidies...subsidies for chemical fertilizers..."

At this time, Huo Yingjie squinted his eyes and suddenly said, "Cun Chief Qi, don't use chemical fertilizers in Qijia Village!"

"Why?" Village Chief Qi was taken aback. He had heard that the yield per mu of land using chemical fertilizers could increase by [-] to [-] percent.

"The soil in Qijia Village is very fertile, so the quality of rice and wheat is very good. If chemical fertilizers are used, the production may be increased, but the quality is not high, and they cannot be sold at a price." Huo Yingjie said, "At the same time, chemical fertilizers will destroy Qi The soil and environment of the village will affect those precious peach trees.”

"Ah?" Village Chief Qi was surprised. He was moved when he heard that chemical fertilizers can increase production.

Niu Dajun smiled and said, "Dad, Yingjie majored in chemistry, so he understands it better. I used to say that the wheat flour you gave us was delicious, but I'm not lying. It's really better than the flour we bought at the county supply and marketing cooperative." , the rice is delicious. I would rather be more expensive and buy good quality flour.”

"Hehe, I used to think that what you said was a compliment." Village Chief Qi said with a smile, "Okay, if that's the case, then I will stop the villagers from using chemical fertilizers. Anyway, our village doesn't have much food. When the time comes, the army will You can find a way to help us sell it in the county, and the price will be higher, and the villagers will see the benefits, so naturally they won't use those fertilizers."

Hearing this, Huo Yingjie nodded and said, "Don't use chemical fertilizers. The magic of Qijia Village cannot be destroyed."

"Our Qijia Village is indeed amazing." The village chief said, "Hey, if it is not allowed now, I really want to build a dragon temple in the back mountain and renovate the earth temple. How about other villages? I don’t know, but our Qijia Village is where Fuming sheltered, and I hope I can repay them in my lifetime.”

"Hehe, Village Chief Qi has a very ambitious goal." Huo Zhekun smiled. Now that reforms have been made, the culture is also gradually changing. Maybe it will really happen in a few years.

Village head Qi got the exact answer from Huo Zhekun and Huo Yingjie, so he has no worries and can rest at ease.

After resting in Nanshi for a day, I was about to leave.

Originally they wanted to leave the next day, but He Tiantian insisted on stopping them. Firstly, when the village head Qi came, Niu Dajun had to rest for two days; secondly, He Tiantian also wanted to buy something for Grandma Qi, Qi Xiaoyan, Niu Lili and others took it back.

He Tiantian prepared two big bags, and Huo Yingjie sent the village head Qi and Niu Dajun to the car.

He Tiantian also boiled more than a dozen eggs, scallion pancakes, braised pig ears, pork liver, etc. for them.These things are delicious when eaten cold.

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry.

Watching the train leave, He Tiantian felt a little melancholy.

But she also knows that everyone has their own life, and this parting is also for the next reunion.

Huo Yingjie gently took He Tiantian's hand, and said, "Tiantian, don't get lost. When the summer vacation is over, I'll take you to Qijia Village, and then you can meet Grandma Qi and other people in Qijia Village."

"Yeah." He Tian nodded. Fortunately, there was brother Yingjie by my side, which was great.

A week later, Huo Zhekun and Jiang Lifang were on vacation. They packed up their things and prepared to take their son, daughter-in-law, grandson, and granddaughter to Beijing.

There are many people on the train, and the smell is not very good.

In order to take care of the children conveniently, Huo Zhekun directly bought six sleeper tickets, a whole small room.

In this way, it will be more convenient for them to bring their children.

Plus Grandma Wang, five adults, and two children, it's not a waste.

In order to take care of the child conveniently, He Tiantian also brought a two-seater stroller.He Tiantian let go of the pedal under the stroller and let the two children sleep in it.A small quilt was spread underneath, and at night, He Tiantian took off their coats and put on sleeping bags with exposed heads, and then covered them with small quilts when they fell asleep.

Very warm.

This is He Tiantian's transformation specially for children.

Such clothes are very common in later generations, but not now.

Huo Ruihua is very well-behaved, he takes off his clothes and stays under the covers obediently, but Huo Ruimin is too naughty, takes off his clothes at night, and sometimes crawls out of the covers.When it's cold, you catch a cold.

He Tiantian did this to coax the child to sleep, even if he crawled out of the bed, he would not feel cold.

He Tiantian's invention won the admiration of the whole family.

"Brother Yingjie, go to sleep. I'll take care of the child." He Tiantian said softly. In the first half of the night, it was Huo Yingjie who took care of the child. In the second half of the night, He Tiantian woke up consciously and asked to watch the child.

Huo Yingjie smiled and said, "It's okay, you can continue to sleep. In the past, in the research institute, it's okay if you don't sleep for a few days and nights."

"No, you used to be a polished commander, but now you have a family and a family. There are old people on the top and young people on the bottom." He Tiantian said angrily, "Your body is not your own, it is ours. I warn you, you must Take good care of your health, we will all count on you in the future!"

Huo Yingjie covered He Tiantian's small mouth, murmured softly, "Okay, okay, I'll sleep!"

The crib is below, and He Tiantian is in the sleeper on the second floor.Just look at it, there is no need to go down, it is not cold in the bed.

Even though they closed the small door, He Tiantian was still worried.

It's about the child, He Tiantian is more careful than anyone else, she is afraid that the child will disappear when she opens her eyes.

In the morning, the child woke up.

He Tiantian woke up to change the baby's diaper, wash her face and butt, and then feed her milk powder.

These things, as long as He Tiantian is at home, no one else will be allowed to do them.

Try to raise your own child by yourself, the child is her responsibility, not someone else's.

He Tiantian didn't have time to wash up until He Tiantian cleaned up the child.The first thing is to get out the soap and wash your hands carefully.

There are many people, and it is easier to look after children.

Huo Zhekun was in charge of cooking, waiting for He Tiantian and Huo Yingjie to come back, just in time for dinner.

At the beginning of boarding the train, the two children were a little scared, but now they are fine, lying on the window, looking at the receding trees outside, shouting "ahhh".

He Tiantian didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and now she is a little sleepy.

"Tiantian, let's take care of the child. Go up and sleep for a while." Jiang Lifang smiled. Although she fell asleep at night, she also knew that her son and daughter-in-law took turns taking care of the child and stayed up in the middle of the night.

He Tiantian saw that the two children were having fun and there were many people taking care of them, so she nodded and said, "Thank you Mom, I'll go to bed then."

(End of this chapter)

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