Chapter 723 talk, work hard

Qian Shikun's wife, Liao Furong, looks younger than Qian Shikun, about 40 years old.

She talked to everyone and then cooked with her daughter-in-law.

He Tiantian came over and asked for help.

"Aunt Qian, I'll help." He Tiantian smiled, she couldn't get in the way of the men in the room talking, so she might as well come out and help.

"No need, Tiantian." Liao Furong refused, "Just sit in the room and it will be fine in a while."

"It's okay, I can't talk inside." He Tiantian had already squatted down and began to choose leeks.

Xie Wanying was cooking. Seeing He Tiantian, she smiled and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"No trouble." He Tiantian said, "By the way, I heard that you are leaving after the Lantern Festival."

"It was me and my husband, and the child left. My mother-in-law didn't want to leave." Xie Wanying said, "Zhigao and I are both school teachers and have to go to work. We will bring our children over during the summer vacation."

Every summer vacation, winter vacation, there are holidays, so I won't be unable to see each other all the time.

Now the reform and opening up, take a ship to Shenzhen, and then take a train from Shenzhen to Nanshi.Although it takes two days by train, it is worth it.

Although the father-in-law looks older, he has cleaned up the house very well. The mother-in-law has always missed him and stayed to take care of him, which was within her expectations.

"Hehe, that's pretty good." He Tiantian said, "I'm going to be an intern in college soon, and I'll become a teacher in the future, so I feel nervous just thinking about it."

"Oh, you are also a university teacher?" Xie Wanying asked in surprise, she too, she had heard about Nanshi University for a long time.

He Tiantian nodded and said: "Yes, but I just graduated in July this year. After the semester starts, I will start an internship. If there is no accident, I will become a university teacher."

"I teach mathematics, what about you?" Xie Wanying asked. Her family went to Xiangjiang in the 30s, and the whole family went there, so in the mainland, she has no relatives or friends. Now seeing He Tiantian , and the job is the same, very happy.

"I'm from the Department of Chinese. I guess I can teach Chinese at most in the future." He Tiantian smiled and felt at a loss at first, but she studied hard and believed that with her hard work, she could do well.

"Yeah? My brother is from the Chinese Department of Hongkong University," Xie Wanying said. "He is very talented. He can write lyrics. There are many songs, and he did the lyrics."

Oh, it turns out that Xie Wanying still has people in the entertainment industry in Xiangjiang.

"Hehe, I heard that the entertainment circle in Hong Kong is booming, but I didn't expect your brother to be in it too." He Tiantian praised.

Xie Wanying's face was full of admiration, and she said: "Actually, my brother is not a person in the entertainment industry, but only responsible for writing lyrics. At first, it was just for fun. I didn't expect my brother to be so talented, and he would become famous. Many singers Invite my brother to sing."

"It is indeed very talented." He Tiandian nodded, "The domestic entertainment industry is not developed. When it develops in the future, our material and spiritual life will be richer."

"Yes." Xie Wanying said, "My father said that the Mainland is currently undergoing reforms. As long as the policy is stable, it will be in rapid development in the next 30 years."

He Tiantian and Xie Wanying were chatting while working.

Liao Furong smiled softly, listening to the young people chatting.

Make a good meal, everyone eats and drinks.

Huo Yingjie and Qian Zhigao are very speculative, especially when it comes to patents, they have unique insights.

Huo Yingjie thought, he has been engaged in weapons research and has a very high status in the military field, but it is absolutely impossible for him to make a fortune from this.There are so many things in his mind, it's a pity to leave them unused.

So he purposefully chatted with Qian Zhigao, hoping that Qian Zhigao could help him apply for a patent.

It is just to set up a patent company in the name of Qian Zhigao, which specializes in collecting various patents, or applying for patents, and subsequently collecting various patent fees for patent owners.

For the military, Huo Yingjie can't take it out, so he can only get some civilian ones, and he can't apply in his own name, in He Tiantian's name.

The entertainment industry in Hong Kong is well developed. With the existing technological capabilities, VCD video tapes and video recorders can be used.

With this patent, it is a very huge number to collect patent licensing fees from Hong Kong, and then spread to developed countries such as M country and Europe.VCRs, tapes are outdated, and there are upgrades.

Qian Zhigao also realized that this was a very good idea. If Huo Yingjie had comprehensive information, he could apply for a patent.

He Tiantian vaguely heard something and knew that her husband was a thoughtful person, so He Tiantian supported him in doing so.

At nine o'clock in the evening, He Tiantian, Huo Yingjie, and Sun Sihao left.

After returning home, He Tiantian asked worriedly, "Brother Yingjie, will your cooperation with Qian Zhigao affect you?"

"It won't be affected!" Huo Yingjie laughed, "Put it under your name."

"Is it possible?" He Tiantian blinked, "We are husband and wife, and there is no difference between my name and yours. You just need to think about it, and you can't affect your work because of these things."

"Yes." Huo Yingjie nodded, "It's okay, I know the severity."

"Actually, isn't the entertainment industry in Hong Kong, country M, and Europe more developed?" He Tiantian said, "Grandmother, Uncle Qi has businesses in the United States and Europe. Wouldn't it be more suitable for them to do it than Xiangjiang?" ah?"

Huo Yingjie nodded and said, "Oh, why didn't I think of it?"

When He Tiantian heard this, she rolled her eyes and said, "Okay, don't pretend, you have already thought about it, the reason why you want to cooperate with Qian must have other ideas."

"My Tiantian is so smart, I can guess everything." Huo Yingjie smiled sarcastically, "We mainly run a patent agency company, not in charge of production, not just one patent, but many. But you also Don't worry, I will mainly get some patents for civilian use, and will not involve military affairs."

"Well, okay." He Tiantian nodded, "This will definitely make money. At that time, let grandma and Uncle Qi get the authorization first, and thank them for taking care of us before."

"Got it." Huo Yingjie nodded, it doesn't matter, he can make money anyway.

He Tiantian has always known her husband's thoughts, and she always feels guilty that she can't make money or support her family.

He Tiantian didn't care, but she understood Huo Yingjie's psychology.

Cranky is not a woman's patent, men will too.

As long as there is nothing wrong, she agrees with her husband's approach. As long as he feels comfortable, he will stop thinking about it.

Her purpose is to hope for family harmony, and everything else is for this purpose.

She was working hard, and Huo Yingjie was working hard too.

(End of this chapter)

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