Chapter 742 Not enough money, take out a loan to buy a house
Huo Yingjie took He Tiantian with him, and Huo Yingjie went to see other yards.

He Tiantian took a fancy to a yard by the side of the road, a road, many people coming and going, and there are residential areas around, which is suitable for us to open a shop.The other one is near a big park, surrounded by many residential bureaus, and it also takes into account the commercial area. There can be a shop on the first floor, and a restaurant and teahouse on the second floor.However, if He Tiantian opened a shop here, these old houses would be pulled down and a row of antique rooms would be rebuilt.

There are three other yards. He Tiantian wrote down the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, and of course the price.

After a busy day, He Tiantian and Huo Yingjie invited Lao Lian to dinner, and they didn't go home until evening.

Because when they left in the morning, they told Mrs. Huo not to wait for them to eat together, so they came back after eating outside.

"Have you eaten?" Mrs. Huo asked, "There are still some meals in the kitchen!"

"Grandmother, I've already eaten." He Tiantian said with a smile, "I went shopping outside all day today and ate a lot."

"That's good." Mrs. Huo said, "The two children are playing with Ruixiang in the house, you go to wash up first, and come to take care of the children later."

"Thank you, grandma." He Tiantian said, leading Huo Yingjie upstairs.

Looking at He Tiantian's back, Mrs. Huo was thoughtful, and she was even more curious about her grandson, why did the grandson-in-law go outside?
After washing up, take the child over, and Huo Yingjie washes the child up.

He Tiantian was holding an abacus, looking at the address, area, housing condition, price, etc. recorded in the notebook.

"Brother Yingjie, I have my eyes on three places, but with our money, I can only buy two of them." He Tiantian replied, she found herself getting more and more greedy.

Huo Yingjie smiled and asked, "Which three courtyards did you fancy?"

"Uncle Cai's yard in Mao'er Hutong is more suitable for us to live in, in terms of size and location." He Tiantian replied, "If you marry 42 yuan, the old man is willing to pay 34 yuan at most. This house near the street can be flipped and rebuilt. Cheng store, the area is a bit smaller, but the person quoted 58 yuan, and it is estimated that it can be priced at [-] to [-] yuan; the other place has a good environment, and it is close to the upper park, and the area is quite large. This is the most expensive, [-] yuan. Other places, I haven't looked at it for now."

Huo Yingjie thought for a while and said, "In this case, we need at least 130 million to buy these three houses."

"Yes!" He Tiantian replied, "I only have 96 in my hand, which is still a little short."

Huo Yingjie thought about it: "I have 2 yuan here, let's buy the 42 yuan and 56 yuan first. For the remaining one, let's pay some deposit first, and pay the balance after three months. This house is settled."

He Tiantian didn't hear the latter clearly, but heard Huo Yingjie say "2 yuan".

"Brother Yingjie, where did you get the 2 yuan?" He Tiantian asked in surprise, doubting that it was Huo Yingjie's private money.

"The bonuses issued after the completion of last year's and this year's projects are all in the bankbook, and they are about to be given to you, but we came to Yanjing in a hurry, so I forgot." Huo Yingjie explained, talking from his travel bag He took out a passbook.

He Tiantian took it over unceremoniously, and then confessed: "My husband is awesome, if you get a bonus in the future, report it as soon as possible!"

"Okay, I'll give you all." Huo Yingjie said, "Just in time, Uncle Qian's son will be back soon, so I just asked him about the status of the company over there. Logically speaking, it should have already made money. If it doesn't make money, then , I have to think about changing partners."

He Tiantian nodded and said: "Business is business, but if you don't have the ability, just replace it."

"But I don't think the deposit is appropriate. You know, if we pay the final payment after half a year, during this period, if they meet a buyer who offers a higher price, they will break the contract. Even if we get double the deposit, I'm not happy." He Tiantian said, "There are even worse ones, they were sold to others, and they ran away with our deposit, and we wasted the deposit for nothing."

Huo Yingjie thought for a while, and said, "Well then, didn't we buy two yards? With the mortgage loan of 42 yuan, we can earn more than 30 yuan in three months, and we can definitely repay these loan."

He Tiantian's eyes lit up, she nodded and said, "It's good to be careful, as long as we can afford the interest and principal, we won't be afraid of the bank's repudiation."

"That's it, then we have to take Uncle Cai's house as soon as possible." He Tiantian said, "I wanted to lower the price, but we will take care of it tomorrow morning, 40, I guess he won't sell it for a penny less .”

Huo Yingjie smiled and said, "It's okay, we can wait a day, maybe he came to us first!"

He Tiantian put down the list in her hand, there was no rush for this matter.

The next afternoon, He Tiantian and Huo Yingjie wanted to go for a walk around, but they heard that Lao Lian had come.

He Tiantian, Huo Yingjie brought Lao Lian to a tea house, and said, "Uncle Lian, don't you have a meeting today? Why are you in such a hurry?"

Lao Lian smiled and said, "It's already finished in the morning. In the afternoon, Uncle Cai, come to me. He said 39. If you are willing to buy it, you can transfer the money quickly."

He Tiantian heard this, her eyes lit up, and she asked curiously, "Didn't Uncle Cai carry it yesterday, why are you in such a hurry today?"

"It was he who received a telegram from his son again. If he can't get the money, he will go to jail." Lao Lian said, "It is estimated that there is a real shortage of money. I guess the price offered by others is slightly lower than this."

He Tiantian thought for a while, and said, "Okay, 39, I'll buy it. Then I will trouble Uncle Lian with the formalities tomorrow."

"As long as you have the money ready, everything else is very simple." Lao Lian said with a smile, "Okay, stop talking, I'll pass on a message to Uncle Cai."

"Then it's hard work for Uncle Lian." Huo Yingjie said, "Be careful on the road."

Things are going well, everything is complete, supporting documents, house purchase contract and so on.

But it was a bit troublesome when paying the money. He Tiantian's passbook was from the bank in Nanshi, and the bank in Yanjing took two days to confirm before transferring the money to Uncle Cai's account.

Immediately afterwards, He Tiantian and Huo Yingjie bought a yard with a good environment next to the park for 53 yuan.

After two transactions, everyone realized that He Tiantian was a rich man, so when He Tiantian proposed to use one of the real estate loans, it only took three days to review and it was approved.

It seems that after the reform and opening up, not only policies were opened up, but people's thoughts were also opened up.

Like this loan!

But that's good too, it's convenient for He Tiantian.

After that, He Tiantian got his wish and took down the yard on the side of the road.

(End of this chapter)

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