Chapter 749 Live at home and ask in a low voice

At home, Mrs. Huo greeted He Tiantian, Huo Yingjie, and the two children for dinner.

Mrs. Huo prepared some things for He Tiantian to take back.

Huo Yingjun personally sent Huo Yingjie's family away.

He Tiantian and Huo Yingjie arrived at the train station, while Bai Qiongyu and He Jingyu were already on the train.

"Brother, thank you!" Huo Yingjie said, "Grandma and grandfather here in Yanjing, please take care of my elder brother and sister-in-law."

"This is what it should be." Huo Yingjun said, "You should also take care."

"Take care!" The two brothers hugged each other.

it is more than words.

Huo Yingjie got into the car and settled the child down, only to find out that there were several special trains in total this time.

"Dad, I think there are a lot of people here this time. They are..." Huo Yingjie asked, a little curious.

He Jingyu smiled and replied: "This time it's mainly your grandmother and Uncle Qi, and the other two are inspectors who used their influence to bring your father over. These people have some resources abroad, take a look here What kind of investment opportunities are there?"

"Oh, thank you dad." Huo Yingjie smiled, this was all for his own father.

A batch has come before, and half of them decided to invest and set up a factory in Nanshi.

Most of them are relatively high-tech, which makes the city government very satisfied.

Once these factories are put into production, they can provide a large number of jobs. Although there is not much taxation, as long as the preferential policies at the beginning are passed, a large amount of taxation can be paid.

"It's nothing, it's all from my family." He Jingyu said, "Your father can do a good job, and you and Tiantian can lean against the big tree to enjoy the shade!"

"Hehe, that's right." Huo Yingjie nodded, feeling grateful.

There were a lot of people on the special train, and people often came to visit Bai Qiongyu, but most of them were Qi Shuliang talking to them, while Bai Qiongyu was listening and not talking, so in everyone's eyes, Bai Qiongyu was always reserved and superior.

But considering the strength of the Bai family, and Bai Qiongyu is older than them, so they don't mind.

This time, they also have the opportunity to come here with the influence of the Bai family and the He family.

Fortunately, when he arrived in Nanshi soon, Huo Zhekun brought the staff of the city government to greet him and sent him directly to the Nanshi guest house.

He Tiantian and Huo Yingjie brought He Jingyu's family back home, while Qi Shuliang and Annie went to the yard by the lake to meet their parents and children.

Although it is a special train, it is still a little tired.

Fortunately, after Jiang Lifang received the telegram, she began to tidy up the house and let Grandma Wang live in their yard, so the room was just enough.

"Mom, we are all coming back to live. How can we rest assured that you are living in the hostel alone!" He Jingyu thought that his mother was not happy when he saw that his mother was silent.

Seeing her son's nervous expression, Bai Qiongyu smiled slightly and said, "It's been so many years, there's no such thing as a big grudge. Besides, the fault in front of you is not only your father's fault, but mine too. The reason why you don't speak , I was thinking about something!"

"Hehe, that's good." He Jingyu felt relieved, "I thought you didn't want to live here. You see, although our courtyard is not as grand as the one in the guest house, there are family members like us here. How sweet!"

"Yes, as long as you are here, I feel happy, so you can rest assured." Bai Qiongyu smiled, "By the way, where is Tiantian?"

Wang Shuping was packing her things, and said with a smile, "Tiantian and Yingjie are preparing meals in the kitchen, and the child is playing with that big turtle in the yard!"

"Don't you usually ask someone to cook at home?" Bai Qiongyu asked. I heard that my granddaughter has already made a lot of money, so why don't you spend some money and hire someone to do the work, so you can be lighter?

Wang Shuping explained: "There are not many people in the family, and Tiantian's child is more concerned about eating and likes to cook by himself. Besides, it may be due to different national conditions. If he can cook by himself, he will not hire a nanny. Maybe it will change in the future. .”

Bai Qiongyu listened, nodded and said: "If you have time, please advise Tiantian, if you can hire someone to do the work, don't work hard on yourself."

"Okay, mother, I'll talk to Tiantian." Wang Shuping smiled, and she was very happy to come to this small courtyard.

In the past two or three years abroad, she ate well and dressed well, but what she couldn't forget the most was this small courtyard.

After Wang Shuping packed up, she went to the kitchen to help cook.

"Brother Yingjie, go to our shop by bicycle to buy some snacks and stewed pork. We want extra meals in the evening." He Tiantian said, most of the dishes in the refrigerator are raw materials, and there are no meat dishes.

"Okay! I'll go right away." Huo Yingjie said, "I'll buy some more vegetables when I pass by the farmers' market."

"Well, yes, buy more." He Tiantian said, there are a lot of people in the family, there are more than a dozen people, big and small, and they need to make rice from two rice cookers just for cooking.

When Huo Yingjie left, Wang Shuping asked in a low voice, "Sweetie, do you and Yingjie don't want to have any more children?"

"Ah?" He Tiantian was surprised, and then smiled, "I didn't say I don't want it, just let it be. If you have it, you don't want it."

"No contraception, no pregnancy?" Wang Shuping asked in a low voice. It stands to reason that He Tiantian and Huo Yingjie are in good health. If there is no contraception, he should be pregnant soon. "Is there something wrong with his health?"

"Yes!" He Tiantian replied.

"Is that a physical problem?" Wang Shuping asked, "Did you go to the hospital for an examination?"

He Tiantian smiled and said: "At first I also suspected that I had a physical problem, so I went to my mother-in-law's hospital and asked her to take me for an examination. After the examination, she said that I was in good health, and there was no gynecological inflammation. Yingjie My brother's health is fine, so I won't care about it from now on, the child's affairs are also dependent on fate, and I have a son and a daughter now, so I'm not in a hurry."

"Well, that's what you said." Wang Shuping said, "As long as you are in good health, don't worry about it. The child's matter really depends on fate. I never thought before that I would have your younger brother and have two children."

"Yeah, you see my brother is so good-looking, and he is very sensible. Grandma has someone to succeed in her career." He Tiantian said appreciatively, this result is very good for everyone.Otherwise, does she know how to deal with grandma's big mess.

"Yes, your brother not only has to go to school, but also learns calligraphy, English, Chinese, French, German, and Latin." Wang Shuping said, "Such a young child has a lot of lessons. That is, during the holidays. On the way, your grandmother relaxed a bit, and you should study hard at other times."

Wang Shuping thinks very simply, as long as the children are healthy and healthy, they are not required to learn so much.

(End of this chapter)

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