Chapter 753 Gathering, Wetting the Bed

In the evening, He Jingyu and Bai Qiongyu followed Qi Shuliang to the yard by the lake.

"Hehe, brother Yi, you saw it. I hit it right, so I said that Shuping and Tiantian will definitely come over." He Jingyu said proudly. He had already guessed that his wife and daughter would definitely come to visit Qi San grandmother.

"That's right." Qi Shuliang said, "Brother, I am willing to bow down."

Bai Qiongyu, Grandma Qi San, and Grandma Wang talked together, and the three hit it off, and they could speak freely.

Because there are nannies and chefs, He Tiantian doesn't need to cook and laugh with everyone.Tian Tian asked curiously: "Grandma, how is the talk going now, is it going well?"

"Successful." Bai Qiongyu said, "When the car is built, I will give you the best one."

"Originally your grandmother wanted to send you an original foreign car, but I found it troublesome, and in your current state, you are not suitable for driving, and learning to drive is troublesome, so I stopped." He Jingyu said, "Wait After two or three years, there will be more cars on the road, and it won't be awkward for you to drive again."

He Tiantian smiled wryly in her heart, in fact...she wants a car.

Take the child out and put it in the car directly.

But her father said so, and there must be his reason. She couldn't help but accept the "good intentions" and said: "Okay, I want one of the cars produced by our own."

"I also want to." Qi Zhengmin said, "The car at home is used by my brother. I usually ride a bicycle. I'm tanned and thin."

"It's just right to lose weight, haven't you been clamoring to lose weight!" He Tiantian snickered, "This way you can wear clothes that are one size smaller."

"I want to be thin, but don't get tanned!" Qi Zhengmin said, "I have freckles on my nose, and they will become more obvious when I get in the sun."

"Hehe, you really need to pay attention to it. It's summer now, and there are cucumbers, you can make thin slices to make a mask." He Tiantian suggested, "Replenish moisture, and your skin will be better."

"Well, your skin is so good, this method must be useful." Qi Zhengmin answered seriously, very seriously.

Wang Shuping, Annie was listening, shaking her head and laughing.

However, they also came here when they were young, and they are very familiar with this mentality and express their understanding.

At eight o'clock in the evening, he bid farewell and left.

Two cars to send He Tiantian and his party home.

After going home to wash up, they went back to their rooms to rest.

He Tiantian was about to fall asleep over there, when she suddenly remembered, and said, "Brother Yingjie, I heard from my father today that my father-in-law drank a lot, so you can send some snacks and hangover tea over there."

"Okay." Huo Yingjie nodded, "I'll send it right away."

Jiang Lifang was very happy to see her son sending snacks and hangover tea, and said: "Yesterday when your father came back, I gave him hangover tea and some porridge. When he got up in the morning, he didn't have the same headache as before. If you have extra Sober up tea, bring me some, and I'll brew it for him in the future."

"Okay, I have some at home, I'll bring them over tomorrow." Huo Yingjie nodded, "It's getting late, let's go back and rest first."

Suddenly, Jiang Lifang thought of the things that had been restless for the past few days, stopped her son, and whispered: "Yingjie, what do you think about Tiantian buying a house?"

Huo Yingjie scratched his head, was taken aback, and asked, "What do you think?"

Seeing her son's expression like this, Jiang Lifang smiled, don't worry, and said: "Hehe, I heard from Tiantian that those houses are very expensive. I have [-] here, and your grandmother gave [-]. You have some savings, but it's just Buying a small part of the house, I am worried that your self-esteem will be disturbed, and you will have trouble with Tiantian."

"Mom, so you wanted to talk about this!" Huo Yingjie suddenly realized, "Actually, I used to have some ideas, but I thought it might be because of the different nature of the work. Dad is in politics, I am in special material research, and you are a doctor. , Our family is destined not to be rich. Tiantian's natal family and ability have allowed her to earn money. This is my pride, and I will not make trouble in the heart of a big man, and have trouble with Tiantian. "

"Well, it's good if you can figure it out." Jiang Lifang said, "Actually, a woman's idea is very simple. As long as a man treats her well, as long as the child is safe and the family is healthy, she will be satisfied, so you have to treat Tiantian well as always. It’s not in vain for her hard work and hard work.”

Huo Yingjie nodded repeatedly and said, "Yeah, I remembered my mother."

Fortunately, he has gotten used to it and adjusted his mentality, so he can face it calmly.

"Well, that's good, let's go back and rest earlier." Jiang Lifang said, as long as the son and daughter-in-law have a good relationship, the money and power will be in the back.

"Goodbye, mom, good night." Huo Yingjie smiled, turned and left.

Seeing her son leave, Jiang Lifang smiled with relief. She doesn't have to worry about her son or daughter-in-law anymore.

After Huo Yingjie came back, He Tiantian had already put the two children to sleep.

In the morning, Huo Yingjie woke up refreshed, and He Tiantian got up early as she thought about making breakfast for the family.

"Tiantian, you can sleep a little longer." Huo Yingjie reminded, "I can make breakfast."

He Tiantian was indeed a little tired, and asked in a low voice, "Is it really possible?"

"Okay." Huo Yingjie said solemnly, he often beats He Tiantian, and he can't have [-]% of He Tiantian's skills, but he can still learn a little bit.

He Tiantian lay down again, and said, "Then you go and cook, I'll sleep for a while, and get up with the child."

"Okay." Huo Yingjie put on his clothes before going out lightly.

He Tiantian was a little tired. She closed her eyes and fell asleep within a minute or two, showing that she was tired.

I don't know how long I slept, and woke up with two cries.

It turned out that Huo Ruimin and Huo Ruihua woke up, but He Tiantian didn't wake up, and the two of them wet the bed.

He Tiantian woke up and sat up with a grunt.

"Mom is bad..." Huo Ruimin complained about her mother's laziness. She had been awake for a long time and called her mother a few times, but she didn't hear her. She couldn't help wetting the bed.

Huo Ruihua, Huo Ruimin urinates before going to bed. He doesn't wake up at night, but he must urinate when he wakes up in the morning.

Today, because He Tiantian woke up late, she didn't hear her daughter and son's call, so she was complained by her daughter and son.

"Okay, Mom is sorry for you." He Tiantian said, "I'll wash and change your clothes right away."


I recommend Xianke's masterpiece "Rebirth of the Queen of the Movies, Little Military Wife", who turns into a cute baby after being reborn as a movie queen, with top-notch acting skills.Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is invincible, abducting a husband pia~pia~pia~
(End of this chapter)

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