Chapter 759 Night Detective, Familiar People

The two brothers and sisters discussed it, and then agreed to let the grandmother and the second grandfather leave.

They understand that it's not what they think is good, but what grandma and second grandpa think is good, so respecting the true thoughts of the elders is the most filial piety.

Village head Qi spent a few days in Nanshi. He Tiantian and Qi Zhenghan helped to buy a lot of things. At the same time, the husband and wife also bought things for them.

Qi Zhenghan, Qi Zhengmin followed, Niu Dajun, Qi Xiaoyan, village chief Qi and others were carrying things, so even if they bought a lot of things, they could still carry them.

A telegram had been sent in advance, stating the date of the train, and when they got off the train, Qi Rongjun, Qi Xiaoyan's second brother, would come and pick them up, so they wouldn't be tired.

In just one week, He Tiantian sent Grandma Qi away again.

"Hey, I really understand a word. There is no permanent feast in the world." He Tiantian said, "Everyone goes around and goes back and forth, and they will always be separated. After doing this calculation, only husband and wife can support each other in the end."

"Yeah." Huo Yingjie said, there are still ten days left, and he will leave too. Tiantian will be even more sad then.

However, Huo Yingjie didn't want to say goodbye to He Tiantian prematurely.

When I got home, I suddenly felt that the house had become deserted.

Huo Ruihua, Huo Ruimin also lacked interest, not as lively as before.

"Ruimin, Ruihua, you see the tortoise is waiting for you at the door, I guess I miss you, hurry up and play with the little tortoise, okay?" Emotions affect children.

When the two children saw the little tortoise shaking its head, their eyes lit up, and they scrambled to get down from the arms of their parents and play with the little tortoise.

Diverting the children's attention, He Tiantian went into the house.

"Brother Yingjie, you are watching the children outside, I'll go to sleep." He Tiantian did a simple wash, a little tired, and wanted to sleep.

Huo Yingjie kissed He Tiantian's forehead and said, "Go, I'm here, you should rest well."

He Tiantian went into the house to rest. Although there was some noise outside, she fell asleep quickly.

During the period, Huo Yingjie came over to take a look lightly, to try and see if He Tiantian's head was not hot, and he didn't have a fever.

He sat by the bed and looked at He Tiantian with pity.

She was very happy to have relatives come over during this time, but at the same time she was tired of He Tiantian.

Rest well!
Huo Yingjie came out, and as soon as he sat on the edge of the stone table, he received a spiritual thought from Xiao Xuangui.

"Master, at two o'clock in the morning today, two extraordinary humans flew over our yard." Xiao Xuangui said, "There is a personal aura in it, I am familiar with it, it seems to be Mount Hua!"

Huashan has been here before, and little Xuangui can remember his breath.

"Huashan?" Huo Yingjie frowned, "After several years, they finally couldn't hold back."

"They came here this time mainly to investigate me." Xiao Xuangui said, "It may be the aura on my body that caught their attention. In ten days, you will be leaving. The madam and the young master are at a disadvantage."

After hearing this, Huo Yingjie didn't speak. After a while, he said softly: "Xuangui, don't worry about this matter. Since they came to look for you, they shouldn't mess with ordinary people at will. If possible, You test their reality first."

"Okay." Xiao Xuangui said, "I feel that they can't beat me."

The little tortoise is full of confidence.

"Don't be careless, I'll think about what to do first, so that we can quietly keep these people away from our home and not disturb our peaceful life." Huo Yingjie said, what should come will eventually come.

Cui Ying and Hua Shan chased after Nanshi, got into the university in Nanshi, and got along with their family.

Then Cui Heng became a university professor, and Cui Ying and Huashan went to work in the museum.In order to achieve some goals, they have devoted a lot of time and energy.

If there has been no progress, I am sorry for their hard work and waiting for so many years.

"Yes, master." The little tortoise replied and continued to play with the children.

He Tiantian didn't wake up until before lunch.

The food was cooked by Huo Yingjie, and it tasted okay.

He Tiantian ate three small bowls of rice, and ate a lot of vegetables, and finally regained her composure, her eyes brightened.

These days, He Tiantian has no time to look at the account books when she is busy with her relatives
Fortunately, there was Liang accountant before, and the accounts in the store were neatly organized and organized.

He Tiantian checked it again, and there was no problem.

Accountant Liang attaches great importance to her current job. Not only does she have a high salary, which solves her difficulties, but also the job content is relatively simple. She does accounting and tax returns, and checks the accuracy of the data.

A day's work can be done in one morning, and the afternoon is relatively free.

The income of the shop has been stabilized, and all managements have matured, and the work efficiency is very high.

I believe that in the near future, He Tiantian will go to Yanjing in person to repay the rest of the loan together.

Zhang Mengmeng was pleasantly surprised to see He Tiantian coming over. This summer, she earned a bonus of 500 yuan here, which was more than what her family earned in a year.

"Mr. He, there is still half a month left for school to start, and you can hear Mr. He's class." Zhang Mengmeng said with a smile, she has completed one year of university, and she will be able to graduate in two years.

As long as she works, she can have a stable job.

"Well, I really miss my students." He Tiantian said, "By the way, you are here and haven't been home for a summer vacation. Do you want to ask for leave for you to go back?"

Zhang Mengmeng shook her head and said, "I'm not going back. I can earn eight or nine yuan a day here. My home is far away, and it takes several days to come and go. It's not worth it. I'll go back during the Chinese New Year."

She has already inquired that during the Chinese New Year, the shop has a ten-day holiday, so that it will not delay her usual work to make money.

The family conditions are not good, so sending more money to the family is more practical than going back for her.

"Okay, just make up your own mind." He Tiantian smiled, bought some things and left.

Zhang Mengmeng sent He Tiantian away, and started calling for business again.

In private, He Tiantian also found Sun Sihao and got to know Zhang Mengmeng. Sun Sihao praised Zhang Mengmeng more than once, saying that she is a sweet-mouthed and hardworking employee. Otherwise, she would not be able to get more bonus than a regular employee as a temporary worker.

He Tiantian checked two shops a day and was very satisfied.

The remaining nine days were for her and Huo Yingjie to spend alone, to spend time with Huo Yingjie.

Huo Yingjie didn't come here with He Tiantian, and went to check what Cui Heng and Huashan wanted to do!
Hua Shan and Cui Ying are eating in the courtyard with Cui Heng and Cui Yong.

Cui Yong is Cui Ying's father and Huashan's master.

(End of this chapter)

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