Chapter 790 Deceptive Exploitation
After that, He Tiantian and Huang Jingli talked a lot about business and life.

Huang Jingli suddenly thought of a question, and said, "Tiantian, I have always had a question before, but I never asked you. When you were in Qijia Village, did you really see Shenlong?"

He Tiantian was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Why did you suddenly remember to ask this question?"

Huang Jingli frowned, and said, "When I have nothing to do now, I will think about the things in Qijia Village and find many things that are different. For example, other villages are suffering from severe drought, but our village has enough water, not only our own village. , can also help other villages, this is one; second, the products in Taoyuan County are always higher than other villages; third, there is the hot spring that came inexplicably and disappeared inexplicably, etc..."

"Hehe!" He Tiantian smiled, "I once delivered something to my father, and I was lucky enough to see Shenlong. At that time, when feudal superstitions were broken, even if everyone was in awe, it was in their hearts, not talking about it everywhere, so seeing people , It is extremely difficult; those who have not seen it are always dubious."

"Ah?" Huang Jingli was taken aback, "My God, do you really want such a miraculous thing?"

"Yes, I have seen it with my own eyes." He Tiantian said, "There is no need to lie to you, as long as you know it in your heart, don't tell outsiders, so as not to be disrespectful to Shenlong."

Although the Snake King has left the human world, the Snake King has indeed done a lot for Qijia Village and helped many villagers.

"Well, I wrote it down." Huang Jingli said, feeling even more awed in her heart. She wanted to artistically process this passage in the novel.

After having lunch here, Huang Jingli left satisfied.

He Tiantian took advantage of the snow to stop in the afternoon, went to the shop and brought back some ledgers, which she wanted to reconcile.

Let's say that Huo Yingjie is working overtime at this moment. In order to complete this before the year, he has put in a lot of effort.

According to the normal speed, this project would take at least ten months, but Huo Yingjie insisted on compressing it to five and a half months in order to go home for the New Year.

Seeing Huo Yingjie working so hard, Mr. Sun felt a little distressed, so he came to Huo Yingjie in private and said, "Don't push yourself so hard, be careful about your body!"

Huo Yingjie smiled bitterly: "Hey, my wife and children are waiting for me to go home for the New Year. I won't go, they will be very sad."

"But this job can't be rushed." Mr. Sun said, "Some experiments must take time to verify. If you shorten the time, it may have a bad effect."

Huo Yingjie smiled wryly, and said: "I have done my best, and I have guaranteed the result. Mr. Sun, I also hope that the work you assign to me next time can be completed within five months. If it is still so tight, I will choose to resign."

When he heard that Huo Yingjie was going to resign, Mr. Sun became anxious and said, "Huo Yingjie, you have a bright future, so you can't just say resign!"

Hearing this, Huo Yingjie was a little tired, and said, "I'm so young, what will my family do if I'm exhausted? Especially this bullshit rule that you can't leave during the project. Although this is for confidentiality, researchers are also human Ah, there is also life, and there are also emotions and desires. Shouldn’t we dedicate our youth to the research institute and the family of the research institute should treat us better? Look, how many people have died in our research institute in the past six months. Only one 50 years old, and another 48 years old, is exhausted."

Huo Yingjie's words made Mr. Sun fall into deep thought.

"Hey, isn't this a tight task?" Mr. Sun said. Recently, he felt that he was unable to do what he wanted, and his health was getting worse day by day.

"The task is tight, everyone works desperately, overtime, day and night, which is consuming their lives." Huo Yingjie said, "They are mature, stable and experienced researchers. A young researcher grows into an experienced researcher. It takes more than ten or twenty years for many researchers, but they died due to overwork, which is a loss to the country. However, if one researcher dies in the country, there will be tens of thousands of researchers, but what about their homes, their families What? But there is only one of them, and they will be completely gone when they die.”

Mr. Sun remained silent.

Huo Yingjie continued: "It has always been emphasized to sacrifice the small self to fulfill the big self, but the small self is gone, so there is no big self."

"Then do you have any good suggestions?" Mr. Sun felt that Huo Yingjie's words made sense, especially when a researcher who passed away a while ago was only 48 years old. It was a pity that he died at such a young age.
"Now that rest days are implemented outside, we should also implement it here. We can't only have a few days off during the Chinese New Year a year, and work the rest of the time, let's work in the laboratory." Huo Yingjie said, "This will give everyone time to relax. There is tension and relaxation, high efficiency, and it will not affect work."

Mr. Sun thought for a while, and said: "Well, what you said makes sense. During this time, I will find a person in charge of the research institute to have a chat. One day off a week is a bit too little for you. Bar."

Huo Yingjie was a little embarrassed by Mr. Sun's words, and said: "I can take two days off every two weeks, so that I can go home, spend a weekend at home, and come back by car on Sunday afternoon."

"Do you know how much manpower and material resources it will cost?" Mr. Sun wondered, if someone like Huo Yingjie went out, he needed someone to protect him, at least two people.There are many people like Huo Yingjie.

Huo Yingjie smiled and said: "That's better than exhausting the researcher, and the loss is smaller. Now there are rest days outside, although we sometimes work overtime for research, but if there is no rest day, many people will be tired of working. At the same time, we Doing research is not about spending time in the laboratory, but about researching new directions, new projects, and finding suitable methods. There is relaxation and relaxation, and the efficiency of combining work and rest is high."

Mr. Sun nodded and said, "Well, I'll think about it. Take care of yourself."

"Well, thank you, Mr. Sun." Huo Yingjie thanked him. If he can pass, he will be able to go home every two weeks next year.

After Mr. Sun went back, he kept thinking about this question.

When we got home, Mr. Sun couldn't help but tell Aunt Li about it.

Aunt Li smiled, and said softly: "Compared to the naked exploitation in capitalist countries, don't you think it is very deceptive to instill the idea of ​​sacrificing the ego and fulfilling the big idea, and make people voluntarily accept the exploitation?"

Aunt Li also studied abroad in the past, and she studied philosophy, with an unusual vision.

Mr. Sun was blocked for a long time by Aunt Li's words.

(End of this chapter)

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