Chapter 795
Seeing He Tiantian coming to the cafeteria, Mi Wei waved.

He Tiantian saw that there was still room for Teacher Wu at Mi Wei, so he took Huo Yingjie over.

Huo Yingjie took out two large insulated boxes from his big bag.

"Tiantian, you have some food and some soup first, and I'll buy you some rice." Huo Yingjie got up and went to the rice window.

After a while, Huo Yingjie brought a large bowl of rice.

"Not enough, I'll buy it again." Huo Yingjie said, worried that He Tiantian would be too embarrassed to eat too much in front of her colleagues.

He Tiantian smiled and said, "This big bowl is enough."

Mi Wei looked at Huo Yingjie secretly, and said, "Mr. He, don't you introduce yourself to us."

He Tiantian swallowed the rice in her mouth, and introduced: "Huo Yingjie, my husband; this is my colleague Mi Wei, Wu Meimei."

"Hello." Huo Yingjie greeted first, "Please take care of my Tiantian in the future."

Oh hello, nakedly sprinkled a bag of dog food.

Mi Wei smiled and said, "Teacher He has a good temper, she is the one who takes care of us."

"Yeah!" Teacher Wu said softly, why is this Tiantian so lucky, she looks good, has a good family background, and is married to a good husband, so she is regarded as a treasure.

It's better than not knowing, it's really enviable, jealous and hateful!
"Huo Yingjie, where do you work?" Mi Wei asked. According to the degree of love between He Tiantian and her husband, it's unlikely that everyone had worked for a year before seeing Huo Yingjie for the first time.

Huo Yingjie smiled and replied, "A unit under the Science and Industry Committee."

"So powerful." Mi Wei said, "Are you on vacation now?"

"Yes." Huo Yingjie nodded, and while answering, served He Tiantian with vegetables.

The sweetness made Mi Wei and Teacher Wu feel that the husband at home should be changed after seeing it.

After dinner, Huo Yingjie packed up his things and took a walk on campus with He Tiantian. Huo Yingjie didn't go home until He Tiantian was about to go to work, and came to pick him up after He Tiantian got off work.

When they returned to the office, several people in the office were discussing He Tiantian and Huo Yingjie.

"Oh, people are dead compared to others, and goods are thrown away!" Teacher Wu said with emotion, "Mr. He, does your husband have older brothers and younger brothers?"

Wang Bin smiled and said, "Oh, do you regret marrying early?"

"Hey, yes, I regret it, but it's useless." Wu Meimei said, "I have a younger sister, Wu Mingming, who will graduate from university next year and is not too young. I want to introduce someone to my younger sister."

"I'm sorry, my date is the only child." He Tiantian smiled, and they were being discussed in the office. If she didn't say a few words, she would be considered out of the group.

"Then does your partner have any cousins, clan brothers?" Teacher Wu asked unwillingly. The Huo family's conditions are so good, it would be even better if they can climb up.

He Tiantian didn't mention her family background in school. The reason why she was considered a good family background was because of her mannerisms, clothes, etc.

If Wu Meimei knew that Huo Yingjie's father was the mayor of Huo, she would probably be too embarrassed to insist on referring her sister to the Huo family.

Although the new society has a new atmosphere, Qi Dafei has a deeply rooted concept of being in the right family.

"Uncle's family has a cousin, but he already has two sons." He Tiantian said, "As for the clan brothers, they are all married. My father-in-law is the youngest among the brothers of that generation, and my partner is the younger one." The youngest in my generation."

"Hey, that's a pity." Teacher Wu sighed. She didn't listen to her mother at the beginning and insisted on marrying her current husband. She lived a tight life, and now she often has conflicts, and it's too late to regret it.

Now my sister's partner must not be allowed to find a foreigner.

Mi Wei rolled his eyes at a place where Mr. Wu couldn't see, and thought: "As long as she is like this, my sister is probably not a good person to get along with."

Seeing Mi Wei's white eyes, He Tiantian just smiled and didn't speak.

"Ms. He, how many years have you been married, and you have such a good relationship?" Mi Wei asked, curious about this. Although she had only been married for less than half a year, she felt that He Tiantian and his wife were more affectionate.

"We've been married for five years. We got married in February [-]." He Tiantian replied, "I didn't care if you didn't ask. I didn't expect five years to pass in the blink of an eye."

"Five years?" Teacher Wu screamed, "It's been five years, you can be considered an old couple, why are you still so affectionate?"

Seeing what Teacher Wu said, as well as Teacher Chen and Teacher Wang Binnan, He Tiantian blushed a little, and said shyly: "We are in love with each other, and we usually care about and support each other. That's it. Okay, I'm going to class, no I told you."

He Tiantian fled in despair.

Although she is a married woman, it is really embarrassing to be asked this question in front of the opposite sex.

"Hehe, Teacher He is shy." Mi Wei smiled and said to the back of He Tiantian who fled in the desert, "Mr. Wu, don't say it."

Teacher Chen saw that Teacher Wu was envious and disappointed, and persuaded him: "When Teacher He was in college, the husband and wife were like conjoined twins. Then Huo Yingjie came to pick up Teacher He every day from school. The way of husband and wife, Xiaomi, Xiao Wu, you should learn from He Tiantian in private. This teacher He is very handy no matter in work or in life."

"Yes, ask in private." Mi Wei said, "Actually, between husband and wife, we don't want to be rich, but it is my dream to be as happy as Mr. He."

Teacher Wu was shocked. She had been married for less than two years, and now the husband and wife did not talk to each other after returning home.

She was reluctant to let her divorce, after all, she still liked her husband very much.

Not divorced, so cold, unhappy every day.

He Tiantian has been married for five years and has two children, but when talking about her husband, she still blushes, her eyes water, and she is a happy little woman.

It is also a woman, why He Tiantian can do it, but she can't.

After He Tiantian finished class, Teacher Chen and Wang Bin went to class, and only Teacher Wu and Mi Wei were in the office.

Mi Wei couldn't help asking: "Mr. He, can you tell me how to cultivate the relationship between husband and wife?"

Although Teacher Wu didn't ask, she looked at He Tiantian expectantly.

He Tiantian was a little embarrassed to be stared at by the two people, but there was no male colleague, so she whispered: "Actually, it's nothing, the first is to fall in love, and being able to get married proves that there is a basis for affection; secondly, mutual respect, including His background, occupation, or some shortcomings; in the end, if it’s not a matter of principle, please don’t quarrel, it hurts feelings.”

Mi Wei wrote it down carefully, and then asked: "What is a question of principle?"

"By the way, Teacher He, since you said it, tell us everything, and we will improve the relationship between husband and wife when we go back." Teacher Wu hurriedly said, she is He Tiantian's negative example.

Wu Meimei faintly felt that if she did not make some changes, her marriage would not last, so she was more eager than Mi Wei to know how to improve the relationship between husband and wife!

He Tiantian smiled and said: "The problem of principle is actually very simple. First, you must be loyal to each other and not have ulterior motives; second, you must not be violent or verbal at home; and third, you must not be disfilial to both parents. As long as you don't commit such acts mistake, there is no need to quarrel and hurt feelings."

(End of this chapter)

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