1970 is a little sweet

Chapter 81 "Advanced Model" Title

Chapter 81 "Advanced Model" title (monthly ticket 200+)

Facing the surprise of others, He Tiantian has become accustomed to it!

But it's no wonder that He Tiantian's appearance and temperament are the kind of delicate, who are loved and loved by others, forming a strong contrast with her quickness in doing things.

He Tiantian didn't look up, and continued to work on her hands, saying, "It hasn't been cleaned yet, you can do it again."

Qi Xiaoyan was still very surprised. While washing, she said, "I can't believe your speed is so fast. No wonder my parents praised you as a diligent and quick girl."

Qi Xiaoyan's praise made He Tiantian happy.

"Okay, you're not bad. It's done, let's go and see what Director Zhao does." He Tiantian said, taking the lead and turning around with the basin.

Director Zhao has already prepared the stewed small fish soup, one spoonful per person, eat it with steamed bread, smell the fragrance and feel delicious.

Potato chips, also fried, a whole big pot.This thing is enough, plus Director Zhao's craftsmanship is good, and the taste is very good.

Director Zhao carefully looked at these eels and cut them into five centimeters long. It is estimated that each person can be divided into two small sections.

Today Director Zhao prepared a lot of red peppers, with half a catty of oil left, minced onion and ginger, and a lot of garlic foam on the table.The pot is hot. After pouring the oil, put in the meat, onion, ginger, minced garlic, pepper and stir-fry. Pour the sliced ​​eel into the large pot. There is a sound of "sting", and the fire is stir-frying. Director Zhao holds it like a small shovel. The shovel of the pot, standing on the side of the pot, quickly stir-frying, and after a while, a strong fragrance came out from the pot.

He Tiantian, who was burning the fire, Qi Xiaoyan swallowed.

"Hurry up and wash the basin, dry it, and put it in the basin later." Zhao Dajiao said quickly, there were only so many things with him, so he could only be more diligent.

He Tiantian went to brush, brush it here, and the stir-fried eel that you want over there is about to be boiled.Director Zhao thought about the lunch boxes, bowls, vegetables and fish soup that everyone brought, and guessed that there was no place to store the eel, so he explained to He Tiantian that when Qi Xiaoyan was cooking later, he broke the steamed buns and put a piece of yellow eel in each steamed bun.

When it was time to eat at noon, the village chief Qi and the villagers were very surprised. Today's food was better than yesterday. There were also two meat dishes, accompanied by two steamed buns and fried potatoes. The food was full and fragrant. .

Director Zhao, He Tiantian and Qi Xiaoyan have been praised and praised by everyone, and fully affirmed their work.

Village Chief Qi enjoyed the meal and praised: "You guys are doing well, continue tomorrow, I saw Xiaoyan took a few baskets from the house in the morning, I thought I couldn't get it, but I didn't expect to get a lot. What else do I need, although Said, try to make the food as delicious as possible. Everyone eats well, has a lot of energy, and works fast."

Doing things in the afternoon, everyone is still talking about the meals for these two days!The working efficiency has really improved a lot, and I have done 180 meters, which is 30 meters more than yesterday.

When they were about to finish work, Zhang Qingshan and Wang Lei made a lot of eels, shrimps, and small fish.Director Zhao put all the food that can be eaten tomorrow in the wooden barrel. As for the snakes in it, he gave it to Zhang Qingshan.

After Wang Lei and Zhang Qingshan found a place to put down the basket, they returned to Qijia Village with a few fat snakes.

Zhang Qingshan's craftsmanship is good. In the case of lack of oil and salt, it is not easy to make a delicious snake soup.

Ye Xiaofan and Zhang Qingshan are in the same place, there is no obstacle to eating this.Wang Lei and Sister Wu didn't dare to eat it at first, but seeing Zhang Qingshan and Ye Xiaofan eating so deliciously, sweating profusely, they couldn't resist the temptation, and they also began to try it. After a few bites, they fell in love with this delicious food. I'll get some more to eat tomorrow.

Ye Xiaofan gave Huang Jingli and Lin Xiaoru some, but Lin Xiaoru disliked it and didn't want it, who would eat such disgusting food!Ye Xiaofan was so angry that he decided not to give them any food in the future.

As for Li Mingkai, when he saw the snake meat, he immediately retched!
I don't know how!Do not eat and pull down!
Don't look at the reactions of Lin Xiaoru, Huang Jingli, and Li Mingkai.If it is an era of starvation, let alone snake meat, it is not uncommon to eat all kinds of meat!

When going to work again, the villagers bring an extra bowl.If there is delicious food at noon, you can save a little and bring some to the children at home, fragrant mouth.

When he arrived at the construction site, Zhang Qingshan went to the river to get the baskets out, more than yesterday!After cleaning up the contents, let Zhang Qingshan and Wang Lei continue to hold the original basket and put earthworms in the ten baskets brought over today.

There are already people from other villages doing the same, and they want to catch more, so as not to be caught by people from other villages, there will be no such good food.

At noon, today not only fresh fish soup, fried radish, but also half a bowl of stir-fried eel.In fact, there are small fish soup and fried radish, which are enough to eat. Many people choose to take the fried eel home and give it to their families.

There are ten more baskets, plus the previous one, there are fifteen, and more things have been caught.It was too late to clean up, so I took the basket back to the village to clean it up.

There are two buckets in total, which are cleaned up in front of everyone, Director Zhao will not leave anyone a word on this kind of thing.

The meals have been very good these days, and everyone is very satisfied.The children at home can also eat a small piece to relieve their cravings.

Village Chief Qi and several other village officials, as well as the villagers, said in public that they would give Zhao Dajiao, He Tiantian, Qi Xiaoyan, Wang Lei, and Zhang Qingshan the honorable title of "Advanced Model" this year.

The people who came to inspect the commune saw the progress of Qijia Village and kept complimenting them.

"Village Qi, your village's mental outlook is good." Director Chen personally shook hands with Village Chief Qi and encouraged him.

Village Chief Qi said modestly: "Director Chen has a good leadership. It's just noon. Let's eat here. We caught fish and loach in the river, and cooked dishes. The taste is not bad."

Just when it was time to eat, Director Chen no longer refused, and said, "Then I will eat with you today, and I will give you the food stamps later."

At this time, when cadres go to the countryside for food and lodging, they have to pay, and no one dares to embezzle or oppress the people.

Director Zhao got the news and made a temporary table with a dough-kneading chopping board, a bowl of small fish soup, a large bowl of stewed loach with tofu, and a vinegar-rolled cabbage.As for the eel, keep the one I caught with yesterday, and make it together tomorrow. You can share a large spoonful of each person, and it is estimated that there is a bowl.

Director Chen was very surprised when he saw the food on the table, and asked, "Oh, the food here is good, are all the fish and loach caught in the river?"

At this time, everything is national!Not only catching fish, but also hunting. If it is a private person, it can only be done sneakily. As long as no one reports it, it will be fine.If it is a collective act, it can be done in an upright and open manner, what the people mean!

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(End of this chapter)

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