Chapter 820 Encouraging
Mother's words reached Jiang Lifang's heart.

"Anyway, everything is going well for me now." Jiang Lifang said, "I'm just worried about you and your father's health. There is a headache, and I can't take care of it by your side."

As a daughter, Jiang Lifang has always felt guilty for not being able to be with her parents.

"Hey, don't worry about us. Your elder brother and sister-in-law are all good. The children are also filial and sensible." Mrs. Jiang said, "We also have pensions, so there is nothing to worry about. We eat well and sleep soundly. Your health is fine!"

Hearing her mother's words, Jiang Lifang felt a little happier.

After that, the mother and daughter chatted some private words, and they didn't come out of the house until they had lunch.

Let's say that He Tiantian is talking with Jiang Wenwen in the room over there.

"After graduating from university, how is your job?" He Tiantian asked, Jiang Wenwen started working this year.

"It's okay, I'm a teacher in high school." Jiang Wenwen said, "The salary is enough for me, and it's easy every day."

"By the way, what do you teach?" He Tiantian asked, usually gossip about Yanjing with Jiang Wenwen, but she didn't think to ask about Jiang Wenwen's work.

"Hehe, I teach art." Jiang Wenwen said, "I also teach students how to draw."

"Don't you like painting?" He Tiantian asked, looking at Jiang Wenwen and saying that she lacked interest in work.

"I like drawing, but I also know that I can't become a painter, so when I was in college, I started to study fashion design, but my family didn't let me design clothes, saying that it was made by a tailor, so it would be better to be a teacher." Jiang Wenwen bitterly She said with a straight face, those designs she drew can only be put in the bottom of the box, and cannot be turned into beautiful clothes.

He Tiantian's eyes lit up, fashion designer, this is a very new profession in H country, even now many people don't have such a concept.In most concepts, that's tailoring.

The Jiang family is a scholarly family, so naturally they don't agree with their granddaughter to do such a thing.

"Wenwen, do you really like it?" He Tiantian asked, Jiang Wenwen is a nice person, if she is really capable, she can invest.

"Well, I like it very much, but my family disagrees. I can only be a high school art teacher, teaching students to draw apples and bottles." Jiang Wenwen said distressedly, "Sometimes I really want to escape, go to a place without people, and be myself I like to do things, but I am timid and dare not."

He Tiantian smiled and said, "How about this, you design and make a dress for me, and if I am satisfied, I will invest in you."

"Ah?" Jiang Wenwen's eyes widened, "Sister Tiantian, are you really investing in me?"

"Yes, but the premise is that you must make a piece of clothing that satisfies me, and it must be your original creation, not copying someone else's." He Tiantian said, although she doesn't know fashion design, she has a lot of clothes. , and she saw the various clothes of the stars on TV in her previous life, and she had a discerning eye.

Jiang Wenwen looked He Tiantian up and down, then nodded and said, "Well, well, cousin, wait a minute, I'll measure your size first, and I will definitely give you a good-looking and comfortable dress."

"Okay, then I'll wait." He Tiantian said, "As long as I like what you do, I will invest in you."

"Yeah, I'll try my best." Jiang Wenwen said, "This is probably my best chance, and I will seize it well."

"Aren't you going to ask me what kind of clothes I like?" He Tiantian asked back, waiting for Jiang Wenwen to ask.

Jiang Wenwen found out the tape measure and said: "A successful designer observes with eyes instead of asking with mouth. I already have a rough idea in my mind. Come and measure."

At the same time, Jiang Wenwen also wants to exercise her ability through this time, to see if she is capable.

If you can't even impress your cousin, let alone impress other people.

Jiang Wenwen measured He Tiantian's size, and said in surprise: "Cousin, you are not fat, but you have a good figure!"

"Uh..." He Tiantian was a little embarrassed, "It's always like this after giving birth..."

"Yeah? Cousin, your waist is so thin!" Jiang Wenwen said in surprise, "Cousin, don't tell me, how can you have such a thin waist after giving birth!"

"Hehe!" He Tiantian smiled sarcastically. She has golden fingers, so it's not easy to tell outsiders, but she can't be too modest, which will make others more envious and jealous.

"Hey." Jiang Wenwen avoids He Tiantian's slapping, "I just envy my cousin's good fortune, don't be angry, my cousin. Okay, you have to measure your arm when you step back. Let me measure it and start designing. Next After a week, when it’s done, I’ll send it to you.”

"Okay, then I'll wait for you." He Tiantian smiled, "If you can make your own career out of what you like, it will be a very happy and fulfilling thing."

"Yes, yes." Jiang Wenwen said, "Biao sister-in-law, that's it, I really like you. If my family is as open-minded as you, it will be fine, and I don't need to secretly draw design drawings."

He Tiantian thought for a while, and said, "Actually, you can also make clothes for my mother-in-law, that is, your aunt. If it doesn't make sense at home, you can find a way from outside."

"Yeah, that's right." Jiang Wenwen said, "Then I'll go and measure my aunt later."

When Jiang Lifang heard that her niece measured her and wanted to make clothes for her, she was very happy, but Mrs. Jiang was a little unhappy.

"She's just messing around all day long. She doesn't want to be a good teacher, she insists on becoming a tailor." Mrs. Jiang said displeased, but she saw that her granddaughter was only making clothes for the family, and she didn't hold her neck to open a tailor shop like she used to. It's not good to scold loudly.

"Mom, don't say that." Jiang Lifang said, "It's a new society now. I often see foreign clothing magazines in Tiantian. Oh, those clothes are very beautiful, and there are good tailors abroad. But what is admired is not the work that was once considered low."

Jiang Wenwen, who was listening on the sidelines, became more and more happy. The cousin's idea is really good. As long as she can persuade her aunt, with a helper, she has a great chance of convincing her family.

He Tiantian, after Jiang Lifang came home, she drove the car to the vegetable market in the afternoon, bought a lot of ingredients, and went back and forth twice.

With the help of Li Yunzhong, Huo Yingjie after get off work, and Xie Wu and Zhang Ning, they sorted out all kinds of vegetables, prepared half of some big dishes first, and served them directly tomorrow. As for the others, they also made preparations and made more tomorrow Stove, cooking now.

There is a large refrigerator at home, which is full.

He Tiantian's birth and delivery manager can always arrange the family properly when doing these things, which makes He Tiantian feel a sense of accomplishment and happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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