Chapter 909 Opening up, opening

He likes her, he loves her?

" didn't lie to me?" Zhang Mengmeng asked stammeringly, sticking her head out of Qi Zhenghan's arms, wanting to clarify.

Qi Zhenghan kissed her forehead and said: "I didn't lie to you, I like you, I love you, and I want to be with you too."

"Then...then Teacher He?" Zhang Mengmeng thought about Qi Zhenghan's previous confession that he liked He Tiantian, so how could he fall in love with her?

Qi Zhenghan smiled and said seriously: "I used to like He Tiantian, but she didn't like me, and she was married and had a happy married life. I was still stagnant until I met you. Just trying to fall in love with someone again."

"Really?" Zhang Mengmeng burst into tears with joy, and she could hardly believe her ears.

"It's true. I have only seen my heart clearly since we separated." Qi Zhenghan said, "I wanted to come back and explain it to you, but my sister received a telegram saying that something happened to you, so I hurried back Along the way, you are all in your mind and heart, so can't you prove it?"

"Wow!" Zhang Mengmeng finally couldn't help it anymore, tears poured out like a river breaking its embankment.

Qi Zhenghan hugged her tightly and said softly, "Don't cry, don't cry."

The children around didn't know why Sister Mengmeng was crying, and thought this man was bullying Sister Mengmeng.

The children gathered around and chattered: "Don't bully sister Mengmeng..."

Hearing the voices of the children, Zhang Mengmeng remembered that there were many children around her!

"Let go of me, there are still others." Zhang Mengmeng said, "You have made it hard all the way, right?"

"Yes, it's very hard. I haven't walked such a long way yet." Qi Zhenghan said with a smile, "But for you, everything is worth it."

Qi Zhenghan seemed to be enlightened, and he spoke sweetly and easily.

"It must be very tiring. I'll take you to rest." Zhang Mengmeng said, "Ask the teacher to help you find a place to live. You are so busy with work, are you leaving tomorrow?"

"Fortunately, you have not been out for a short time, when will you go back?" Qi Zhenghan asked, if the time is not long, he can leave with Zhang Mengmeng.

Zhang Mengmeng was overjoyed and said, "We're leaving the day after tomorrow. If you have time, you can leave with us."

Qi Zhenghan thought about it and said, "Okay!"

Zhang Mengmeng took Qi Zhenghan to meet the teacher who led the team. After introducing each other, everyone knew that Zhang Mengmeng's partner had come.

In the evening, Qi Zhenghan was arranged to stay at a fellow countryman's house.

Although crude, Qi Zhenghan was not alone in his heart. His heart, which had been empty all along, was finally filled.

Through chatting with Zhang Mengmeng, Qi Zhenghan also understood that the telegram was fake.

It must be his sister testing him.

Although his sister's intentions were good, Qi Zhenghan was still a little angry.

When you see your sister, you must teach her a lesson so that she will not make such jokes in the future.

After Qi Zhenghan and Zhang Mengmeng returned to Nanshi, the two officially confirmed their relationship.

There was no need for him to keep an eye on the affairs in Yanjing anymore. He sent a telegram asking his sister to work in Yanjing, and he would go to Yanjing again when the new car was on the market.

In addition to Yanjing, Qi Zhenghan also set up sales points in six major cities across the country, including Shanghai, Yangcheng, and Hangzhou.

All are in full swing decoration, publicity.

Qi Zhenghan often travels on business, but every time he comes back he brings gifts for Zhang Mengmeng.

At the same time, as long as Qi Zhenghan was in Nanshi, he would come to pick up Zhang Mengmeng from get off work at night, send Zhang Mengmeng to the dormitory, and then go back.

Things are getting better for the two of them.

Zhang Mengmeng's creative inspiration is like a spring, and she has written many wonderful works.

He Tiantian, who is far away in Yanjing, is discussing with Tang Qian about advertising.

"Tiantian, I want to advertise on Yanjing TV, so that the local people in Yanjing can know about Fuxi Automobile as soon as possible." Tang Qian said, the car he drives now is Fuxi Automobile, which is tough and powerful.Men like to drive such a car, which is more convincing.There is also a model that is smaller and can be driven by both men and women.

This small car comes in various colors, black, white, and bright red.

For the current Chinese people, these three colors are more acceptable.

Qi Xiaoyan and Jiang Wenwen took a fancy to big red and white.

He Tiantian thought for a while, and said, "Okay, the main factory will advertise on CCTV, and as a distributor, you can advertise on local TV channels, and there are some other outdoor advertisements, and the main factory will reimburse half of it at that time." But the premise is that the annual sales cannot be less than [-] vehicles!"

Tang Qian smiled triumphantly, and said, "Don't worry, I can sell [-] cars a year, and it's not expensive to advertise on TV, so I'll do it."

"How do you want to do it?" He Tiantian asked, "Do you need someone to shoot an advertisement?"

"No need, just take the CCTV commercial to Yanjing TV station and broadcast it." Tang Qian was very satisfied with the commercial film shot by the head office. Get a good time slot.

"Well, that's good." He Tiantian nodded, "Everything is going on in an orderly manner now, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard work, it's also my career." Tang Qian said with a smile, "The car is really nice, I like it very much, and I believe it will sell well."

"It's not bad." He Tiantian agreed, affirming Tang Qian's work.

After staying abroad for more than 20 days, Qi Xiaoyan finally came back from abroad.

Because there are still a few days, dealerships across the country will start selling at the same time.

There are [-] existing cars in Yanjing, and [-] existing cars in other dealerships.

Ready to open, an instant hit.

Yanjing's TV, radio, and overwhelming advertisements let many people know that Fuxi Motors is about to go public.

Tang Qian also came up with an idea to have someone ride a bicycle, and tie a printed cloth advertisement on the back seat, with a Fuxi car on it, and a group of three people riding on the road.

The speed is not fast, but it is enough for everyone to see clearly what it is.

For a while, the streets and alleys of Yanjing were talking about Fuxi Automobile.

On the opening day, He Tiantian, Qi Xiaoyan, and Jiang Wenwen came to congratulate and brought flower baskets.

Because Tang Qian made a lot of friends, many people sent flower baskets, and they had already lined up at the distribution point for a distance of 30 meters.

Almost blinded.

Tang Qian is indeed a veteran in the field of love!
Standing beside the car, a tall and slender woman in a beautiful cheongsam, stood beside the car on the platform.

Model car!

There is really nothing Tang Qian can't do, only unexpected!

(End of this chapter)

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