Chapter 916 Everyone is happy
I heard that Song Chunli and Zhao Huanhuan came over, and He Tiantian and Huo Yingjie came out to greet her in person.

"Auntie, it's so late, I'll trouble you to make a trip, it's too hard." He Tiantian said gratefully, it must be because of her business that she came here at this time.

Song Chunli smiled all over her face. After sitting down, she took out a kraft paper bag from her bag and said, "Yingjie, Tiantian, all the certificates are here for you. I have already been to Director Wang's house in the street office." , she has already registered you before leaving work, proving that you were conceived before family planning. With these, you can raise them at home with peace of mind, and you don’t need to hide around XZ.”

"Thank you, auntie, sister-in-law, thank you so much." He Tiantian thanked, "Brother Yingjie and I are idiots, but we can't think of such a good method, and it's the auntie who is the best."

"Hehe, it's all trivial." Song Chunli smiled, "By the way, according to the certificate, you're already three months pregnant, and you're already pregnant under normal circumstances, but you're actually only a little over a month old, so It’s better not to go out and rest at home.”

"I'll make a note, auntie, sister-in-law." He Tiantian agreed, hiding at home is better than hiding in a Taoist temple.

Thinking about it now, there seemed to be something wrong with her and Huo Yingjie's way of thinking before!

Song Chunli saw that it was getting late and things were done, she said with a smile, "Tiantian, Yingjie, it's getting late, your sister-in-law and I are going back, you guys should go to bed earlier."

"There is a room at home, so it's better for my aunt and sister-in-law to rest with us, and we will go back tomorrow." He Tiantian said, although she knew that her aunt and sister-in-law would not stay, but she still wanted to keep her.

"No, the two children in the family have to go to work tomorrow." Zhao Huanhuan said, "It's not far from the old house anyway, and we came back by car, so it doesn't matter if it's dark."

"Well, auntie, sister-in-law, be careful on the road." He Tiantian smiled and said, "At the weekend, Brother Yingjie and I will take our children to the old house to visit everyone."

"Okay, you can come anytime." Song Chunli said with a smile, happy in her heart.

Song Chunli also felt that this time He Tiantian's attitude towards her was much better and more sincere than before.

Huo Yingjie and He Tiantian sent Song Chunli and Zhao Huanhuan off in person.

Back in the house, He Tiantian could finally feel relieved after seeing those stacks of certificates.

Sure enough, the family planning committee of the sub-district office never came to send a gynecological examination. With the notice from Shanghuan, He Tiantian felt at ease to have a baby at home.

Because March has not actually passed, they are not going to tell others, they just say that they are not feeling well and are resting at home.

Qi Xiaoyan, Qi Zhengmin, and Jiang Wenwen thought that He Tiantian was really unwell, so they came to visit.

Seeing that He Tiantian looks very good, she seems to be a little fatter than before.

"Sister Tiantian, are you pregnant?" Qi Xiaoyan asked, based on her understanding of Sister Tiantian, this is not uncomfortable at all!
The other three people also stared at He Tiantian.

Seeing that she couldn't hide it, He Tiantian sneered and said with a smirk: "You just need to know, don't say it outside."

"Don't tell me, don't tell me." Qi Xiaoyan nodded, "How old are you?"

"It's been a month and a half, but it's been almost three months on the certificate, you just need to know it, don't tell anyone else." He Tiantian confessed, "Now is a critical period, and you can't make trouble for me."

"Biao sister-in-law, don't worry." Jiang Wenwen said, "I won't tell anyone about this matter. I will talk about it after you give birth to a child."

Qi Zhengmin was puzzled and asked, "Isn't being pregnant a good thing? Why are you so scared? It seems like there will be a lot of trouble?"

It is understandable that Qi Zhengmin did not understand the domestic situation.

There is no such thing as family planning in foreign countries, and maybe birth is encouraged!
"Starting from this year, China has implemented family planning. Couples who have already had children cannot continue to have children. Couples who have not given birth can only have one child, and no second child is allowed." He Tiantian explained, "This is also for It is a policy that has to be implemented to curb the rapid population growth of China."

"So that's it." Qi Zhengmin nodded, "Although I don't agree, I understand. This little guy came at the right time!"

"Yeah, that's why I quit my job." He Tiantian said, "Now I'm hiding at home to have a baby. If you have anything, you can come to my house to find me. I won't go out until the baby is born."

"Okay." Qi Zhengmin said, "My brother asked me to be in charge of Yanjing's sales and national promotion. Tang Qian and I will take care of things here, so don't worry about it."

Tang Qian?

That's what she's worried about!

He Tiantian smiled wryly in her heart, but she also understood that some things could be stopped without her stopping them, everything still depends on Qi Zhengmin herself.

At noon, the four sisters ate and chatted together. In the afternoon, they left and held a celebration party for He Tiantian three months later.

In this way, He Tiantian usually stays at home, reading books and ledgers.

If there is a need to discuss with He Tiantian, Niu Dajun, Li Yunfeng, Jiang Wenwen, Qi Xiaoyan will come to discuss with He Tiantian.

On weekends, go to the Huo family's old house.

Feeling grateful for Song Chunli's kindness, He Tiantian received the things sent by her mother, picked a black shoulder bag for Song Chunli, and gave Zhao Huanhuan a pink shoulder bag.

Because of the matter of family planning, the relationship between He Tiantian, Song Chunli and Zhao Huanhuan is better than before.

Whatever fun things He Tiantian gets, she will share some with them.

He Tiantian even asked Jiang Wenwen to design clothes for Song Chunli herself, and with the bag He Tiantian gave her, she was a dignified lady.

Song Chunli liked it even more, and with the money in hand, she lived happily.

Mrs. Huo is also very happy. She is very happy that the family can be so harmonious.

Qi Zhengmin met Huo Zhekun in private when he returned to Nanshi on a business trip to handle government affairs.

"Uncle Huo, I have some good news for you." Qi Zhengmin smiled, and in front of Huo Zhekun was a well-behaved junior.

"Hehe, your brother has already told me that there are five sales outlets across the country, with a total of 3000 cars in stock, and more than [-] cars have been reserved. It is a hit in China." Huo Zhekun laughed. , This is his single-handed political achievement.

The better the sales, the brighter his achievements will be.

"No." Qi Zhengmin smiled, "It's fine for my brother to tell you about it. What I want to talk about is a private matter."

"Oh? A personal matter?" Huo Zhekun was also curious, "Tell me quickly, and make me happy too."

(End of this chapter)

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