Chapter 93 The Homecoming Child

Not seeing Niu Dajun anymore, He Tiantian withdrew her hand and turned to look at the environment in the sleeper room.

In a small room, there are two rows of beds, and three beds above one row, for a total of six beds.

Although crowded, it was clean!

There are five people in this room, and there is no one on the upper bunk opposite. Others are chatting and eating. Because none of them came from Taoyuan County, no one knows He Tiantian, which saves the need to say hello.

He Tiantian was in a bad mood, climbed to the top bunk, put on the quilt with her clothes and slept, and put her small package, army green diagonal bag, water bottle and food in it.

Before going to sleep, He Tiantian said something to the snake king in the enchantment, and asked him to observe the surroundings. If there is any danger, he must wake her up.He Tiantian is too tired and wants to have a good sleep. The train will arrive at Nanshi at nine o'clock tomorrow night, and there is still a long way to go.

The King Snake knew that He Tiantian was facing a major crisis now, and he might not be able to help with other tasks, but he could ensure that He Tiantian's journey was safe and sound.

Niu Dajun walked to the side of the bicycle, and then saw a gray cloth bag on it. When he opened it, there were actually four dried hares and a pheasant inside.

"Hey, He Tiantian's shot is really generous!" Niu Dajun said with emotion, but it's not surprising to hear Qi Xiaoyan say that He Tiantian can hunt.I originally thought of giving something to my cousin who is working at the train station next time. Now that there is something from He Tiantian, he will borrow flowers to offer Buddha, send a dried chicken to Fafa, and give a wild one to my cousin Niu Lili. Rabbit, he keeps one for himself.

The cousin, Niu Lili, who got something, is very happy. Really good people want good rewards. I hope He Tiantian can get through this difficult time.

Because of the bodyguard Snake King, He Tiantian, who was sweet at night, had no dreams all night, and was woken up by his own urine when it was dawn.

He Tiantian carried her army green messenger bag, got out of bed, went to both ends of the train to get hot water, and went to the toilet by the way.

After simply washing his face, he came back with a lunch box. The lower bunk was a strong older lady in her 30s.

He Tiantian smiled and said, "Sister, can you take a seat? I want to have breakfast."

The eldest sister said cheerfully, "Sit down and eat together."

He Tiantian took out a cake and two eggs from the package, and ate with hot water.

"Where are you going?" Sister Shuanglang asked, eating pancakes on the side with hot water.

He Tiantian said softly, "Go back to Nanshi to visit relatives!"

"Are you a young man from the city who went to the countryside?" the eldest sister asked. "It's not easy to go to the countryside at such a young age."

He Tiantian didn't want to be looked down upon, she smiled and said, "I look young, but I'm actually quite old. Sister, what are you doing?"

The eldest sister said with a slightly proud tone: "We are all model workers in Huai City, we are going to the capital."

"It's amazing!" He Tiantian said enviously, "Being able to go to BJ is everyone's dream. In the future, I will work hard and strive to become a model worker."

Everyone saw that He Tiantian's consciousness was very high, and he had a kinder attitude towards her, and asked some young people who went to the countryside.He Tiantian is careful and said that she picked it up.

When it was time to get off the bus, He Tiantian was already very familiar with that eldest sister.

The contact information that the eldest sister left with each other will give you the opportunity to move around with each other in the future.

Although he knew that the chance of meeting next time was slim, He Tiantian still kept the contact information of the eldest sister.

Zhang Runan, the name of the eldest sister, the workshop director of the Huai City Tractor Factory.

He Tiantian came back suddenly, and the parents at home didn't know.It was past nine o'clock in the evening, it was pitch black outside, and there were no buses.At this time, there was no personal tricycle, so He Tiantian didn't dare to walk home alone.

Just as he was about to go to the guest house, the snake king in the barrier said contemptuously, "You fool, with me here, what are you afraid of!"

He Tiantian slapped her forehead, how could she forget King Snake!
He Tiantian straddles a military green bag with supporting documents on the left, and a military water bottle on the right, holding a small package in his hand, which is not heavy at all, and can run home!
"Then thank you King Snake." He Tiantian thanked, King Snake is really a must-have product for home travel!

"Okay, okay, go home quickly." The King Snake said impatiently, "I haven't rested well all day and night!"

He Tiantian listened, and ran home without doing those fancy stretching exercises. There was only one thought in her mind, that is to go home early.

Big Elm Lane, about seven kilometers from the railway station.

He Tiantian didn't stop all the way, and it only took four to ten minutes to arrive.From time to time, they overtook the bicycles in front, scaring the cyclists into thinking they had encountered a ghost.

Entering the alley, it is already past ten o'clock.At this time, most of the surrounding residents had already slept.

He Tiantian was even more excited.

She...she He Tiantian is back again!

It's just that when I came back this time, many people lived here, it was clean, and there were some lights, which warmed people's hearts. It was not like the previous life when she came back, which was dilapidated, unpopular, and full of mottled moss.

He Tiantian is walking in the familiar alley in her dream. Even if the road is a little dark, He Tiantian can still find her home accurately.

He Tiantian reached out and grabbed the two large copper rings on the heavy wooden door, and slammed the door a few times, "Papapapa..."

After a while, the lights in the room came on, and a familiar voice from He Tiantian's dream came: "Who is it?"

He Tiantian burst into tears, choked and said, "Mom, it's me!"

Even though he hadn't seen each other for four months, He Tiantian burst into tears when she heard her mother's voice.

"Ah!" Wang Shuping exclaimed, "Jingyu, come out, Tiantian is back."

"Clang", "Clang", there were several sounds of things crashing in the house.

Wang Shuping trotted over to open the door. Seeing that it was indeed her daughter outside the door, she hugged her and said, "My son!"

When He Jingyu saw his daughter, his eyes were red, he turned his head, and said in a low voice, "Be quiet, let others hear the cry at night, and think it's an accident!"

Even if He Jingyu reminded him aloud, he still woke up the Huo family next door.

"Shuping, why are you crying?" Huo Yingjie's mother Jiang Lifang, dressed in clothes, walked into the yard and asked across the wall.

"Tiantian is back." Wang Shuping replied.

When Huo Yingjie's parents heard this, they quickly put on their clothes and came over to ask about the situation. Why did He Tiantian come back in such a bad year?is something wrong
When the Huo family arrived, He Jingyu and Wang Shuping shed tears while holding their daughter.

Huo's mother Jiang Lifang stepped forward and persuaded: "Shuping, you husband and wife don't cry, the child must be tired and hungry when he arrives at home in the middle of the night, so hurry up and make something to eat and give the child a cushion."

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(End of this chapter)

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