Chapter 961 The mood of marrying a daughter, back to Nanshi
Everyone was deeply moved after hearing Aunt Liu's words.It's different to have her family's care and support, at least when the man is unreliable, there is her family's family to rely on temporarily.

Qi Da Niu nodded and said: "Thank you Mom, I made a note of it, even if I get married in the future, I will still be filial to you and Dad."

"Good boy." Aunt Liu's eyes were red, she raised such a well-behaved girl, she gave it to others.

Hey, raising a daughter is like this. You have to marry and leave home.

Fortunately, Da Niu works as a teacher in elementary school, and she built a house in Qijia Village, so it is very close, and it will be easier to come and go in the future.

Afterwards, the matchmaker and the man's married people came over one after another.

When Miss Qi's husband, Song Ming, saw his wife, his eyes lit up. She was so pretty today, and she smiled cheerfully.

Under the reminder of the matchmaker, the two parties thanked their parents and elders, and then Miss Qi got on Song Ming's bicycle and bid farewell to everyone with tears in her eyes.

Seeing Song Ming go farther and farther on his bicycle, the smear of red on Qi Da Niu's body became smaller and smaller, and everyone felt less melancholy.

Aunt Liu finally couldn't help crying, and Liang Hongyu and Zhao Dajiao came over to persuade her.

After all, it was a happy event, and there were so many guests at home. Aunt Liu quickly calmed down and greeted the guests for a banquet.

As an unmarried woman, Qi Zhengmin went to marry with several girls in the village.

As for Qi Xiaoyan, He Tiantian, who is already married, can only have banquets at home.

Thinking of the children at home, He Tiantian ate some casually, and hurried home to take care of the children.

Grandma Qi and old man Qi didn't want to go to the banquet, so Aunt Liu personally sent some food suitable for the elderly.

When He Tiantian came home, she happened to see Grandma Qi and Old Man Qi eating.

Xiaosan was drinking milk, watching others eat with dribbling eyes.

Huo Ruihua, Huo Ruimin knew how to eat since he was a child, so he didn't need others to worry about it.

"Have you finished the table so soon?" Grandma Qi asked, "I'm not full, come and eat more."

"Good!" He Tiantian was indeed not full, so she went to the kitchen to fill up a bowl of rice, eat some for herself, and give some to Xiaosan.

"Is the wedding a success?" Grandma Qi asked, "Did I send you the stuff at the bottom of the box that I asked you to bring?"

"Give it away, the girl likes it very much." He Tiantian said, "Seeing the girl getting married, I remembered that when I got married before, my parents might also be in the same mood, and secretly shed tears."

"That's right!" Grandma Qi said with a smile, "That's what it's like to marry a daughter. You can't be in front of your mother anymore. Parents are always worried about not having a good life."

"But Song Ming is not bad." Third Grandma Qi smiled, "Young girl will have a good life in the future, so don't be melancholy."

The old man Qi smiled and said: "Everyone has their own life, and Da Niu is a smart woman who can manage her own life well."

"Yeah!" Grandma Qi nodded, "By the way, Tiantian, you have been here for half a month, and you should pack up and go back to Nanshi. Your parents-in-law probably have a long neck to wait for you."

"Hey, the mountains are high and the rivers are far away, so we can't see each other often." He Tiantian said with emotion, but for the sake of living, he had to go his own way.

The old man Qi smiled and said: "You don't have to be sad, sweet, when the weather is cooler, I will go to Yanjing with your grandma Qi."

"Hehe, there is a military parade on the National Day, please let me go. I was not happy to go before, but now I go to see it while I can still move." Old man Qi smiled, and happened to meet those old brothers.

He Tiantian's eyes lit up, and said, "Okay, I have a lot of houses, so I will definitely live in my house when the time comes, and let me be filial to my elders."

"Well, yes." Grandma Qi San smiled, "It's been so many years in a blink of an eye, and I want to see it too."

Hearing that Grandma Qi San and Old Man Qi were going to Yanjing, the melancholy in He Tiantian's heart disappeared.

After Miss Qi came back three days later, she brought her husband over to give gifts in person. After the reunion, He Tiantian and Huo Yingjie took their children and left Qijia Village under the protection of the guards for Nanshi.

Two days ago, He Tiantian asked Huo Yingjie to send a telegram.

Jiang Lifang and Huo Zhekun finally expected their son, daughter-in-law, grandson, and granddaughter to come, and cleaned up the house early. The quilts and things used in the house were also cleaned up early.

It's just that what I live in now is not the old courtyard house, but the provincial party committee compound.

As the second in command of the economy, Huo Zhekun lives in a three-story villa.

Fortunately, this place is not far from where Jiang Lifang works, otherwise Jiang Lifang would not want to live here.

Today Jiang Lifang specially transferred shifts with others to instruct the nanny to prepare more meals.

Secretary Guo has brought someone to pick him up, and he will be back in a while.

Secretary Guo came to pick up the person in person and walked through a special passage. Get off here and walk directly through the special passage. There is no need to queue up with other people.

Because it was night, Xiaosan had already fallen asleep, Huo Ruihua and Huo Ruimin were still in good spirits, they kept clamoring that grandma had prepared delicious food, they wanted to eat more.

Huo Zhekun saw that his wife was so busy that she actually talked and didn't need her own things, but she just didn't listen and insisted on helping.

Hey, Huo Zhekun never looked forward to Jiang Lifang's cooking skills, but was infected by her emotions and was very excited.

After getting off the car, Huo Ruihua and Huo Ruimin ran into the house, shouting loudly: "Grandpa, grandma..."

Hearing this voice, Huo Zhekun quickly threw away the book in his hand, got up and walked out.

"Oh, good grandson, good granddaughter." Huo Zhekun smiled, opened the door himself, went to the yard, and greeted the child.

In summer, the weather is still early, and many people are outside to cool off, or go for a walk after dinner.

Seeing a couple of young people with three children, the child is called Grandpa Huo Zhekun, and they guessed that it was the son of a high-ranking official who came to visit relatives.

Many people are envious. The leader's son looks good, his daughter-in-law is beautiful, and he has two grandsons and a granddaughter.

Many leaders feel overwhelmed when they think that there will only be one grandson or granddaughter in their family.

But this is a national policy. If you want to work, you can't have more children.

Hey, there are some things that I can't envy.

Huo Zhekun hugged the two children, and then went to see Huo Ruifeng in Huo Yingjie's arms.

The little guy slept soundly, and his little mouth wriggled from time to time.

"Hurry up and go in, it's been a hard journey." Huo Zhekun smiled, "Your mother is in the kitchen, busy, probably hasn't heard the sound yet."

Just as they were talking, the two older children started to surround Jiang Lifang and call grandma.

Jiang Lifang was in so much pain, she kissed this and then that.

"Dad, Mom has worked hard too." He Tiantian smiled and said, "Let's go in and talk about it."

There are some people outside, look this way and say hello to Huo Zhekun.

(End of this chapter)

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