Chapter 966 Investment Projects
Furthermore, he has resigned from his iron job, and it can be regarded as a desperate situation. He wants to start a business and make a career.

They have such courage, on the one hand, because Wu Youliang has indeed researched something good, on the other hand, because He Tiantian, a rich and good friend like Huo Yingjie, can help them a lot in terms of funds.

He Tiantian listened, nodded and said: "One of you is in charge of management, the other is in charge of technology, and you have contributed another 60, accounting for 50.00%, which is very reasonable. Is there anyone else who will contribute? If not, I will contribute all; If there is, then I will ask for less shares."

"Cui Ying over there said they could pay 30 yuan, and Qin Li said they could pay 20 yuan. We'll see how you can distribute the shares." Wu Youliang said, looking at Huo Yingjie, He Tiantian.

After hearing this, Huo Yingjie smiled and said, "Then there is still a vacancy of 90. How about it, I will sell an electric water heater, plus 90, accounting for 35% of the shares. I will not participate in the operation, but I will send an accountant over."

"Electric water heater?" Wu Youliang was excited, "Do you know how to make this thing?"

"Well, I know." Huo Yingjie said, "I'll send you the blueprint after a while, and you'll find out after you try it. As you know, there are some places in the city where solar energy cannot be installed due to limited conditions. Installing an electric water heater in the bathroom is more convenient and cost-effective.”

"Originally, I thought about getting solar energy now, and then developing electric water heaters when it reaches a large scale." Wu Youliang said, "In this way, will our investment be less?"

Huo Yingjie smiled and said, "It's not too small. There are many factories closed now. You can buy a factory directly, and then use the factory to make a loan and buy equipment. As long as the quality of the thing is good, the appearance is good, and it matches the corresponding advertisement , don’t worry about no business. After making money, we will expand and reproduce.”

"Well, let's do this." Wu Youliang was excited and full of hope for the future.

Back home at night, He Tiantian asked, "The electric water heater, is it some patent you made last year?"

"That's right!" Huo Yingjie said, "We already have them in foreign countries, so we can get a few directly from abroad. We also have patents and drawings, so we can manufacture finished products and sell them soon."

"I hope so." He Tiantian nodded, "Now that everyone has a career and their income is increasing, I will donate some more things to the orphanage in autumn."

"Okay." Huo Yingjie said with a smile, "If you are poor, you will be good for yourself, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world. If we have money, we will help those poor people more and accumulate blessings for our families."

"Yeah!" The husband agreed.He Tiantian is very happy.

When I came out, I actually found two investment projects.

He Tiantian only invests money and does not operate, which makes her a lot easier.

Money is enough for her, she doesn't have so much energy to do it herself, and cooperating with other trusted people is the best way.

When her father-in-law was free, He Tiantian told Huo Zhekun about Wu Youliang.

"Dad, you see, although this is a private enterprise, it has two product patents of its own. If it develops well, it will be a product developed by our country itself, instead of blindly introducing foreign technology. In some respects, we also Not bad." He Tiantian showed Huo Zhekun the information prepared by Wu Youliang and Huo Yingjie.

Huo Zhekun took it over, took a closer look, and said, "That's right, there are indeed patents. We attract foreign capital because we want to learn advanced foreign management and technology? Since there are, we also support them, so that we can truly drive the development of national industries. .

Huo Yingjie drank tea on the side, and echoed: "Dad, you are right. We told you this not to let you open the back door to Wu Youliang's company, but just to give my father a suggestion. When attracting foreign capital, you can't Regardless of local industrial development. It may take a long time for foreign technologies to be digested into our own technology, but if we have our own technology, we must vigorously develop it and give some high-tech preferential policies. We cannot just focus on giving Some foreign investors know about policies, but they don’t pay much attention to some domestic private enterprises. In the final analysis, the industrial development of a country must be in the hands of our own people.”

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

After hearing this, Huo Zhekun took it seriously. He had indeed neglected these things before. He had to think carefully about how to encourage the development of private enterprises.

"Well, what I said is, I wrote it down." Huo Zhekun nodded, "By the way, Yingjie, with the development of foreign capital and the private economy, it will have an impact on state-owned enterprises and collective enterprises, and this impact is getting bigger and bigger. Now many leaders of state-owned enterprises have come to the government to report the situation, and I am also very troubled!"

Huo Yingjie smiled after hearing this, and said: "In the past, in the planned economy, everyone produced according to the tasks set by the above, not for the purpose of profit. They did more and less, and they were paid for good or bad, so many Factories are not willing to update production technology, nor do they want to improve management methods and service attitudes. Now that the market is liberalized, it is gradually allowing multiple economies to coexist. State-owned enterprises are still the same as before. In terms of technology, they are not as good as those foreign capitals; The level cannot keep up with private enterprises, and they have been relying on the government to rely on their laurels. If things go on like this, sooner or later, no one will want what they produce.”

Huo Zhekun's complexion changed drastically when he heard this, he knew that his son never talked empty words, and he said everything, especially political assertions.

"Yingjie, our country's state-owned enterprises occupy important fields and industries in the country, and are the main source of national fiscal revenue. If the competitiveness of state-owned enterprises is not strong, it will directly affect the local fiscal revenue, which will have a huge impact." Huo Zhekun said sadly, " Now the management of state-owned enterprises is rigid and the technology is backward, which is indeed very serious. If we don’t pay attention to it, it will indeed bring huge disasters to the country in the future.”

"Yes, so it is necessary to formulate relevant policies, change the business philosophy, and take the initiative to occupy the market instead of waiting for the market to find it, and the things produced are also suitable for the needs of the people, rather than responding to the tasks above, and those The scientific research technology in the school should also adapt to the market demand as much as possible, and transform it into actual productivity, instead of copying the report directly from the laboratory and keeping it in the archives." Huo Yingjie said, "Some outdated military technology can be transformed into civilian use. Ah, to improve folk production technology."

The research topics of the Huaxia Rare Materials Research Institute where Huo Yingjie works are all directly customized materials according to the requirements of relevant departments, so there will be no research waste, cost savings, and can be used to the maximum extent.

(End of this chapter)

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