Chapter 994 Do it if you like it

But at this time, although she likes her current life, she always feels that there is less fun in life.

Is it because she repressed her hobbies?
He Tiantian asked herself and thought about herself.

Yes, now that she is 30 years old, as the children grow up, has she always lived such an ordinary life?

If so, it's really boring.

She... She has been unknowingly tired of her current life.

Others seemed to have noticed it, but she herself didn't realize it, as if she was escaping.

After Grandma Wang pointed it out, she stopped talking.

He Tiantian has always been a smart person and will figure it out.

Only when you want to understand, can you discover the flaws in your life and think about changing them.

In the evening, the children come back from school.

The two older children are doing their homework. They are already in the third grade. As soon as they get home, they lie on their desks and do their homework.When you finish your homework, you will do what you like.

Huo Xiaosan, a student in the small class of Yuhong Class, wrote some pinyin and math homework, and then began to hum in the yard with a stick.

The children have their own affairs, instead of sticking to He Tiantian like they were when they were young.

Yuan Hua is right, children have children's lives, and she should also have her own life.

In the evening, Huo Yingjie got off work and got home at six o'clock.

So everyone started washing their hands and eating, without letting He Tiantian worry about it at all.

After dinner, the child went to watch cartoons sent from abroad.

This is why He Tiantian doesn't want her children to play after eating, which is bad for their stomach, so they are allowed to watch it for half an hour after eating.

After watching TV, Huo Xiaosan can do things by himself, Huo Ruihua and Huo Ruimin read in the study.

As long as it is in the study, you can read any book.

He Tiantian was a little absent-minded, and her energy level was a little low. She didn't know what was on the TV.

Huo Yingjie washed up, changed his household clothes, and came to the room.

"What's wrong?" Huo Yingjie asked, thinking that He Tiantian was not feeling well, he reached out and touched her forehead.

"I'm not uncomfortable." He Tiantian said, "I'm just a little sleepy."

"What's the matter, tell me, I'll listen, don't be confused alone." Huo Yingjie said, he was busy with work recently, and he didn't communicate with He Tiantian in time.

He Tiantian felt that if she thought about it alone, she might as well discuss it together like Huo Yingjie.

"Brother Yingjie, do you think I have become boring and boring?" He Tiantian asked, looking at Huo Yingjie seriously.

Huo Yingjie was taken aback, wondering why He Tiantian said such things, quickly put down the book in his hand, and looked sideways at He Tiantian, Tiantian was still so beautiful, but her eyes seemed a little lonely.

"Are you bored?" Huo Yingjie asked. He analyzed it carefully. There was nothing wrong with the family, so it was because she was in a mood.

"Well, the children have their own lives, and you also have a job, and I just look at the books, and a lot of time in a day is wasted." He Tiantian said, "Should I also go out to work?"

Huo Yingjie quickly calculated in his mind, thought for a while, and said, "Then what kind of work do you want to do? If you just work for work, then it's unnecessary. It's hard work, and you don't have fun. But, if you like it , then you do it. We are enjoying life, making ourselves happy, not making ourselves hard.”

He Tiantian was a little shocked when he heard Huo Yingjie's words.

Do it because you like it.

"I...I want to go swimming." He Tiantian said in a low voice, "It's not a job either, Yuan Hua said, there is a swimming association under their association, there is a big swimming pool, it is also possible in winter, I want to play Play."

"Hehe, that's how it is. Okay, I can accompany you there on the weekend the day after tomorrow." Huo Yingjie said, "If you like it, then do it."

Wei Yuanyuan stayed by He Tiantian's side to protect her, Huo Yingjie was at ease.

"Okay, let's go play." He Tian nodded, feeling better.

He Tiantian is looking forward to the weekend very much.

On the weekend, after sending the child and Grandma Wang to the old house, Huo Yingjie and He Tiantian ran away.

Yuan Hua had an acquaintance, so he brought Huo Yingjie directly, and He Tiantian came over.

"It's not open yet, but since Yuan Hua introduced you, I'll take you there." A tall young man said with a smile, and glanced at Yuan Hua inadvertently.

He Tiantian and Huo Yingjie are both people with clear thoughts, and they can see what's going on right away.

Haha, this man named Zhu Zhitao wants to pursue Yuan Hua.

As for Yuan Hua, it seems that he is also giving this man a chance.

They drove together to the swimming pool that was only put into use this summer, and the facilities inside were really the best.

"Okay, Zhu Zhitao, go and do your work, let's play here for a while." Yuan Hua said, sorry to disturb Zhu Zhitao again.

"That's okay, you go for a swim first, and I'll treat you to dinner at noon." Zhu Zhitao said with a smile, the woman in front of him was Teacher He whom Yuan Hua had always praised.

He wanted to pursue Yuan Hua, so he naturally had to behave well in front of Teacher He.

"It's time for us to treat you to dinner at noon." Huo Yingjie smiled, thanking Zhu Zhitao for his help.

In the entire swimming pool, there were only a dozen or so people, both men and women.Like Huo Yingjie and He Tiantian, they probably came to play through the back door.

There are eight swimming lanes inside, and the water quality is blue.

Huo Yingjie, He Tiantian, and Yuan Hua changed into swimsuits respectively.

Wei Yuanyuan stood aside to protect He Tiantian, looking around.

He Tiantian and Yuan Hua's swimsuits are all conservative one-piece styles. After doing warm-up exercises, they came to the pool.

From time to time, some people looked at He Tiantian and Yuan Hua, and some people looked at Huo Yingjie, who had long legs and six pack abs.

"Mr. He, there are exactly two swimming lanes over there, let's compare?" Yuan Hua suggested, although she knew her speed was not as fast as He Tiantian's, it was just for fun.

"Okay!" He Tiantian smiled brightly and took a few deep breaths.

He Tiantian, Yuan Hua walked up to the stage.

"Brother Yingjie, tell us to start." He Tiantian said, since he is competing in swimming, he should be more serious.

"Okay." Huo Yingjie smiled, "Get ready, get ready, let's start!"

Hearing Huo Yingjie's order, He Tiantian was like a mermaid, her slender figure flashed a graceful figure in the air, her hands raised above her head, and she entered the water without splashing too much water.

Although Yuan Hua's movements were not slow, they were slower than He Tiantian's, and they were not as graceful as He Tiantian's.

After He Tiantian entered the water, she paddled quickly with her two legs, and when she surfaced again, she was already seven or eight meters away.After that, He Tiantian swam and slid her arms in her own way.

The speed was so fast that Yuan Hua was left far behind.

(End of this chapter)

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