Chapter 169 New hatred and old hatred
The masked middle-aged man sneaked up on Wang Hao from behind, and his palm was astonishingly powerful.

Earth Martial Realm Triple Realm!This masked man actually possesses the same realm as Li Wanbao!

Wang Hao sighed in his heart: "I didn't expect to be a strong man in the Earth Martial Realm. It seems that my preparations can't kill him."

Wang Hao had already included the sneak attack by the masked man, but he didn't expect the masked man to be so powerful.

He spit out a word lightly from his mouth.

"Sword come!"

Accompanied by these words, a pair of chopsticks on the table where Wang Hao had just been drinking suddenly stood up on their own and stabbed at the masked man!

The masked man was taken aback, "What a strong sword intent!" He hurriedly turned around to stop the pair of chopsticks.

Wang Hao quickly turned around and launched an attack on the masked man. From the original victim, he perfectly changed his identity and became the one who strikes first.

However, what Wang Hao didn't expect was that in the face of his blatant counterattack, the masked man's eyes did not reveal any emotional changes.

Wang Hao was startled, "Not good! I've been fooled!"

Immediately afterwards, a great sense of crisis emerged from behind Wang Hao.

From the corner of Wang Hao's eyes, he saw that Ling Wenyu, who was so terrified of facing him that he could not move, slipped out a diamond dagger from his cuff and stabbed at him!

"Chasing moon steps!"

At the very moment, Wang Hao activated his movement technique, but it was a step too late, and the dagger in Ling Wenyu's hand pierced fiercely into his shoulder.


Wang Hao fell from the second floor and landed heavily in the hall. He was drunk and screamed immediately.

The guests left one after another, and for a while, only Wang Hao, Ling Wenyu, the masked man and the bewildered Xiaofang were left among the drunk mandarin ducks.

Wang Hao pulled out the dagger on his shoulder, and he activated the Chi kiss blood, but felt his whole body go numb quickly.

"The dagger is poisoned!"

Wang Hao was taken aback. He looked at the masked man and Ling Wenyu who jumped down from the second floor with serious expressions.

"I didn't expect that I would be betrayed!"

At this moment, Wang Hao finally understood that the members of the Black Tiger Hall who revealed Ling Wenyu's whereabouts to him might have been bribed by the Ling family!

Hearing Wang Hao's words, Ling Wenyu laughed and said: "I said before, in the Frozen City, no one can oppose the Ling family, Xue Jian, today you will definitely die!"

Wang Hao sneered, and behind him, the blood soul of Chi kiss slowly emerged.

A hot current poured into Wang Hao's body, and the numbness in Wang Hao's body began to subside.

Ling Wenyu was taken aback. He didn't expect that the strongest toxin he took from the Ling family's treasure house would be ineffective against Wang Hao.

"kill him!"

Accompanied by Ling Wenyu's roar, the masked middle-aged man made a decisive move!
"Golden pupils!"

"The Soul of Negative!"

Wang Hao activates two abilities at the same time, he is going to copy the martial arts of the masked man while looking for a solution.

As long as he gets rid of the toxins in his body, he will have the power to fight!
However, when the masked man used his martial arts, Wang Hao was shocked to find that he had already learned the masked man's martial arts.

"Six Punches!"

"Six Punches!"

Wang Hao and the masked man quickly exchanged six punches, the masked man took a step back, and Wang Hao backed up ten steps in a row. The damage to Wang Hao from the toxin limited his strength.

"Snow Sword Sect's martial arts!" Wang Hao couldn't believe it, "This masked man is actually using the unique martial arts of Xuejian Sect!"

There were also violent fluctuations in the eyes of the masked man, and he did not expect that Wang Hao would use the six punches.

"who are you?!"

"Who are you?!"

Wang Hao and the masked man questioned each other at the same time, but neither of them answered. Wang Hao could not reveal his true identity, and neither could the masked man!

The masked man sneered: "No matter who you are, for my future, you will die!"

After the words fell, the masked man launched another attack. He accumulated enough strength and slapped Wang Hao!
"Chongyang Palm!"

A hurricane rushed towards Wang Hao, Wang Hao's pupils constricted, he moved his feet, and instantly left the place.

"Chasing moon steps!"

Wang Hao dodged the hurricane, and with his high-quality agility, rushed to the masked man.

"Lingyun Triple Punch!"

Wang Hao blasted out both fists at the same time, and at the same time, there was a shadow of a hidden fist mixed between the two fists.

If it were someone else, they would definitely not be able to discover the existence of the third fist shadow, but the masked man obviously knew this martial skill!
"Thinking to sneak attack me, wishful thinking!"

The masked man stretched out his hands, and between his two hands, a Yuanli shield emerged.

The masked man grabbed Wang Hao's two fists with both hands, and the shadow of the hidden fist was blocked by the Yuanli Shield.

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, and thought in his heart: "The martial arts used by the masked man were originally hidden in the Xingchen Pavilion. The Xingchen Pavilion was raided by the Ling family and the four major sects. Could it be that the person in front of him is Ling Ling?" The elders of the family?"

"No!" Wang Hao immediately denied this idea, "If he is the elder of the Ling family, the martial arts of Xuejianmen must have been acquired recently, and it is nothing more than learning one or two moves, but since the battle he has used all the martial arts. It is the secret of the Snow Sword Sect!"

"If he is from Xuejianmen, who would it be!"

Just when Wang Hao was thinking deeply, the masked man launched a counterattack. He pushed Wang Hao back with his palm and held the claw with his right hand.

In an instant, the masked man's right hand emitted a dazzling red light, and a fierce aura descended on the entire drunk mandarin duck.

Wang Hao's eyes widened. The martial skill used by the masked man was the original Xingchen Pavilion Zhenzong's martial skill - Sky Eagle Claw!

On the right hand of the masked man, a vision of a ferocious black eagle appeared. The black eagle spread its wings and grabbed Wang Hao with a pair of sharp claws!

"Go to hell! Sky Eagle Claw!"

The terrifying aura enveloped Wang Hao, and Wang Hao thought to himself, "Since the opponent knows the martial arts hidden in the Xingchen Pavilion well, then I will use the martial arts that are not in the Xingchen Pavilion, and see how you deal with it!"

Back then, the ancestor of Xuejianmen predicted that the sect would be in great trouble, so he specially left some powerful martial arts and hid them in the secret room. Although these martial arts are the property of Xuejianmen, only Wang Hao learned them from the beginning to the end. !
"Sealing Heaven Fist!"

Claws and punches collided together, and the terrifying power generated shattered all the tables and chairs on the first floor of Drunken Mandarin Duck!

Fists and claws collided, and there was a look of pain in the masked man's eyes. Wang Hao immediately grasped this detail.

"Golden pupils!"

Through the golden pupils, Wang Hao suddenly discovered that the masked man was seriously injured at this moment. He could even see that the masked man's heart had just been healed...

Wang Hao's pupils constricted, and he muttered to himself, "I'm familiar with Xuejianmen's martial arts, but I have a fatal wound on my body, could it be..."


Wang Hao and the masked man separated. The masked man hastily took two deep breaths to adjust his breath, while Wang Hao's body trembled slightly.

The trembling of Wang Hao's body was not because he was injured in the fight just now, but because he had guessed the identity of the masked man, and the hatred in his heart wanted to burst through his chest!

"It's you!" Wang Hao roared angrily, "You traitor, you're still alive!"

The masked man frowned, thinking in his heart: "Did the other party guess my identity? But who is he! I've never seen this face before!"

The chilling killing intent wafted wantonly in this house, the temperature inside the house had already dropped below freezing point, and a thin layer of ice had formed on the drinks in many cups.

A sword appeared in Wang Hao's palm, with a murderous aura and a dazzling red light.

Immediately afterwards, with a wave of Wang Hao's hand, a palm wind enveloped Xiaofang on the second floor, broke through the wall of the drunken mandarin duck, and sent her outside.

Wang Hao shouted sharply: "Sword!"

Accompanied by the sound of "Sword coming!", the entire Zui Xiaoyao was filled with flying sword energy for a moment, and the sword energy became more and more. In the blink of an eye, the roof of the drunk mandarin duck was chewed to pieces by the sword energy, revealing a black night sky.

A total of [-] sword qi appeared in the air, and the masked man was taken aback. He immediately grabbed Ling Wenyu and rushed out!

The sword qi revolves clockwise around Wang Hao, and soon, a tornado purely made of sword qi revolves around Wang Hao at a high speed.

The masked man was startled. It was not the first time he had seen the martial arts used by Wang Hao!
"Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

The martial art used by Wang Hao is exactly Mr. Zhao's unique skill - Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect!
After reaching the Earth Martial Realm, Wang Hao has mastered all the martial arts and swords, and every sword energy in the sky is under Wang Hao's control!

The sword energy flying in the sky contained Wang Hao's soaring hatred. At this moment, Wang Hao wished to tear the masked man to pieces!

Ling Wenyu was standing behind the masked man with a pale face at this time. He never expected that Wang Hao's strength had reached such a level that his own poison dagger could not kill him at all.

Looking at the torrent of sword energy that was like punishment from heaven, Ling Wenyu was so terrified that he was about to faint. He could clearly feel how terrifying the anger contained in the sword energy was!
Different from Ling Wenyu's panic, the expression on the masked man's face was one of shock!

The masked man shouted sharply: "It turned out to be Wan Jian Guizong! You are Wang Hao!"

"Wang Hao?!"

Hearing the masked man's questioning, Ling Wenyu finally came to his senses. He looked at the red sword, wasn't it Wang Hao's Longyuan Sword? !
Ling Wenyu lost his voice: "This is impossible! How can you still be alive!"

He clearly saw his father piercing Wang Hao's heart with his claws, how could he survive!
Wang Hao laughed angrily and said, "You bastards who murdered and exterminated sects are still alive, how could I, Wang Hao, die!"

The masked man looked at the angry Wang Hao and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Hahahahaha! Wang Hao! You are still alive! I was not worth it because you died at Ling Xie's hands!"

"It's good that you're alive, so I have a chance to avenge myself!"

Wang Hao sneered and said: "You betrayed the sect and caused the sect to suffer a catastrophe. Today is my revenge! I want to let you die without a place to bury you, go to another world, and personally fight with the Xuejian sect who died tragically up and down. Brothers and sisters, apologize!"

Hearing Wang Hao's words, the masked man laughed loudly, "Hahahaha! Wang Hao, you are too arrogant! Zhao Wujian was protecting you before, so I didn't kill you. Now there is no one to help you. I Let's see, how can you go crazy!"

"As long as I kill you, my status in the family can be restored, and with the help of the Ling family, the Li family will be mine sooner or later!"

"Wang Hao, just obediently treat me as a stepping stone for my success!"

Wang Hao didn't say much, the sword energy in the air had reached its limit, he was full of anger, turned into a sharp slash, and slashed towards the masked man.

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

(End of this chapter)

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