Chapter 251 Desert Funeral
Wang Hao's and Duan Lu's full-strength blows are so powerful, let alone fighters at the first level of the Heavenly Martial Realm, no matter how high the level is, it is impossible to resist such an attack without defense!

"Pfft!" "Pfft!"

Both Wang Hao's sword and Duan Lu's arm were inserted into Sha Wang's chest, but there was no joy on their faces.

On the contrary, Wang Hao frowned!
The feeling from the hilt is completely different from the feeling of a sharp weapon entering the flesh.

Duan Lu's feeling was more obvious, his punch seemed to hit the beach.

Sand King's frightened expression froze on his face, and then his skin began to change color.

Sand King's whole body turned into the color of yellow sand, and there was a faint yellow sand floating around his body.

Just hearing "crash!", the body of Sand King turned into a pile of sand and fell to the ground.

"Oops, it's a substitute technique!"

Wang Hao hastily opened up his Yuanli, he was immediately alert, and a sharp weapon struck from behind himself and Duan Lu.

These sharp weapons are sand needles condensed with yellow sand!
"Get out of the way!"

Wang Hao pushed Duan Lu aside, and at the same time used his strongest defense method.

"Blood coat!"

Red filaments thinner than hair emerged from under Wang Hao's skin, knitting together like a honeycomb.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"

The intensive attacks fell on Wang Hao's back, like a heavy rain hitting a lotus leaf.

Even with the blood suit protecting his body, Wang Hao still suffered some internal injuries, but with the blood of Chi kiss, there is no serious problem.

Wang Hao turned around, only to see Sha Wang looking at him and Duan Lu with a sarcasm on his face.

Duan Lu asked in a low voice: "Wang Hao, are you okay?"

Wang Hao nodded lightly, "This guy is a bit strange, be careful."

Duan Lu nodded, "Your observation skills are better than mine, I'll try his skills."

After the words fell, Duan Lu went to kill King Sha.

"Hun Yuan Palm!"

The palm of Duan Lu's right hand turned into a crystal jade face, and he chopped towards Sha Wang's neck. Sand King sneered, and grabbed Duan Lu's wrist with one hand.

As Duan Lu had judged before, Sand King's strength was surprisingly great, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pull his wrist out of Sand King's palm.

Sand King said angrily: "No wonder that guy Chi Yan won't let me leave the Iron Fort these days, so he wants to guard against you two guys!"

"However, I think too highly of Zhao Wudi. It's ridiculous to send someone like you to assassinate me!"

Duan Lu shot back: "Be careful of talking big, flash your tongue!"

As he said that, a gleam of light flashed in Duan Lu's eyes.

The reason why he just attacked with his right hand was to create an opportunity for his left hand to attack!

The King Kong left arm built by Wang Hao can already be used proficiently by Duan Luo. If he hits with all his strength, the strength of his left hand is three times stronger than that of his right hand!
"go to hell!"

Duan Lu's left fist turned into an afterimage, and smashed fiercely towards Sand King's head!
Sand King couldn't resist, the entire head was broken from the body, and then burst!
However, this time, the exploded head still turned into yellow sand all over the sky.

All of this was seen by Wang Hao's golden pupils. Wang Hao suddenly discovered that at the moment when Duan Lu's left fist was about to hit the Sand King, the origin force in the Sand King's body had undergone a strange change.

The martial artist's energy, in the meridians, should flow continuously like a trickle of water, but the eyes in Sand King's body are like grains of sand, solidified and motionless.

"Is this his bloodline ability?"

Thinking of this, Wang Hao hastily shifted his gaze to the place where the Sand King had just melted the sand.

"it is as expected!"

The corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitched into a sneer, the double of Huangsha who was crushed by him and Duan Lu just now was moving little by little!

"It seems that the yellow sand used as Sand King's substitute is also a part of his body!"

In order to confirm his thoughts, Wang Hao put his eyes on the incarnation of the Sand King that Duan Lu had just crushed. Sure enough, that piece of yellow sand was also slowly moving.

And the two piles of yellow sand moved in the direction where the Sand King reappeared!

Wang Hao shouted to Duan Lu: "These yellow sands are part of his body, if you continue to attack him, I don't believe he can divide his body into [-] parts!"

Saying that, Wang Hao also raised his sword and killed him.

Hearing Wang Hao's roar, Sha Wang's face was full of playful expressions and disappeared.

He gave Wang Hao a hard look. Wang Hao's guess was right, he can only use his clone to save his life nine times in a row!

If you want to use it more times, you have to wait for the scattered yellow sand to reintegrate into your body.

Duan Lu glanced at the two piles of yellow sand that were condensing towards the Sand King, with a mean smile on the corner of his mouth, he took a long breath and blew it out forcefully!

A strong person at the Heavenly Martial Realm, even with a single breath, can form a gust of wind. For a moment, there was a gust of wind in the hall, and two piles of yellow sand were blown everywhere.

Sand King wanted to summon the separated Huang Sha back by force, but Wang Hao didn't give him this chance at all!

"Sword dominates the world!"

The Longyuan sword slashed at the head, King Sand had no choice but to defend himself. He summoned his Horcrux from Yuan Jie, which turned out to be a short metal staff.

"Quicksand Wall!"

Sand King waved his staff, and quicksand gushed out in front of him, blocking Wang Hao's sword!

The Longyuan sword was inserted into the quicksand, and was trapped by a force of mud. Wang Hao pulled it out forcefully, but he couldn't pull it out.

"Where did the yellow sand come from?!"

Wang Hao couldn't understand how the Sand King summoned so much yellow sand in the hall.

The short stick in the sand king's hand stabbed towards the quicksand wall, and then, on the other side of the wall, the quicksand condensed into a spear and stabbed towards Wang Hao's chest.

"Don't try to succeed!"

Wang Hao had been keeping a close eye on Sand King's every move for a long time. He turned his feet slightly to one side and activated his body skills.

"Chasing moon steps!"

Wang Hao easily dodged the attack of the sand gun, and then he clenched the hilt of the Longyuan Sword with both hands, injecting righteousness of the sword into the edge of the sword.

The Longyuan Sword, infused with the righteousness of the sword, burst out with terrifying power, and only heard a loud "Boom!", and the entire quicksand wall was blown to pieces.

At the same time, Duan Lu also killed in front of King Sha, and without hesitation, he used King Kong's left arm to slam into King Sha's chest heavily.

Sand King wanted to resist, but Wang Hao's sword was faster than his movements!


The Longyuan sword pierced through Sand King's ribs, and pierced out from his chest. Of course, Sand King turned into a piece of yellow sand again, and his real body disappeared.

While looking around, Duan Lu said to Wang Hao, "Wang Hao, have you noticed that every time this guy uses a stand-in, his own strength will decrease a lot?"

Wang Hao chuckled and said, "That's natural. His body double carries a lot of energy. We two should keep an eye on it. Don't let him inhale the yellow sand into his body again!"

Just as the two were communicating, the real body of King Sha appeared again. He was fifteen steps away from Wang Hao and the two, and his goal was the reunited yellow sand!

Duan Lu shouted: "Don't think about it!" Immediately, he took a step and killed King Sha.

All over the sky, shadows of fists landed on Sand King's body, forcing him to lose the wind. Sand King has used a substitute three times, and he can only retain [-]% of his strength. Naturally, he is not Duan Lu's opponent.

Sha Wang said in shock, "I can't go on like this. If I'm forced to be a substitute again, I'll only have [-]% of my strength left. At that time, I'm afraid I will only die!"

Thinking of this, Sha Wang made up his mind, bit the tip of his tongue, and swallowed the blood.

The blood essence burned in Sand King's body, and Sand King's aura instantly increased.

"Get out of the way!"

Sand King swept out with a stick, and swept Wang Hao and Duan Lu away by three meters. He took this opportunity and took a deep breath.

The gust of wind reappeared, the difference was that this time the wind direction was blowing towards Sand King from all directions.

"Not good!" Wang Hao's heart trembled, "He wants to suck all the yellow sand into his body!"

"One sword pierces the heart!"

Wang Hao picked up his sword and instantly killed King Sha. He had to stop King Sha's move!
Seeing Wang Hao who was close at hand, Sha Wang's eyes were full of anger. In his heart, how could a mere half-step Tianwu be his opponent? Fragments!
Although Sha Wang has an impulsive personality, he is not a fool. Wang Hao and Duan Lu cooperate closely, and he obviously came prepared. If he continues to entangle with the two, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Both of you, stay here!"

The short staff in Sand King's hand moved forward lightly, and collided with the tip of Longyuan Sword, and there was a violent fluctuation of Yuan force around the two Horcruxes.

Wang Hao's eyes froze slightly. He was going to use the Dragon Transformation to kill the Sand King at the fastest speed!

But at this moment, Wang Hao suddenly felt his legs tighten, as if being grabbed by someone.


Wang Hao hurriedly lowered his head, only to see that his feet were piled up with yellow sand at some point, and his legs were already trapped in it.

"Golden pupils!"

Wang Hao immediately ignited the golden pupil, and saw that two pieces of the floor under the yellow sand had been lifted at some point, and the yellow sand was surging upwards, like a fountain.

Not only Wang Hao, but even Duan Lu was trapped in the yellow sand, unable to struggle for a while.


King Sha laughed loudly, "You guys just wait to be buried alive by Huang Sha! I'm leaving first!"

After the words fell, King Sha flew out of the hall and disappeared.

Wang Hao wanted to chase after him, but he couldn't move an inch, so he could only watch Sand King leave.

Duan Lu comforted: "It's okay, there is a black girl outside the iron castle, he can't escape!"

Wang Hao smiled wryly, "I'm not worried about this, what I worry about is how we should live."

Duan Lu was stunned for a moment, until then he realized that several holes had been opened on the ceiling of the hall at some point, and yellow sand was continuously pouring into the hall.

There is a waterfall on the top and a fountain on the bottom. There is more and more yellow sand in the hall, and Wang Hao and Duan Lu are buried deeper and deeper.

The yellow sand quickly reached the waists of the two, and Duan Lu smashed down with a punch, blasting the yellow sand around him, trying to get out.

However, as soon as he lifted his left leg, his right leg sank even deeper.

Wang Hao's situation was similar to Duan Lu's. He had already used his blood soul, and was about to use his violent sword energy to cut all the yellow sand around him and fly out of the iron castle.

But when Wang Hao took action, the entire Iron Fortress underwent drastic changes!


Accompanied by a terrifying dull sound, the entire iron castle trembled.

Wang Hao was startled, the whole iron castle was sinking!

Duan Lu panicked and shouted: "Leave quickly! This bastard wants to bury Tiebao alive!"

"Dragon God Transformation!"

The terrifying air wave generated by Wang Hao's transformation blew away all the yellow sand in the Shenzhou. Wang Hao soared into the air and pulled Duan Lu out.

He rushed towards the outside of the iron castle recklessly. If the entire iron castle was buried in the ground, it would be extremely difficult to get out of trouble!
(End of this chapter)

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