Chapter 258 Finding the Secret Together

Entering the Lin Mansion, Wang Hao and Jia Houwei, led by the butler, went to the living room, while Lin Fei went to her boudoir to change clothes.

While waiting for Lin Fei, under Jia Houwei's repeated questioning, Wang Hao told Lin Fei how he got to know each other. Of course, Wang Hao definitely didn't talk about the ambiguity.

After listening to Wang Hao's narration, Jia Houwei clicked his tongue and said, "Boss, I'm sure that this beauty has taken a fancy to you."

Wang Hao looked embarrassed, "What nonsense!"

Jia Houwei laughed and said, "And I'm afraid, Boss..."

Jia Houwei didn't finish this sentence, but Wang Hao understood what he meant. Why didn't he understand that he and Lin Fei had feelings in their hearts.

"Boss, in fact, you don't have to worry. In this world, there are many men with three wives and four concubines. The stronger the warrior, the more beautiful wives he has. You are destined to be not an ordinary person. Women who will admire you in the future , and there will only be more.”

Wang Hao smiled wryly and shook his head, "Mu'er and I have already established a relationship, I can't let her down."

While the two were talking, Lin Fei walked in. In exchange for her red makeup, she was like a peony in spring, colorful and colorful.

"What are you two talking about, so happy?"

Wang Hao smiled, "Talking casually, by the way, where are Chen Lin and Tiger, why didn't you see them?"

Lin Fei smiled, "They followed their father to find the secret."

"Looking for secrets?"

Lin Fei nodded, "Our Lin family made their fortune by searching for secrets. Recently, my father learned that there was an ancient martial tomb outside the sacred realm, so he took all the elders of the family with him. They set out secretly, but unexpectedly, the Jiang family actually After hearing the news, I came here."

Wang Hao frowned, "So, your Lin family may have spies planted by the Jiang family."

Lin Fei sighed, "There are many great families in the sacred domain. We and the Jiang family have never been able to deal with each other. It is normal for the two sides to plant spies in each other's family."

"You frightened the Jiang family by pretending to be a strong man. I guess they won't dare to do it again for a while."

"By the way, why are you here?"

Wang Hao explained: "Jia Houwei and I are going to join Qilin Academy."

Before setting off, Zhao Wudi once told Wang Hao that if he wanted to see Zhao Mu'er, he would definitely not be able to break into the Phoenix Academy by force, and joining the Qilin Academy was the only way.

There are often exchanges and competitions among the three major colleges. Joining Qilin College, there will always be a chance to enter Phoenix College and find Zhao Mu'er's whereabouts.

Moreover, the three major academies specialize in training geniuses, and Wang Hao's strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds if he enters them.

Whether it is to find Mu'er or find his parents, Wang Hao must have strong strength to support him.

Hearing what Wang Hao said, Lin Fei's beautiful eyes opened wide, and she asked in disbelief, "Wang Hao, have you advanced to the Heaven Martial Realm?!"

Wang Hao hummed, "I got something from the Dragon Tomb, it's just a fluke."

Lin Fei bit her lip lightly. She didn't expect that she and Wang Hao were far apart.

"There are still two months before the enrollment of the three major academies. Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle. Why don't you two go to the ancient martial tomb with me to explore the secrets?"

Wang Hao was taken aback for a moment, "Are you going too?"

Lin Fei nodded, "Although you scare Jiang Ping away, there is no guarantee that he will remain silent. My father and all the elders are in the tomb of Gu Wu. With them protecting me, I dare not take advantage of the courage of the Jiang family. For the trouble of going to the ancient martial tomb to find me, not to mention, they don't know the location of the ancient tomb at all."

Wang Hao felt that what Lin Fei said made sense. After all, they had already confirmed that the Lin family had a spy from the Jiang family. It was destined that he would not be able to hide his pretending to be a strong man for a long time.

Wang Hao looked at Jia Houwei and wanted to ask for his opinion. Jia Houwei shrugged indifferently, "Anyway, it's unrealistic for us to go to the third heaven now, and it's a good choice to practice with Lin Fei, although we have already reached the entrance conditions, but the selection of students by Kirin Academy must be assessed by the assessment center, and strengthening our own strength is the top priority."

"Well, the two of us will go with you!"

Hearing Wang Hao agree to come down, Lin Fei looked very happy, "You guys take a day off, and we will set off tomorrow morning!"


In the early morning of the next day, the three of Wang Hao left First Heaven and headed towards the outer domain. At the same time, a man in the Jiang family walked into Jiang Ping's study with his hat brim lowered.

Seeing this person, Jiang Ping said in a deep voice: "Have you found out the identity of the mysterious strong man from yesterday?"

"I found it!"

The visitor took off his hat, revealing his true appearance. He is the spy arranged by the Jiang family in the Lin residence.

If Lin Fei was present, he would be extremely shocked, because this spy was the butler of the Lin family who tried his best to protect him yesterday!
"who is it?!"

The housekeeper of the Lin family said in a deep voice, "He's a kid at the first level of the Heaven Martial Realm. Judging by Lin Fei's performance, he should be her lover."

"First level of the Heavenly Martial Realm?!" Jiang Ping opened his eyes wide, in disbelief, "Can the first level of the Heavenly Martial Realm exude such power?!"

"That kid didn't know what method he used to successfully deceive everyone's eyes. When you left, he took off his mask, and that terrifying aura disappeared without a trace."


In a rage, Jiang Ping smashed the desk in front of him into powder, "This old man was actually cheated by a brat!"

The housekeeper of the Lin family smiled and said, "Although there are some discrepancies with our plan, the goal has been achieved. Lin Fei has already gone to the ancient martial tomb and joined her father."

Hearing this, Jiang Ping raised his eyebrows, and he said pleasantly: "Great! In this way, we can follow the clues and find the location of Da Guwu's tomb!"

The housekeeper of the Lin family sighed: "Yes! I really don't know what secret technique the Patriarch of the Lin family has. He can always find the ancient tomb before others."

Jiang Ping sneered and said: "So what, they are looking for the secret technique of the ancient martial tomb, and soon it will belong to my Jiang family!"


The three of Wang Hao rode horses and galloped very fast. There was no one in front of or behind the three of them.

Lin Fei smiled and said, "In half a day, we'll be there."

Wang Hao and Jia Houwei looked at each other, Jia Houwei smiled and nodded slightly.

In an instant, Wang Hao and Jia Houwei jumped up from their horses at the same time, they turned around in the air, and their energy exploded.

Long Yuanjian made a move, and Wang Hao slashed out without hesitation.

"Sword dominates the world!"

The bloody sword light exploded on the road, where the sword fell, there was blood spattering!

Two severed horses appeared out of nowhere, with saddles on their backs, but no one could be seen.

Li Chen emerged between Jia Houwei's palms, and Li Chen vibrated at a high speed, condensing into the shape of a cross dart.

"Lichen Dart, go!"

Jia Houwei waved his hands, and two cross darts made of Lichen shot out.

"Golden pupils!"

Wang Hao ignited the golden pupils, and two figures were imprinted in his pupils.

The targets of Li Chen's dart were two hidden warriors, Wang Hao stepped into the air and killed one of them!
"Crack!" "Crack!"

Two piercing sounds resounded out of nowhere, and the two warriors who had been chasing behind Wang Hao and the others finally appeared.

Li Chen's Dart put great pressure on the two fighters, they had to show their true strength!

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Both of them are warriors in the first level of the Xuanwu Realm!They summoned their profound weapons and slashed at Lichen's dart!

Seeing the appearance of the two attacking, Jia Houwei sneered. He had already stepped into the realm of Tianwu, and the Lichen he used was by no means the supernatural power that could only be used for defense at the beginning.

The moment the mysterious weapon touched Lichen's dart, the mysterious weapon shook suddenly, and then instantly turned into powder!

The two warriors were overwhelmed, if Lichen's dart, which couldn't be blocked by a profound weapon, hit his body, they wouldn't dare to shoot at him!


The two raised their breath at the same time, forcibly twisted their bodies, preparing to avoid the attack of Lichen's dart.

One of them escaped successfully, while the other, Wang Hao who was killed, sealed all escape space.


A scream resounded throughout the world, and one of the two warriors was instantly killed by Jian Qi and Li Chen!

The remaining warrior immediately fled in the direction he came from. Judging from Wang Hao and Jia Houwei's attacks, he is definitely not their opponent!

"Where to escape!"

Wang Hao launched his movements and chased after him in an instant. The Longyuan sword in his hand exuded a strong evil spirit!
The only remaining martial artist at the Heavenly Martial Realm gritted his teeth. Wang Hao was much faster than him. If he escaped like this, he would be caught up in a short while!
"If I wait for that fat man to catch up, I'm doomed to die. Why don't I try my best and kill one of them first? Everyone is at the first level of the Heavenly Martial Realm. It's not sure who will live and who will die!"

He made up his mind, immediately stopped running away, held the mysterious weapon in his hand, and threw it at Wang Hao's head!
This person's movements looked ferocious, but they were a little clumsy. In Jin Tong's vision, they were full of loopholes.

Wang Hao easily dodged the opponent's attack, and the Longyuan sword in his hand drew an afterimage in the air, cutting the opponent's throat with ease.

Wang Hao glanced around and found that no one was catching up, so he returned to his horse.

Lin Fei's face was very ugly, "It's a warrior from the Jiang family!"

Wang Hao chuckled and said, "Don't worry! The tail has been cut off."

The three of them started on the road again, but no one noticed that there was a subtle and imperceptible seal symbol on the horseshoe nail nailed to the left front foot of the steed under Lin Fei's seat.

Half a day later, in a deserted wilderness, Lin Fei stopped the horse under his seat.

Wang Hao and Jia Houwei also stopped. Jia Houwei glanced around, and there was wilderness all around. Where is the trace of the ancient martial tomb?

Wang Hao lit the golden pupil on purpose, but in the observation of the golden pupil, he still didn't find anything unusual.

"Are we there yet?"

Lin Fei smiled sweetly, "It's already here, follow me."

The three released the horses. These were well-tamed mounts, they would only forage nearby and would not leave on their own.

Lin Fei took out a bronze mirror from the Yuan Jie. The bronze mirror was densely scratched, as if it was used for measuring.

The sunlight shone on the bronze mirror, illuminating all the notches on the bronze mirror, and then, something magical happened.

A beam of sunlight was refracted by the bronze mirror and shot towards Lin Fei's front right.

The sunlight didn't shoot all the way into the distance, but stopped abruptly somewhere, as if there was an invisible wall blocking the sunlight.

"This is……"

Seeing that Wang Hao had doubts, Lin Fei explained: "Before the birth of the ancient martial tomb, it will gradually transition from the small space to the Yuanwu continent. After the transition is completed, there will be a vision of heaven and earth, which everyone knows."

"As for our Lin family, there is a secret method that can find the hidden entrance of the ancient martial tomb before the ancient martial tomb is completely born."

(End of this chapter)

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