Chapter 286 I want to rob the prison
"Fatty went to find Zhuo Bufan?!"

Wang Hao was taken aback. He didn't expect Jia Houwei to be so impulsive!
"Damn it, the current fat man is no match for Zhuo Bufan!"

Wang Hao took off the rootless jade pendant from his waist and stuffed it into Rouling's mouth. The power of chi kiss contained in the rootless jade pendant was poured into Rouling's body continuously.

"This jade pendant can prolong her life, before I come back, don't act rashly!"

Wang Hao asked again: "Do you know when Jia Houwei left and where did he leave?"

"The one who left here yesterday has not returned overnight."

Wang Hao was startled, "You haven't returned all night, don't let anything happen to you, Fatty!"


Wang Hao activated his magical powers, and under the effect of reincarnation, Wang Hao saw the scene in the room yesterday.

Rou Ling was poisoned and unconscious, and Jia Houwei was furious and rushed out of the room.

Wang Hao hurriedly rushed out, and saw Jia Houwei frantically looking for Zhuo Bufan, but he couldn't find any trace of Zhuo Bufan.

He caught a few people to inquire, only to learn that Zhuo Bufan came out of the chatting pavilion with a group of friends who had just met.

Jia Houwei chased after him, and Wang Hao followed him to a certain casino in Sanchongtian.

Jia Houwei blocked Zhuo Bufan who was about to enter at the entrance of the casino.

"Zhuo Bufan, hand over the antidote!"

Zhuo Bufan showed a sarcasm, "Little fat man, what are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

After saying that, the friends beside Zhuo Bufan burst out laughing together.

Jia Houwei was in a hurry, Aotian Kuangdao started, he said in a deep voice with red eyes: "Zhuo Bufan, you despicable villain, if you have the ability to attack me, bullying Rouling is a woman!"

Zhuo Bufan sneered, "That bitch broke my engagement, that's a heinous crime, why doesn't she die?"

Jia Houwei's eyes were red, "Who does she like and who does she want to be with? That's her freedom. Has she ever given her permission for a shitty marriage contract?"

As he said that, Jia Houwei raised the World-Proud Knife in his hand, his voice already contained the terrible anger that the volcano was about to erupt.

"I'll ask you one last time, hand over the antidote!"

Zhuo Bufan remained unmoved, his expression was very relaxed, as if he didn't take Jia Houwei in his heart at all.

Seeing this situation, Wang Hao sighed fiercely in his heart, Jia Houwei lost his calm because of hatred, otherwise with his intelligence, he would definitely be shocked to see the difference.

No matter how strong Zhuo Bufan is, it is impossible for him to attack without being afraid of Jia Houwei's anger. The reason why he is confident must be something to rely on!

A kind of reliance that made him 100% believe that he would never be hurt by Jia Houwei!

"Turn your fingers softly!"

Jia Houwei, who was in a rage, made the strongest attack, the Lichen thread, which was thinner than a hair, floated towards Zhuo Bufan.

The silk thread was successfully wrapped around Zhuo Bufan's neck. Zhuo Bufan, who had seen Jia Houwei use this trick to kill silently, never showed the slightest panic.

Instead, he looked down at Jia Houwei with a sarcastic look, as if looking at a poor ghost.


Jia Houwei folded his two knives, and the soft thread immediately tightened!

Just when Jia Houwei was about to succeed, a black figure quietly appeared behind Jia Houwei.


A heavy hand knife hit Jia Houwei on the back of the neck, his eyes widened suddenly, then he passed out and fell heavily on the ground.

Wang Hao looked intently, and saw the man who attacked Jia Houwei, dressed in black, with an indifferent expression, and he didn't take human life seriously.

Wang Hao was sure that this man had nothing to do with Zhuo Bufan, and the two of them had no communication from beginning to end.

"The reason why this mysterious man in black appeared was because Jia Houwei made a move?"

Thinking of this, Wang Hao sighed in his heart: "It seems that you can't do anything in the third heaven, otherwise you will be subdued by such a man in black."

"Zhuo Bufan obviously knows about the existence of the man in black, and the fat man suffers because he doesn't know anything about the sacred realm!"

The man in black carried the unconscious Jia Houwei on his shoulders, and then turned into an afterimage and disappeared in the west.

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, but it was impossible to chase after him, "What a fast speed!"

Wang Hao closed his right eye and withdrew his magical powers. The scene in front of him had returned to reality.

"I know too little about the Three Heavens, it seems that I need to find someone to help."

He called out the key of space made from the precious jade that Cai Ming gave him from the inventory, and activated it immediately.

In less than a breath, Wang Hao traveled through a different space and came to Cai Ming's forging room.

At this time, Cai Ming was still studying the refining hand, and Wang Hao's appearance startled him.

Cai Ming asked strangely: "Wang Hao, didn't you just leave, why are you back?"

Wang Hao didn't have time to be polite to Cai Ming, so he told Cai Ming about Jia Houwei's arrest by the man in black.

After listening to Wang Hao's words, Cai Ming frowned instantly.

"Your friend has been caught through the black door."

"The black door?" Wang Hao asked urgently when he heard this name for the first time, "Can you help me rescue him?"

Cai Ming sighed, "I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

Wang Hao was puzzled, "Since the Artifact Refining Association can solve any troubles in the fifth heaven, can't it let a black door release people?"

"Listen to me," Cai Ming explained, "You also know that the Three Heavens is the place where the five great academies gather. No matter whether it is human beings or monsters, no one is allowed to make trouble here. The black door is formed by humans and monsters The major forces of the clan will work together to maintain the stability of the Three Heavens."

"The people in the black door are extremely ruthless. When they catch troublemakers, they usually kill them directly after torture. I do have the ability to let the black door release people, but when I go to intercede, your friend possible……"

Wang Hao clenched his fists, Jia Houwei had been locked into the black door for a whole night!
"Is there any other way to save him?!"

A cold murderous intent emanated from Wang Hao, and Cai Ming was shocked, "Wang Hao, is it possible that you want to rob the prison?"

"If there is no other way, this is the only way! I, Wang Hao, will never let my brother die!"

Looking at Wang Hao's resolute expression, Cai Ming also became serious.

"You are now the guest of the Artifact Refining Association, and I will naturally help you. Since you are ready to rob the prison, let's go!"

Cai Ming grabbed Wang Hao and launched a space key at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, the two came to the westernmost edge of the third heaven, where there was a huge black castle, which gave people a terrifying and eerie feeling.

"here is?"

Cai Ming said with a serious expression: "This is the dungeon with the black door!"

He paused, and continued: "I have a friend at Heifanmen, who once asked me to build a Horcrux for him. I will pay my respects to him in this name, and you will go in with me."

Wang Hao was puzzled, "I'll go in with you, if you really want to rob the prison, wouldn't you be involved as well?"

Cai Ming took out a colorful wrench from Yuan Jie and handed it to Wang Hao.

"This finger is a treasure that can completely eliminate your body shape and breath. It can only be used once. Before you enter the combat state, warriors below the level of divine martial arts will never find you!"

Wang Hao was overjoyed, he took the wrench and put it on his hand.

After injecting Yuanli into the finger, Wang Hao was surprised to find that his body emitted colorful light, and the light became weaker and weaker, and finally his body disappeared from sight.

Not only Wang Hao's body disappeared, but also his breath.

Cai Ming said with a smile: "This is my proudest work. Unfortunately, like the Hammer of Skybreaker, it can only be used once. After saving your friend, you must find a way to help me improve it!"

"No problem! Let's go in!"

Cai Ming walked in the front, and Wang Hao wrapped his soles with Yuanli, walking quietly.

As Cai Ming said, the guards of the black door were all focused on Cai Ming, and couldn't find Wang Hao who was so close at hand.

"Master Cai Ming!"

The guard at the black door obviously knew Cai Ming, and spoke with great respect to him.

"I'm here to discuss with your leader about forging Horcruxes, go report it!"

The guard saluted respectfully, "Our leader has already explained that if Master Cai Ming is coming, there is no need to notify him, please!"

Cai Ming was very satisfied with the guard's attitude. He followed the guard and walked towards the castle.

Wang Hao followed Cai Ming closely. When he entered the castle, he suddenly found that there was a man in black every three steps in the entire castle, and his strength and realm were all higher than his own!

Wang Hao said in surprise, "This black door is so powerful, if I didn't have the key of space, even if I save Fatty, I wouldn't be able to escape!"

The interior of the castle is like a labyrinth, Cai Ming followed the guards and went around for a long time but still did not reach the destination.

When he reached a fork, Cai Ming suddenly stopped.

The guard leading the way for Cai Ming asked in confusion, "Master Cai Ming, why did you stop?"

Cai Ming smiled and pointed his fingers in the other direction of the fork, saying, "Isn't that the prison where the prisoners are held? It's so quiet today, so the law and order in Sanchongtian must be very stable recently!"

"With my black door guarding, the Three Heavens will be safe!"

Cai Ming nodded in satisfaction, "Very well, let's go!"

Cai Ming left with the guards, but Wang Hao stopped, with a smile on his lips. Cai Ming's actions just now were obviously pointing the way for himself.

Wang Hao walked towards the dungeon quietly, but what he didn't expect was that there was no guard guarding the dungeon!
"Strange, isn't the black door afraid of prisoners escaping?"

Wang Hao soon got the answer. He saw the first living person in the dungeon.

This is a man locked in a prison, with white hair and no age. His legs were broken, his arms were tied to the ceiling with fine iron chains, and his whole body was suspended in the air.

Wang Hao secretly clenched his fist, and the method of black-door opening is outrageous!

"Fatty, you must live! The boss is here to save you!"

(End of this chapter)

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