Chapter 290

The warriors who fled into the forest have already begun to regret their decision. The huge body of the emerald dragons is indeed inconvenient to move in the forest, but the flower fairies on their bodies have become more flexible like fish entering the water. .

The flowers growing on the flower fairy's head bloomed more vividly, with green fluorescent pollen scattered from the flower fairy's body along the breeze.

The green fluorescence quickly spread throughout the entire forest. Every plant in the forest, whether it was a small flower or grass or a towering tree, all emitted a green light, as if it was made of emerald.

The forest in the middle of the night has turned into a vast green ocean, but no one wants to appreciate such a beautiful scenery.

There is a faint fragrance in the pollen, which is not poisonous, but it can make the fierce beasts in the forest become extremely bloodthirsty.

Even some ferocious beasts in the Earth Martial Realm dare to attack the warriors without fear of death!

Wang Hao, Jia Houwei, and Zhao Jun were already surrounded by hundreds of fierce beasts at this time, no matter whether it was the sky or the ground, they were completely surrounded.

Wang Hao ignited the golden pupils, he looked at the ground, there are fierce beasts ambushing underground!

"Fatty, you deal with the beasts in the sky, Zhao Jun, you deal with the ones on the ground, and I will deal with the ambush underground."


Jia Houwei and Zhao Jun rushed to the sky and the front at the same time. The situation was critical, and neither of them had hidden strength.

"Blade from Dust!"

Jia Houwei walked in the air, his movements were extremely fast, his feet collided with the air and made a loud piercing sound, and his body turned into a phantom, constantly shuttling through the air.

The raptors in the air couldn't catch Jia Houwei's figure at all. They saw phantoms passing by their sides. Immediately afterwards, the bodies of the raptors were cut in two!

An emerald dragon came roaring, Jia Houwei sneered, and the Aotian Kuangdao in his hand slashed fiercely on the emerald dragon's forehead!
However, what he didn't expect was that this emerald dragon's skin was harder than the one in the daytime!The blade of Lichen did not cut its skin!

"Did the power increase at night?"

The emerald dragon opened its huge mouth, and the roar formed a storm, blowing Jia Houwei's hair and clothes loudly.

"Bastard, you should brush your teeth!"

Facing the big mouth that was rushing towards him, Jia Houwei didn't have any waves on his face.

"Bloodline soul, lucky!"

The lucky bloodline was activated, and behind Jia Houwei, a hazy figure emerged. As Jia Houwei's realm improved, the figure behind him became clearer and clearer.


The power of the bloodline was poured into the Aotian Mad Saber, and Jia Houwei slashed with all his might!
The lucky bloodline has doubled the power of Jia Houwei, this cut is ten times the original power!

Aotian mad knife cut across the body of the emerald dragon, the sound of the emerald dragon's dragon roar stopped abruptly, and two blood lines appeared from the beginning to the end of the body, spraying out a rain of blood all over the sky!
Zhao Jun on the ground has also entered the group of ferocious beasts. There are the most ferocious beasts on the ground, but for Zhao Jun who has the blood of the King of Titans, no matter how many there are, what's the problem? !
"King of the Titans!"

Behind Zhao Jun, the figure of the King of Titans rose from the sky, not a phantom, but an entity!

Consolidating the blood, the King of Titans held a huge stick, and slammed it hard at the beast on the ground!


The ground trembled in an instant, and several towering trees were smashed into pieces by the stone sticks. The fierce beasts that wanted to attack Zhao Jun turned into bloody mud and splashed all over the ground.

Feeling the violent trembling of the ground, a smile appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth. With these two companions, he can deal with the assassins under the ground with peace of mind.

Compared with the sky and the ground, there are the fewest hidden beasts under the ground, only three. However, these three beasts that can escape from the ground pose the greatest threat to the three of them!
"Diamond King Beast!" Wang Hao said softly, "If there are two more, I'm afraid even I can't handle it."

With the help of the power of the Eye of the True Dragon, Wang Hao could clearly see the positions of the three Diamond King Beasts. This kind of fierce beast with spikes on its mouth could easily penetrate the hardest black iron.

Perhaps sensing the sound of fighting on the ground, the three diamond king beasts slowly approached the ground.

"Is it finally unbearable?"

Wang Hao drew out the Longyuan sword and poured his own power into the sword.

The Diamond King Beast wanted to sneak attack Wang Hao, and Wang Hao also had the same idea.

The three diamond king beasts were getting closer and closer to the ground, and their speed was getting faster and faster. In three breaths, they rushed out of the ground from Wang Hao's front, back, left three directions at the same time!
The Diamond King Beast is like a swordfish jumping out of the water, using the spikes on its mouth to ruthlessly stab Wang Hao's body!

"Good come!"

Wang Hao didn't seem to see the Diamond King Beast behind him and on the left. The sword in his hand turned into a shining red light and stabbed at the Diamond King Beast in front of him.

The Diamond King Beast in front of Wang Hao's eyes flickered, and he closed his eyes subconsciously. The next second, the cold sword edge pierced its heart!
Wang Hao succeeded with one strike, but the other two Diamond King Beasts were less than three meters away from him!
Wang Hao had already anticipated this situation, and he was already prepared to forcibly resist the damage!
"Blood coat!"

Bright red blood oozes from his skin, and the blood turns into streaks of red threads, which quickly intertwine and form a honeycomb structure.

"Ding!" "Ding!"

Two crisp impact sounds sounded, and Wang Hao's body trembled with a bitter expression on his face.

"Damn it, I still underestimated the power of the Diamond King Beast!"

Although the blood coat blocked the deadly attack of the Diamond King Beast, the powerful force still made Wang Hao feel the blood in his body surging.

"The key to space!"

Before receiving more damage, Wang Hao shot a silver blade forward without hesitation, and the blade turned into a silver light, and he was a hundred meters away in the blink of an eye.


Wang Hao's magic circle was activated under his right wrist, and in the next second, his figure appeared in the direction of the blade.

The follow-up attacks of the two diamond king beasts were in vain, and they were stunned, completely unable to understand why the human beings in front of them suddenly disappeared!
Wang Hao held the blade with a smile on the corner of his mouth. This was the first time he used it in actual combat after forging his Space Key!
"The key to space!"

"Hey!" "Hey!"

Two sharp piercing sounds sounded, and the Diamond King Beast followed the prestige, followed by an angry roar from its throat.


A Diamond King Beast came running wildly and passed by the blade!

Wang Hao's eyes lit up, and his figure disappeared instantly, appearing beside the Diamond King Beast.

"Sword dominates the world!"

Wang Hao slashed down with a sword, and the Diamond King Beast didn't even notice Wang Hao's existence, so it was beheaded!
The last Diamond King Beast found that its two companions were all dead, and let out a roar. It fell to the ground, and with all its limbs, it slammed towards Wang Hao!
Wang Hao had just struck with all his strength. At this time, the old power was exhausted and the new power was not born. Facing the lightning-like attack of the Diamond King Beast, there was absolutely no possibility of dodging it!

If it was another martial artist, I'm afraid it would be a disaster, even if there is a way to deal with it, it will inevitably be very embarrassing.

But Wang Hao had already calculated everything accurately. Just now, he shot two silver knives!

Now a silver knife has been used to kill the second Diamond King Beast, and the third flying knife is already behind the third Diamond King Beast.

"The key to space!"

The Diamond King Beast's attack was in vain, it only felt a flash in front of its eyes, and Wang Hao's figure disappeared!
It turned around angrily, only to see Wang Hao 30 meters behind him, with countless sword qi condensing beside him.

"A thousand swords dance together!"

A thousand pieces of sword energy turned into a howling rain of swords and shot at the Diamond King Beast. The Diamond King Beast yelled and plunged into the ground!
"Do you want to hide from my sword rain? It's too late!"

When the sword rain fell to the ground, the contained Yuanli and kendo righteousness exploded immediately, and the violent explosion sent layers of soil waves flying to the ground!
The Diamond King Beast, which had already penetrated into the ground, reappeared. The bloodstains all over its body were obviously injured by Wang Hao's sword energy!
"One sword pierces the heart!"

The red light suddenly appeared and then disappeared. Wang Hao retracted his sword behind the Diamond King Beast. The Diamond King Beast opened its eyes wide and closed its mouth weakly. There was a red blood mark on its forehead...

The three Diamond King Beasts were all wiped out, and the threat from the ground had been completely eliminated.

The crisis in the sky has also completely dissipated, only a small half of the many beasts on the ground remain, but under the attack of the Titan King, these beasts are nothing more than chickens and dogs.

After half a stick of incense, there was no living thing within a kilometer radius of the three of them.

Wang Hao looked at the sky, the moon had just set a little, and there were still at least three or four hours before the night passed.

"Boss, we have already killed three waves, when will this be the end?"

Zhao Jun also said in a deep voice: "Although the three of us are powerful together, we are still flesh and blood. If we wait until dawn, I am afraid that we will never have enough energy to rush to the empty island!"

"That's right," Wang Hao nodded, "It seems that we have to find a way to hide it!"

"Shadow Form!"

Wang Hao activated the shadow form and flew into the air. The surrounding trees glowed with green light, which was not suitable for hiding his figure.

The more he rushed to the sky, the less affected he was by the fluorescent forest. Wang Hao's whole body was inflamed, and he completely merged into the night. Even if an emerald dragon flew past him, he didn't notice Wang Hao's existence.

Wang Hao flew into the sky and scanned the entire forest. The flower fairy was still spreading pollen. Looking down from the sky, the entire forest was a fluorescent ocean.

Suddenly, Wang Hao saw darkness amidst the green light!
"found it!"

Wang Hao measured the distance visually. If the three of them wanted to enter that dark place, they would have to walk a straight-line distance of 3000 meters.

Back on the ground, Wang Hao explained the situation to Jia Houwei and Zhao Jun, "Go 3000 meters to the southeast, and there is a dark place where we can hide our traces."


The three of them moved forward rapidly towards the dark land. They did not encounter any danger for the first 1000 meters, but it was difficult to move forward any further.

Countless ferocious beasts came from all directions, and even a few emerald dragons forcibly fell from the sky and joined the battlefield.

Jia Houwei said angrily: "This group of beasts are really endless!"

Zhao Jun summoned the Titan King again, and a new battle started again.

Wang Hao glanced around, looking for a solution...

(End of this chapter)

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