Chapter 296 Forest of Despair
The pink poisonous gas spread extremely fast, and after a while, dense red rashes appeared on the skins of Wang Hao and Jia Houwei.

Wang Hao has Chi kiss blood to protect his body, and the rash quickly dissipated, while Jia Houwei could only hold an antidote elixir under his tongue to resist the damage of the poison.

"Fat, are you alright?"

"Don't worry, boss, this toxin is not deadly enough, if you persist for a few hours, there is no problem at all."

Wang Hao nodded, ready to move on, but at this moment, he heard rustling noises from all around.


Wang Hao and Jia Houwei were on guard at the same time, with their backs facing each other, and each facing one side. No matter where the enemy appeared from, the two could deal with it immediately.

"Golden pupils!"

Wang Hao ignited the golden pupils and activated the ability to see through, but at the first glance, he did not find any beasts or humans.

"Strange, there are no enemies, why there are strange voices coming."

"Wait a minute!" Wang Hao suddenly woke up. He suddenly found that in the dense grass, there were strips of dark lightning, sticking to the ground, rushing towards the two of them at an astonishing speed!

Reminiscent of the piranha that almost succeeded in sneak attack just now, Wang Hao said in surprise: "Could it be that the whole forest is alive?!"

Thinking of this, Wang Hao couldn't help but take a deep breath. If it's true as he guessed, then the flowers, plants and trees in the forest are all enemies!
Wang Hao hurriedly reminded: "Fatty, be careful of the plants around you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, those dark lightning bolts rushed out of the grass!
It wasn't until this moment that Wang Hao fully saw the appearance of the enemy. What rushed towards him were several green vines as thick as arms. On the top of the vines, there was a snake head with a red letter!
In front of Jia Houwei, mutated plants also appeared, a bunch of flowers with venomous thorns, like bees, flapping their petal wings, buzzing over.

Jia Houwei smiled wryly and said, "If I were in the Yuanwu Continent, if I said I saw such a creature, I'm afraid people would think it's crazy talk?"

"This is a dreamland. Menglong's dream is reality. Fatty, don't talk nonsense. This forest is really too big. Once the two of us are trapped here, it will be difficult to catch up with Bai Qi!"

Hearing Wang Hao's words, Jia Houwei's face became extremely serious. He stretched out his hands, and Aotian Kuangdao exuded a powerful aura.


Wang Hao and Jia Houwei stepped up at the same time and rushed towards the forest, but whether it was the ivy with a snake head or the poisonous bee in the shape of a flower, they all followed closely.

"Get out of here!"

Jia Houwei was furious, he turned around and threw out the two short knives in his hand, the Aotian Mad Knife spun at an astonishing speed, and the dust from the blades blew a gust of wind, killing all the poisonous bees in an instant!

The threat of the poisonous bee has disappeared, but the green vine has not been resolved. Wang Hao popped out several sword lights without looking back, and the sword light hit the green vine accurately, causing the snake's head to burst.

Aotian Kuangdao flew back, Jia Houwei smiled and said: "These plants are much easier to deal with than the flower fairy and the emerald dragon!"

"Don't be careless!"

While Wang Hao warned Jia Houwei, he poured the energy in his body into Longyuan Sword. In front of the two of them was a towering tree more than [-] meters away. As the two approached, the tree unexpectedly uprooted. Shaking, thousands of thin leaves fell and flew towards the two of them.

Jia Houwei gasped, the leaves spinning like darts all over the sky were really spectacular.

Jia Houwei was about to condense the armor of Lichen, but saw Wang Hao undo the seal with one hand, and then opened his mouth.

"Dragon Breath!"


The golden flame instantly engulfed Ye Dart, and when the fire wave receded, the towering tree had been completely burned.

"Boss, handsome!"

Facing Jia Houwei's praise, Wang Hao didn't have the slightest smile on his face. He looked around, and his golden pupils were filled with countless restless plants.

"Fatty, watch your step!"

Hearing Wang Hao's warning, Jia Houwei moved to one side without hesitation. Just as his body moved halfway, a bamboo with a sharp cut was pulled from the ground.

"Damn it!" Jia Houwei couldn't help but swear, if Wang Hao hadn't reminded him, the sole of his foot might have been pierced directly!

Jia Houwei hastily opened his Yuanli to detect, and he broke out in a cold sweat instantly. His feet were densely packed with bamboo!

Jia Houwei dodged quickly, and saw bamboos rising from the ground. After a while, the space where the two of them were was turned into a bamboo forest.

Wang Hao chopped off a piece of bamboo with his sword, and he glanced around, the danger was far from over.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"

The sound of breaking through the air was heard one after another, and slender new branches grew from every bamboo. Before the leaves were sprouted, the new branches turned into flying needles and stabbed towards the two of them!

"Armor from Dust!"

Jia Houwei called out the Lichen Armor without hesitation, and the bamboo thorns hit his body, making a crisp sound of "papapapapa", like rainwater hitting a lotus.

Wang Hao didn't use the blood coat, but brandished the Longyuan Sword impenetrably.

After ten breaths, the attacks of the bamboo needles became sparse, Wang Hao's body rotated 360 degrees, and a ring-shaped sword glow slashed around.


Pieces of bamboo were cut off by Wang Hao's sword and fell down.

Jia Houwei asked with lingering fear: "Boss, there won't be any more?"

Wang Hao said in a deep voice: "This forest is full of dangers, don't take it lightly."

Jia Houwei sighed, "Damn it, we only walked less than 300 meters in the time it takes for us to burn a stick of incense. If this continues, when will we find Menglong?
Wang Hao didn't answer, he was attracted by what was happening in front of him.

The bamboo he chopped off was rapidly rotting, and after a while, no trace of the bamboo forest could be seen.

The originally hard ground became soft and full of rot, and then, bright mushrooms emerged from the ground one by one.

The bamboo forest turned into a mushroom forest. Jia Houwei originally thought that these mushrooms would emit poisonous spores like the piranha, but he did not see this until the end of his precautions.

Jia Houwei laughed and said, "Finally, we saw a plant that is not dangerous. Could it be that Menglong had a kind heart and wanted to treat us to eat mushrooms?"

Wang Hao looked at the mushroom under his feet with his golden eyes, but he didn't find any danger.

"It's not suitable to stay here for long, let's go!"

"it is good!"

Jia Houwei took a step forward without hesitation. As he raised his foot, the mushroom under his foot swelled dramatically!

"Fatty, be careful!"

Wang Hao instantly activated his movement and came to Jia Houwei's side. When he grabbed Jia Houwei's shoulder, the whole mushroom forest exploded!

All the mushrooms swelled dramatically, and then released amazing power, blowing the earth away!
The figures of Wang Hao and Jia Houwei were swallowed by the soaring mud, and when the mud fell, the figures of the two disappeared.

A hundred meters away, both Wang Hao and Jia Houwei were covered in cold sweat. If Wang Hao hadn't thrown the key of space at the moment when he activated his movements, both of them would have died in the mushroom forest.

The danger is just one wave, and the next wave will come. This forest can be called the forest of despair.

Just when Wang Hao, Jia Houwei, and Bai Qi, who didn't know where they were, were struggling in the forest of despair, the huge dragon in the center of the forest snored lightly.

This giant dragon is divine green, its eyes are closed tightly, its whole body is covered by a layer of green light film, and spots of light float towards the entire forest.

In front of Menglong's huge dragon head, stood a strange-looking man, who could only be seen clearly when he was close. His face was very ugly, covered with black barbs, and he had a jagged long tail and fleshy wings - humanoid monster.

The might that this monster exudes is enough to make the strong in the Divine Martial Realm turn around and run away. Its strength can be called against the sky!

The monster spoke with a very shriveled human accent, and angrily said to Menglong who was sleeping: "Menglong, I, Li Weidan, want to see how long you can sleep!"

When the words fell, Li Weidan condensed a terrifying dark power in his hands.

"Wake me up!"

Li Weidan punched Menglong's head, a fist that could crush a mountain, but was blocked by the thin green glow on Menglong's body.

Li Weidan was furious, "I, Li Weidan, one of the seven great demon kings, can't break the dream of a stinky dragon!"

He vented his anger, and the strong wind driven by his body destroyed all the surrounding vegetation.

However, this small world is made up of Menglong's dream. No matter how Li Weidan destroys it, it will be restored to its original state after a flash of green light.

Li Weidan vented for a long time, and finally stopped. He stared at Menglong's tightly closed eyes, and suddenly laughed: "Menglong, since you refuse to wake up, I will blend into your dream. Let's see how long you can endure!"

After saying those words, Li Weidan's body began to collapse. After three breaths, his body dissipated, leaving only his soul in place.

Li Weidan's soul stretched out his hands and touched the green light emitted by Menglong, and then his soul merged into Menglong's body...


The original dreamland with a clear sky suddenly burst into strong winds, dark clouds, lightning and thunder!

Bean-sized rainwater fell from the sky, and the small island was filled with rainwater in no time.

Wang Hao and Jia Houwei protected their surroundings with Yuanli, and the wind and rain did not invade. Wang Hao looked around and suddenly found that the plants that had been attacking them had all retreated at this time.

"Strange, why are these plants quiet down?"

Jia Houwei noticed something strange, he hurriedly said: "Boss, look!"

Wang Hao looked in the direction of Jia Houwei's finger, and saw a large area of ​​plants starting to die in the distance, and even the ground began to crack.

Wang Hao was startled, "Could it be that this dream is about to collapse?!"

"Come here!"

Suddenly, Bai Qi's voice sounded from a distance, Wang Hao fixed his eyes and saw Bai Qi beckoning to the two of them, and then rushed towards the depths of the forest.

Bai Qi's face was anxious, and Wang Hao had a bad premonition in his heart!

"Fatty, let's follow!"

(End of this chapter)

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