Chapter 331 Martial Arts Wizards
This is the second time Wang Hao has fought Yan San. Last time, Yan San only used a sword formation, but was broken by Wang Hao.

But this time, Wang Hao really felt how powerful the master he worshiped was.

Yan San suppressed his cultivation to the first level of Tianwu Realm, which was three levels lower than Wang Hao's level, but even so, Wang Hao fell into a disadvantage after just fighting with each other.

Yan San's sword moves were indescribably ingenious, even if Wang Hao activated the Eye of the True Dragon, he still couldn't see through them completely.

Wang Hao wanted to use the Longyuan Sword to resist, but he could only helplessly find that the martial arts he used were rudimentary in front of Yan San.

In the first fight, Yan San's condensed sword energy easily avoided the Longyuan sword and swung it towards Wang Hao's neck.

It was too late for Wang Hao to go back to the defense. If there was a real enemy in front of him, if Wang Hao didn't want to save himself, he might die.

"Treading among the clouds!"

In desperation, Wang Hao moved his feet slightly, making a mysterious and mysterious movement, and his body instantly escaped from Yan San's attack range.

Yan San swung his sword in the air, not angry, on the contrary, his eyes glowed brightly.

Wang Hao didn't lie to him. This young man who had only watched him perform the movement technique three times could already perform Stepping Clouds in actual combat.

A satisfied look appeared on Yan San's face, but he didn't stop immediately. On the contrary, he changed the pace of his feet again and swung the second sword towards Wang Hao.

He wants to test whether Wang Hao really controls [-]% of Tayunjian as he said!

Yan San's second sword was faster than the first sword, Wang Hao didn't give Wang Hao any chance to block it with his sword, Wang Hao gritted his teeth and changed his feet again.

"call out!"

The sword energy brushed against the tip of Wang Hao's nose, making Wang Hao break out in a cold sweat.

The third sword followed immediately, and Wang Hao finally understood that Yan San pointed to test his understanding of Tayunjian, and would not leave him any chance to fight back.

Wang Hao put away the Longyuan sword, and stared at Yan San's sword energy with all his attention. He changed the pace of his feet again and again, and every time he evaded was extremely dangerous.

The expression of satisfaction on Yan San's face became more and more intense. Although Wang Hao was embarrassed, he performed Stepping Clouds perfectly.

Wang Hao really wanted to use the Eyes of the True Dragon to record Yan San's sword skills, but he almost had the sword energy across his chest just trying to do it at once.

In desperation, Wang Hao had no choice but to give up this plan and devote himself wholeheartedly to the display of body skills.

Yan San swung a total of 99 swords, which just allowed Wang Hao to fully display 99 changes of stepping on the cloud.

When Yan San retracted the sword, Wang Hao's clothes were already wet with cold sweat. Although only half a stick of incense had passed, he felt that it was longer than a day.

"Not bad! You are indeed a martial arts genius who is rare in a thousand years!"

Yan San praised him, turned around and walked towards Zhenmo Cave, Wang Hao hurriedly followed.

The monsters in the first three floors have been killed by Wang Hao, and new monsters have not yet been born.

Yan San took Wang Hao directly to the fourth floor of the Town Demon Cave. As soon as the two entered, they were attacked by a large group of monsters.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"

With a wave of Yan San's hand, countless sword qi appeared out of thin air, beheading all the attacking monsters, Wang Hao was secretly shocked, Yan San's strength can be called a miracle.

The monsters were terrified of being killed, and they fled towards the depths of the fourth floor. However, Yan San just hooked his fingers, and the huge monster was dragged to Wang Hao by an invisible force.

Yan San randomly found a wall, sat down, took off the exquisite gourd around his waist, and tasted the fine wine.

"You fix it."

Wang Hao nodded, he knew that this was the first experience Yan San arranged for him.

This monster was different from the monsters Wang Hao had dealt with before. It was six feet tall, with four limbs and a tail. Its upper body was covered with thick black hair, but its lower body was covered with silver scales. Metallic luster.

The eyes of the monster exude a murderous intent, which makes people shudder.

Wang Hao was about to call out the Longyuan Sword to fight the monsters, but Yan San stopped him.

"Don't use the Horcrux, use this."

Saying that, Yan San then threw an iron sword.

Wang Hao caught the iron sword with sharp eyes and quick hands, and after just one glance, his face showed bitterness.

The sword Yan San gave him was made of the most common black iron, and the blade was not even opened.

Wang Hao didn't know how to use this sword to deal with the monster in front of him, but he didn't question Yan San.

"Master made such an arrangement, there must be a deep meaning in it!"

Wang Hao tried to inject Yuanli into the sword. Since the sword was not edged, he condensed the sword energy and created the blade himself!
An unexpected thing happened, Wang Hao's origin force could not be injected into the sword body.

Wang Hao was stunned. The black iron sword in his hand was obviously unique, very similar to the Aotian Kuangdao he made for Jia Houwei, and could not bless any power.

"What's the difference between this and an iron rod?"

It was too late for Wang Hao to think too much, the monster in front of him had already recovered and showed a fierce look on his face.


The monster, which was already irrational, became even more violent after being thrown by Yan San. It roared, stretched out a claw, and slapped Wang Hao.

The terrain is narrow and the monsters are big. Even if Wang Hao has learned the mysterious stepping cloud, he can't use it at this time.

He held the black iron sword horizontally in front of him, and used the blade to block the monster's attack.


The huge impact made Wang Hao tremble all over, and the rock under his feet shattered instantly.

"What a lot of strength!"

Wang Hao swung the black iron sword to block the monster's attack, then he jumped high and slashed at the monster's neck!

The black iron sword collided with the monster's body, making a heavy impact sound, but the monster just staggered, but Wang Hao's wrist was in pain because of the rebound force.

"Not only can this black iron sword not help me kill the enemy, but it limits my performance."

Wang Hao calculated secretly, and he suddenly found that he could only display [-]% of his true strength with this black iron sword.

"It's better to go bare-handed!"

Although he thought so in his heart, Wang Hao didn't throw away the sword in his hand. He used the sword skills he knew and started fighting with the monster.

Although the monster cannot be seriously injured, every sword of Wang Hao can cause a certain amount of damage to it, and the damage will add up, and it will only be a matter of time before the monster falls.

Yan San casually observed Wang Hao's battle and shook his head slightly.

After a stick of incense, Wang Hao finally killed the monster. He was sweating profusely and panting heavily.

Yan San asked helplessly: "Boy, who taught you those sword techniques you just used?"

"It's all self-taught."

Wang Hao didn't lie, except that Mr. Zhao gave him Wanjian Guizong, the rest of the martial arts are all derived from the scrolls left by the patriarch, which he taught himself.

"It seems that there is no one to guide you, and you have taken a lot of detours!"

Yan San stood up, and took out a black iron sword from Yuan Jie again.

"Master is in a good mood today. I will teach you two tricks. How much you can learn depends on your understanding."

Saying that, Yan San raised the sword in his hand, and asked Wang Hao, "How to swing the sword, the fastest?"

Wang Hao was puzzled, Yan San said: "The sword that stabs straight is the fastest!"

Wang Hao was ashamed, he naturally understood this truth.

Yan San seemed to see through Wang Hao's mind, and asked back, "Do you think what I'm talking about is nonsense?"

Wang Hao showed embarrassment. Although he thought so in his heart, he couldn't say it out loud. He still understood the truth of respecting the teacher.

"Show me the sword."

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, and Yan San repeated, "Shoot the sword at me."

Wang Hao nodded, raised the sword in his hand and stabbed at Yan San, and at the same time he shot, Yan San also raised the sword in his hand.

The same movement, the same strength, but when the sword in Wang Hao's hand was still two inches away from Yan San, Yan San's sword was already pointed at Wang Hao's throat.

The expression on Wang Hao's face finally became serious, and he begged: "Master, please demonstrate again!"

Yan San fulfilled Wang Hao's request. This time, Wang Hao opened the Eye of the True Dragon.

Under the observation of the Eye of the True Dragon, Wang Hao completely recorded the trajectory of Yan San's internal energy, the sequence of arm muscles exerting force, and the timing of the sword.

He closed his eyes, lost in thought.

Yan San didn't disturb Wang Hao's contemplation. He could only lead Wang Hao into the martial arts practice. As for what Wang Hao can do, it all depends on his understanding and good fortune.

It took Wang Hao a long time to contemplate this time, and the scene of Yan San unleashing the sword was constantly replayed in his mind for a hundred thousand times.

After an unknown amount of time, Wang Hao suddenly opened his eyes, the clothes on his body moved automatically without any wind, and a fierce aura erupted from his body!

Wang Hao raised the sword in his hand again and stabbed forward. This time, the speed of the sword was as fast as a bolt of lightning!
"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Yan San applauded, "In just one day, you can understand the skills I taught you, not bad!"

Wang Hao breathed a sigh of relief, although he only deduced it in his heart, it took him too much effort.

"I'll give you half a day to rest. After half a day, I'll teach you the next technique."

Hearing Yan San's words, Wang Hao was overjoyed. Learning kendo with Yan San made progress more than a hundred times faster than learning it alone!

Fifteen days later, Wang Hao learned all the twelve sword skills taught by Yan San. Although it was a little jerky compared to Yan San's performance, Wang Hao's swordsmanship strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

A monster of the same strength also used the black iron sword, this time it only took five moves, and Wang Hao solved it.

"Boy, I heard that in Zhu Luona, you chose the dripping water sword technique as a reward?"

Wang Hao nodded, "Indeed."

Yan San smiled and said, "Although I haven't learned this dripping water sword technique, I have heard about it. It is very difficult to practice, but after mastering it, it can be regarded as a rare sword skill."

"However, the style of dripping water swordsmanship is soft. It is more suitable for defense and counterattack when it is used for seven-point defense and three-point offense."

"You have already learned the movement method of stepping on the clouds, and the defensive martial arts dripping water swordsmanship is enough for you to use before the spiritual martial arts realm. You can't eat too much. If you learn a hundred moves, it is better to specialize in one style. I will teach you another set of offensive martial arts, which is enough. .”

"This set of martial arts is called Fengyun Twelve Styles!"

(End of this chapter)

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