The strongest training system

Chapter 34 Opening of Deputy

Chapter 34 Opening of Deputy

After the sound of falling hammers sounded ten times, the room fell silent. Mr. He left with a smile. He was very confident in his own judgment. It was absolutely impossible for Wang Hao to learn the Eighteen Hammers of Dongling in one day.

Wang Hao's energy was exhausted. He put the hammer aside and carefully observed the ore he struck the last time. The ore was not broken, but there was a pile of fine powder next to it.

"Success!" Wang Hao was ecstatic. After smashing nine pieces of ore in a row, he finally succeeded once.

"This hammer consumes too much energy. I don't have any pills to restore energy. I can only rely on cultivation."

Wang Hao sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, and began to run the Jiulong Jue.

After the first round of the Nine Dragon Art, the vitality of the nearby heaven and earth seemed to be attracted by some kind of attraction. They gathered beside Wang Hao at an extremely fast speed and injected it into his body. Pure energy.

The vitality of the heaven and earth fluctuated very violently. If He Lao hadn't left, he would have been shocked by Wang Hao's practice.

After 10 minutes of practice, the Yuan force in Wang Hao's body was full again, and the experience bar also increased a little, reaching the fifth level of Yuan Wujing 80/600.
Wang Hao finished his training and began to practice the hammering technique again. Before the energy was exhausted again, he could hit two hammers consecutively!

Cultivate to supplement Yuanli, practice hammering, supplement again, and practice again. For a whole day, Wang Hao was doing these two things repeatedly. His clothes were soaked in sweat, and calluses were rubbed on his palms. Wang Hao didn't notice it. , are devoted to cultivation and practice.

After exhausting all of his energy, he practiced Nine Dragons Jue again, and the effect turned out to be surprisingly good. After one day, Wang Hao broke through!Yuan Wujing sixth level 10/700!

When Mr. He came to the forging room again, he was startled by the sight in front of him. Wang Hao's clothes were already blackened by sweat, and his face was covered with exhaustion.

What shocked Mr. He the most was that 600 yuan of discarded ore was thrown beside Wang Hao. Even if one hammer smashed one piece, Wang Hao would have swung the hammer at least [-] times!
"Where did he get so much power!"

Before He Lai could speak, Wang Hao grabbed the hammer again. The moment the hammer was in his hand, the exhaustion on Wang Hao's face disappeared, replaced by only concern and confidence!


The loud sound of the hammer falling fell on Mr. He's heart. He clearly saw that Wang Hao's hammer had successfully removed impurities from the ore.

"Did he really learn it?" Mr. He stared at Wang Hao's movements with his eyes wide open.





Wang Hao dropped ten hammers in a row, and his movements were smooth and smooth. Although he didn't want to make a sound like He Lao, he still looked seven points.

Mr. He judged yesterday that Wang Hao's Yuanli could allow him to swing ten hammers at most, but at this time Wang Hao had already dropped the No.11 hammer!

"His realm has actually improved!" Only then did He Lao realize that Wang Hao's realm had been raised from the fifth level of Yuanwu Realm yesterday to the sixth level of Yuanwu Realm!
"Even if the realm is improved, he can only swing fifteen hammers at most, boy, I want to see, how can you create a miracle?"

The sound of falling hammers continued, and when the No. 15 hammer fell, Mr. He could clearly feel that the vitality in Wang Hao's body had been exhausted.

"It's impossible for him to drop the No.16 hammer again." Mr. He felt a little regretful. If Wang Hao's realm was raised again, it would be absolutely impossible to drop the No.[-] hammer!
Mr. He was about to praise Wang Hao. After all, the time spent in one day was far beyond his imagination, but when his lips opened, Wang Hao raised the hammer again!

"This is impossible!"


No. 16 times, with the sound of the hammer falling, the words that Mr. He had already reached his throat were stuffed back. Mr. He opened his mouth wide, and was deeply shocked in his heart.

"How did he do that?"

Mr. He quickly calmed down. He observed Wang Hao carefully, and finally found the reason why Wang Hao could continue to swing the hammer.

Wang Hao is burning his vitality!

"Forcibly exchanging Yuanli by burning life force, is this kid crazy?!"

When Mr. He sighed in his heart, Wang Hao had already swung the No.17 hammer.


With the fall of the hammer, Wang Hao's face became extremely pale, and Mr. He finally knew why Wang Hao was so exhausted before. Obviously, this was not the first time he did this!

Thinking of Wang Hao's overdrawn vitality to practice the hammer technique yesterday, Mr. He became flustered. This method could easily cause irreparable internal injuries to the body.

"Why are you working so hard, just to learn how to refine weapons?"

Wang Hao's hand holding the hammer was trembling, and his face was as white as the first snow, but even so, he still gritted his teeth and raised the No.18 hammer with the last strength!

"Hurry up!"

Elder He couldn't stand it anymore, he raised his hand to stop it, he couldn't bear the fact that the sect's hard-earned swordsman genius would wither and fall like this!
However, Mr. He was still a step too late. When he rushed in front of Wang Hao, the No.18 hammer had already fallen!

The sound of the hammer falling echoed in the room, the hammer rolled down from Wang Hao's hand, and the ore under the hammer had turned into a high-quality iron billet without any impurities.

The overdraft of Yuanli made Wang Hao dizzy for a while, and he fell to the ground. Mr. He grabbed him, took out a black-grade pill from Yuanjie, and stuffed it into Wang Hao's mouth.

The elixir melted in the mouth, and the hidden wounds in Wang Hao's body were quickly repaired. Wang Hao's face became rosy, and his body was no longer fatigued.

Wang Hao stabilized his figure and saluted Mr. He.

"Thank you, Mr. He!"

He Lao hated and was angry, "Why are you doing this?!"

Wang Hao said neither humble nor overbearing: "Please Mr. He teach me how to refine weapons!"

He Lao was angry, but his heart was filled with emotion, "With such great perseverance and such amazing talent, even if you practice swordsmanship and weapon refining together, why can't you all become masters? It seems that I am worrying too much."

Even though he thought so in his heart, Mr. He was still angry at Wang Hao's way of wasting his talent, "You know, if I hadn't rushed to feed you the elixir in time, once the hidden wounds in your body took root, you would be useless!"

Wang Hao still said in a deep voice: "Please Mr. He teach me how to forge weapons!"

He Lao was very angry, and walked away, "You can take care of your body here!"

Looking at the back of Mr. He leaving, a smile appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth. Mr. He's last words clearly agreed.

Of course, Wang Hao knew that overdrawing his life force would bring hidden harm to his club, but he was confident, even if he didn't have He Lao's elixir to save him, his Chi kiss bloodline would keep him intact!


Mr. He kept his promise, and he taught Wang Hao his understanding of the refining technique without reservation. Wang Hao learned it very seriously, and the speed at which he mastered it shocked Mr. He even more.

In the process of learning, Wang Hao finally opened the sub-professional system as he wished.

"The system prompts that you have learned the Artifact Refining Technique, and the sub-professional system is activated."

"The system prompts that your refining level has been upgraded to the first level of elementary refining."

"The system prompts that you have obtained the achievement 'Open the sub-professional system', and you will be rewarded with [-] yuan yuan stones and a scroll of elementary refining skills."

"Elementary Artifact Refining Experience Scroll, the scroll has no quality. After using it, you can deepen your understanding of Elementary Artifact Refining."

Seeing the description of the Scroll of Elementary Artifact Refining Technique, Wang Hao used it without hesitation.

"The system prompts that you have used the Scroll of Basic Artifact Refining Experience, and your understanding of Elementary Artifact Refining has deepened."

"The system prompts that your refining skill level has been upgraded to the primary refining skill level two."

In 20 days, Mr. He has nothing to teach Wang Hao. What Wang Hao lacks now is continuous practice and accumulation of experience.

"The system prompts that your refining level has been upgraded to the third level of primary refining."

At this time, there are only five days left before the outer sect competition exam, and Wang Hao has already learned the rules and rewards of this outer sect grand competition from Mr. He.

"The Outer Sect Grand Competition is held once a year. It is a one-on-one battle until the top six are determined."

"The top six in the outer sect grand competition can directly enter the inner sect, and will be rewarded with the contribution of the sect and a book of mysterious martial arts."

"In addition, the suzerain discussed with the elders of the inner sect to select four of the defeated outer disciples to join the inner sect and reward the sect's contribution."

Wang Hao will never forget that he still has two years left to complete his elite mission - to become the sect's chief disciple!

Two years seems to be a long time, but it is very tense. On top of inner disciples, there are core disciples, and to become the chief disciple of the sect, one must become the strongest among the core disciples!
The Outer Sect Grand Competition is held once a year. If Wang Hao doesn’t get the ranking this time, he can only wait until next year. In other words, if Wang Hao fails this time, the elite mission will only fail, and the price of failure Yes, the talent system can never be activated!
"Must get the ranking!"

"My current realm is the sixth level of the Yuanwu Realm, which is two levels lower than Wang Mang. Wang Mang ranks in the top ten in the sect. If I want to get the ranking in the big competition, I must have the ability to surpass Wang Mang. strength!"

"The shadow form is too evil to be exposed easily, and now the top six disciples of the outer sect are likely to have Horcruxes like Li Yuan! Soul darts are only effective for Huang-rank Horcruxes. If you encounter Xuan-rank Xuan device, it doesn't work!"

"I must have my own Horcrux!"

Wang Hao wanted to understand his own attributes, so he immediately made up his mind that he would create his own Horcrux——Longyuan Sword within five days!

"He Lao, I want to ask you a few things."

Mr. He said lovingly, "Let's hear it?" The more he looked at Wang Hao now, the more pleasing he was, and he almost regarded Wang Hao as his own disciple.

"I need top-grade black iron, dragon blood stone and soul-locking stone, Mr. He, do you know where I can find them?"

"Soul-locking stone? Do you want to create a Horcrux?"

Mr. He pondered for a while, "It's easy to say the best black iron. There is a mine at the foot of Zongmen Mountain. You can go and ask for it with my token. I have a soul-locking stone and I can give it to you. As for the dragon blood stone..."

He Lao smiled wryly and shook his head, "The so-called dragon blood stone is a fierce beast with dragon blood blood. It exists, not to mention that it cannot be found in the sect, even if you look at the entire ice and snow domain, you may not be able to find a piece of it."

"The stone that absorbs dragon's blood..." Wang Hao muttered to himself, and suddenly, a flash of light flashed through his mind!
Wang Hao suddenly laughed wantonly, "I didn't expect that there would be nowhere to find it, and it would take no effort to get it. Isn't the so-called Dragon Blood Stone right in front of you!"

(End of this chapter)

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