Chapter 353
The crowd talked more and more about the little girl, and all of them reached the domain master's ears.

The more everyone marveled at "Quick Bird", the less suspicious the domain owner was about the little girl. He said with a smile: "It seems that the old man underestimated the people of the world. Since he is a person sent by the black fan sect, how could he?" Is it mediocrity?"

Chen Yuan smiled, "That's natural!"

"I don't know Miss Chen, when are you going to make a move to catch that biting Demon Cultivator?"

"Now you can!"

The domain master was overjoyed, "Miss Chen needs any help, just ask, as long as I can find out that nasty demon cultivator, even if I personally help you, it's fine!"

Chen Yuan pinched her waist and said: "You old man went out in person, Moxiu was so frightened that he shrank his head, how can he catch it? I, Chen Yuan, don't like complicated cases, just let me choose an assistant at will."

"Okay!" The domain owner readily agreed, "Miss Chen can choose whoever is present!"

Chen Yuan glanced at the people present, and finally fixed her eyes on Wang Hao.

There was a smirk at the corner of her mouth, and she stretched out her slender finger, "It's you!"

Wang Hao raised his eyebrows slightly, he could tell that Chen Yuan chose him on purpose, and the smile on her lips seemed to show that she knew herself.

Wang Hao thought to himself: "I have never had any contact with this girl, why does she know me?"

Seeing the candidates Chen Yuan wanted, the domain master was stunned for a moment, and he immediately vetoed: "No! The goal of the magic cultivator is the ten candidates sent by the three major academies. If you let Wang Hao follow you, wouldn't you hit the enemy Pregnant?"

Chen Yuan shrugged, "If you want to catch this person, I'm afraid you have to let him go, otherwise it's okay to replace her."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yuan pointed at Zhao Mu'er.

The face of the domain master turned black, this little aunt, the selection of candidates is more important than the last, Zhao Mu'er is the direct disciple of the headmaster of Phoenix Academy, if there is any trouble, he will probably have a big head.

Chen Yuan said impatiently: "Anyway, he is also the top genius selected by the Qilin Academy, and there are one or two ways to save his life? Besides, we don't leave Yunfeng City. Once we are in danger, within three breaths, you, the old man, will return to you." Can you make it through?"

The domain owner's face was still a little tangled, but he finally nodded.

"Okay! I promise you that Wang Hao will cooperate with you to find someone. If you are in danger, call the police immediately, and the old man will rush there in the shortest possible time."

After saying that, he turned to Wang Hao and said solemnly: "If you encounter a situation, you must protect your own safety first. Every ten candidate is a treasure of human beings, and we cannot afford to lose it!"

"Don't worry, old man!"

Leaving the domain lord's residence, Chen Yuan breathed out and said, "This old man is really indecisive. I really don't know how he cultivated his personality to such a level, and sat on the domain lord's seat."

Wang Hao behind Chen Yuan smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid that the domain master will hear you chewing your tongue behind your back?"

Chen Yuan looked indifferent, "I dare to say bad things about the old stubborn Hei Fanmen behind my back, and I would offend a domain owner again."

Wang Hao asked curiously: "We have never met before, why did you ask me to help you? Do you know me?"

Chen Yuan turned around and stared seriously at Wang Hao's eyes.

"Do you really think that the clothes you made are seamless, without anyone noticing?"

Wang Hao froze for a moment, "I don't understand what you mean."

Chen Yuan put her little hand deep into her arms, took out a small book the size of a palm, and threw it to Wang Hao.

Wang Hao randomly flipped through two pages. This book was a collection of arrest warrants, and each page was painted with a portrait of a black door chasing criminals.

And the first wanted warrant is the portrait of Wang Hao!

Below the portrait, there is a line of beautiful handwriting, marking the rate of Wang Hao's crime - robbing the black door prison!
Wang Hao was stunned, he looked away from the notebook, just in time to see Chen Yuan blinking a pair of big eyes, looking at him.

"Wang Hao, male, 17 years old, from the Ice and Snow Realm, joined Qilin Academy last year, qualified as a ten-child candidate, and became a disciple of the legendary emperor Yan San."

"Before you officially joined Qilin Academy, in order to save your friend Jia Houwei, you disguised yourself, under the cover of Cai Ming, the vice president of the Artifact Refining Association, sneaked into the prison with a black door, and rescued him."

"Am I right?"

Wang Hao was silent, Cai Ming would not betray him, and Chen Yuan was able to tell the details of his robbery in such detail, which showed that the black door had already found out everything.

Wang Hao was puzzled and said, "Since the black fan door believes that I did this, why didn't anyone come to trouble me?"

Chen Yuan rolled her eyes, looking like she was looking at an idiot.

"If you are just an ordinary warrior, even with the protection of Qilin Academy, according to the style of Heishanmen, you will be arrested and brought to justice."

"However, in Menglong's dreamland, you used some method to solve the crisis of the demons breaking through the ground. It is a great achievement. If the merits and demerits are equal, the black door is not easy to force it."

"Later, you obtained the status of a candidate for the Ten Sons. Although you are only a candidate, you have already surpassed all talented warriors. It is too late for the black door to protect you, so how can you trouble yourself?"

"In the end, you became Yan San's apprentice. You are a lunatic who loves his apprentice like a child. Although the Hei Fan Sect has a great family and a strong background, they absolutely don't want to provoke him."

Wang Hao was very surprised to hear that Chen Yuan was talking about everything. He didn't expect that there would be such an intricate relationship of interests behind him, but he didn't know it.

Chen Yuan turned around and continued walking towards the city.

"However, I have to remind you that others dare not provoke you because of Yan San's prestige, but there is one person who dares. You have already touched her bottom line, so be careful yourself!"


"Zhao Mu'er's master, the head dean of Phoenix Academy, an old woman known as the Thousand-Handed Buddha!" ​​When mentioning this person, Chen Yuan, who had been laughing all the time, also became serious, "Only a madman dares to provoke a madman!"

Wang Hao was vigilant, he remembered that when Liu Lang told him the truth about Zhao Mu'er's amnesia, he was cautious and cautious, for fear that the wall had ears, and the person he was afraid of was probably this old woman.

However, the person who tied the bell has to be untied. If Wang Hao wants to restore Zhao Muer's memory, he will have to face the old woman head-on sooner or later.

He thought to himself: "Master Mu'er, no matter what purpose you have to seal Mu'er's memory, I will unlock it!"

Chen Yuan seemed to have guessed Wang Hao's thoughts, and interjected: "The deans of the three major colleges all have the strength of the realm of martial arts, and the old woman is the highest among them. If you want to do something that makes her unhappy, you'd better pull her away." Go with your master, after all, there is still a gap between fake madness and real madness."

Wang Hao smiled wryly and said, "I don't know whether to be happy or embarrassed to hear your evaluation of being a teacher like this."

Chen Yuan shrugged, "I also heard the rumors about Yan San from my stubborn old man. I thought I heard some interesting stories from you, but I didn't expect that you don't know as much about your master as I do. It's really boring."

Wang Hao changed the subject, "You haven't explained why you asked me to help you arrest Moxiu."

Chen Yuan let out a breath, "The reason I'm looking for you is that I have more confidence in your strength. After all, if you can rob people in the hands of the young sect master, you must be good at it."

"Secondly, this demon cultivator is extremely cunning, and this is not the first time I have sought him out."

"Oh?" Wang Hao was a little surprised, "Could it be that this demon cultivator is already on the wanted list of the black door?"

"You turn the book to the last page."

The last night of the book was still a wanted warrant, and the portrait on the warrant was of a man whose upper half of his face was covered by a mask.

"it's him!"

Chen Yuan said helplessly: "This guy entered the field of vision of the black door a year ago. The first field this guy appeared in was the field of red flames."

"The Realm of Scarlet Flame?" Wang Hao frowned slightly. The Realm of Red Flame is close to his hometown, the Realm of Ice and Snow. There are frequent battles between the two regions. It was in the Realm of Red Flame that he killed the Sand King, one of the three great Heaven Martial Realm powerhouses in the domain, and Ling Feng, the patriarch of the Ling family!

Chen Yuan didn't know the change in Wang Hao's mind, so she continued to explain: "A year ago, not long after you killed the Sand King, two other strong men at the Heavenly Martial Realm in the Scarlet Flame Realm suddenly died suddenly. The flesh and blood eaten by people is indistinct, and the vitality in the body is exhausted!"

"After receiving the information, the Sacred Domain immediately sent people to check it out. They were shocked to find that not only the two Heavenly Martial Realm warriors, but also hundreds of warriors from all realms died in the entire Scarlet Flame Domain."

"It's related to the magic cultivator. The high-level executives of the sacred domain handed over the matter to the black door to investigate and deal with it. Because I am good at finding people and things, I was sent out."

"The man was found, but this man was extremely cunning and let him slip away six times in a row. To tell you the truth, this is already the seventh time I have confronted him."

"I witnessed with my own eyes that this guy raised his realm from the realm of Tianwu to the realm of Lingwu by devouring people!"

Wang Hao was shocked. In just one year, he had been promoted from the Heaven Martial Realm to the Spirit Martial Realm. This speed of promotion was unprecedented!

Of course, such a method of cultivation is too cruel, and the world will not tolerate it!
"In order to find out who this person is, over the past year, I have searched the borders of the mainland, south, north, and north, and finally followed the vines to find the root, and found the ice and snow domain!"

Wang Hao's heart trembled, and the strange smile of the man-eating demon cultivator appeared in his mind again. He seemed to have discovered something, but he still couldn't grasp the main point.

"I found out that the kung fu practiced by the man-eater cultivator was first created by people from the Ice and Snow Realm 3000 years ago. However, the founders were discovered before they reached the fifth realm, and they were wiped out."

"Although the person is removed, the whereabouts of the exercises are unknown. If my guess is correct, others should take advantage of the chaos and put them away."

"As for when this exercise reappeared after 3000 years, it is unknown."

"The reason why I chose you to help is that firstly, this demon cultivator comes from your hometown, and secondly, the time of his appearance was very close to the time when you left the Ice and Snow Realm. My intuition tells me that there must be a connection between you two!"

Wang Hao nodded, but did not refute. He asked in a deep voice, "Then why did you call Zhao Mu'er just now?"

A pure smile appeared on Chen Yuan's face, and she opened her mouth as a matter of course.

"Because my instinct for her is the same as yours!"

(End of this chapter)

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