Chapter 379

Wang Hao's warning immediately made the three monkeys startled, but their sight was blocked by the wind and sand, and they couldn't release their energy to explore the surroundings, so they could only turn their eyes to Wang Hao.

To their surprise, Wang Hao's eyes did not look into the distance, but down to his feet...

The three of them hurriedly followed Wang Hao's line of sight, but they didn't find anything to look at except the Yellow River water all over the ground.

"Wang Hao, what did you find?"

Wang Hao bent down, stretched out his right hand, and brushed off most of the yellow sand under his feet, and then picked up a piece of yellow crystal that was as thick as a finger.

Wang Hao put the crystal in front of his eyes, and immediately confirmed that the crystal and the mineral powder hidden in the gravel were from the same source.

"Is this the mine you mentioned?" Rhino was puzzled. "This thing looks like it would break if you squeeze it. Even if it's made into a weapon, what's the use?"

Wang Hao smiled wryly, and threw the crystal to the rhinoceros.

"Just try it and you'll know."

As the name suggests, the rhinoceros man is a huge man with well-developed muscles, and the skills he practiced can also double his strength.

He held the yellow crystal in his palm, and then made a fist!
The expected situation where the crystal was broken into powder did not happen. When the rhinoceros opened his palm again, the crystal was intact.

Monkey and Huzi were taken aback, "What a hard ore!"

Rhino was a little bit dissatisfied, he clenched his fist again, this time, he poured energy into his palm, the veins on his arm popped up, like coiled green snakes.

Rhino's face was flushed, and finally, he gave up, and the crystal still remained unbroken.

Wang Hao commented on this ore, "The hardness of this crystal is probably equivalent to a ninth-grade mysterious weapon, and it contains impurities inside. If it is a pure crystal, its hardness can be comparable to an earth-level mysterious weapon! "


The three monkeys took a long breath, and then began to spit yellow sand out.

Huzi was puzzled, "How did the barbarians mine such a hard ore?"

Wang Hao shook his head, still unable to figure it out, "Being able to find this ore means that the ore deposit is nearby. Next, the three of you follow me closely and be ready to fight at any time!"

The expressions of the three became serious, and they also understood the danger they would face below.

Wang Hao continued to move forward, and the more he walked, the more ore fragments were scattered in the yellow sand on the ground.

And the fragments were obviously abandoned, presumably too small to be turned into a weapon.

After advancing more than a thousand meters again, Wang Hao made a new discovery.

"Get down!"

The three monkeys immediately fell to the ground, Wang Hao leaned down, and with the help of Jin Tong, he saw in the distance, a group of barbarians with naked upper body, carrying large pieces of ore.

What alarmed Wang Hao was that among the group of barbarians, there was a proud barbarian who was directing other barbarians to work.

"Fifth Heaven Martial Realm Realm!"

Wang Hao immediately judged that the opponent's realm was one level higher than his own.

Different from human fighters of the fifth level of the Heavenly Martial Realm, this barbarian exudes an aura that even Wang Hao feels afraid of!

Wang Hao remained motionless, letting the yellow sand cover his body, he wanted to determine how the barbarians mined this extremely hard mineral deposit.

The mine was hidden under the yellow sand. When the other barbarians removed the large ore, the barbarian leader moved.

He floated in the air, unaffected by the strong wind.

Through the golden pupil, Wang Hao could see that the energy in the barbarian leader's body began to converge towards his right arm.

A ridiculous thought popped up in Wang Hao's mind, "This guy, he smashed the mine with his fist, right?"

Wang Hao couldn't believe it. Given the hardness of the mine, even if it was him, he would have to activate the Dragon Transformation to destroy it with his body.

The barbarian leader gathered his strength for a long time, clenched his fist with his right hand, and the fist was entwined with dense black air.


The barbarian leader yelled violently, and his figure fell from the sky. He stepped on the ground again with his feet and knees bent.

His right fist slammed heavily on the ground. Suddenly, the yellow sand shot up to the sky, and the whole ground trembled violently.


A loud noise spread throughout the gorge, and only one sound of "click!" was heard, and the mineral deposit buried under the yellow sand cracked in response!

"The barbarians are so powerful?!"

Wang Hao was shocked, if the barbarians had more such masters, the four regions of southern border would definitely fall!

The monkey asked suspiciously, "Wang Hao, what happened? Why is the ground shaking so much?"

Wang Hao just wanted to speak, but his pupils constricted. The barbarian leader stood up from the ground and turned his head in the direction of the four of them!

Wang Hao frowned. The four of them didn't release any breath, and there was wind and sand separating them. Logically, the other party couldn't find them.

Wang Hao stared closely at the facial expression of the barbarian leader. He saw a disdainful smile on the corner of the other party's mouth.

"We were found, let's go!"

At the same time as Wang Hao warned the three monkeys, the leader of the barbarians shouted, and saw the barbarians who were carrying the ore dropped the ore in their hands one after another, and rushed towards Wang Hao and the four of them.

There are so many people, there are 70 people!
The three monkeys immediately got up from the ground, without Wang Hao continuing to warn them, they had already felt the killing intent rushing towards their faces.

"Come on!"

It's not that they are not brave enough, but that they have no chance of winning with such a small number of enemies.

Wang Hao drew out the Longyuan sword, and wanted to ensure that everyone rushed out of the gorge, he had to block the footsteps of the barbarians chasing.

Unlike dealing with wolves and retaining strength, this time, Wang Hao shot with all his strength!

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

Tens of thousands of sword qi condensed from the air, piercing the wind and sand with a roar, and smashing towards the barbarians.

Like the three monkeys, the barbarian's field of vision was also blocked by the wind and sand, and it was only when the sword energy approached his body that he barely noticed it.

The sword rain fell on the barbarians. Although it couldn't penetrate their bodies, it also left deep and shallow scars, which slowed down their pursuit.

The barbarian leader roared a few times, as if he was very dissatisfied with his subordinates, he stepped out of the air and did it himself!
The strength of the barbarian leader was fully revealed. He was so fast that he caught up in an instant.

Wang Hao frowned, if he didn't stop the barbarian leader, the three monkeys would surely die.

"Wang Hao, we are here to help you!"

Huzi wanted to turn around and participate in the battle, but was stopped by Wang Hao with a roar.

"Go back! Run for your life!"

The tiger hesitated for a moment, but was dragged back by the monkey and the rhino.

"Since Wang Hao dared to stop him alone, there must be a way to escape. If we stay, we will only cause trouble for him!"

Seeing the three of them leave smoothly, Wang Hao breathed a sigh of relief. Only in this way can he exert his full strength without restraining his hands and feet.

"Do you think you can stop me? When I kill you, they will surely die too!"

Wang Hao was slightly startled, it was the leader of the barbarian tribe who was chasing after him.

"You can speak our human language?"

The barbarian leader said disdainfully: "After dealing with a lot, you will naturally learn it. I didn't expect that our mining is so hidden, and we were discovered. But since you know the secret of our barbarians, you can never go back alive!"

Wang Hao sneered: "If you want to take my life, you have to see if you have the ability first!"

"Arrogant human boy!"

The leader of the barbarian tribe rushed in front of Wang Hao and punched him with his raised hand.

This punch was accompanied by the sound of wind and thunder, and the air pressure generated during the swing made Wang Hao almost breathless.

"Treading among the clouds!"

Wang Hao moved his body and dodged easily. The Longyuan sword pierced three times in succession, piercing three blood holes in the arm of the barbarian leader.

"So that's the thing."

Just like Bai Qi's introduction to the barbarians before, although the barbarians are born with supernatural powers, they don't know how to use martial arts. Even if they know some, it's just superficial.

The barbarian leader's arm muscles rolled, and the wound quickly solidified.

"Human martial arts are truly amazing!"

As he spoke, he raised his arm, and there was a whistling sound from far and near, and finally, a sharp ax fell into the hands of the barbarian leader.

This sharp ax is translucent yellow, and it is made of the magical ore that Wang Hao discovered before.

The barbarian's refining technology is very primitive, and the ax is not even sharpened, but Wang Hao believes that this ax will exert shocking power in the hands of the infinitely powerful barbarian!

"Opening axe!"

The barbarian leader swung his axe, and the ax turned into a flash of light and fell towards Wang Hao!

"Martial skills?!" Wang Hao was stunned for a moment. With this ax, the barbarian leader used some kind of power-using technique.

This ax is very fast, Wang Hao is not easy to dodge, he can only find a way to block it.

Having seen the terrifying power of the barbarian leader, Wang Hao did not choose to hold the Long Yuan Sword in front of him.

"Thousand Manifestations Umbrella!"

He called out the Thousand Chance Umbrella, unfolded the umbrella, and chopped the barbarian leader's ax on the Thousand Chance Umbrella.

The Thousand Chance Umbrella is a defensive weapon. The terrifying power of the barbarian leader spread out along the ribs of the umbrella. Wang Hao, holding the handle of the umbrella, blocked the barbarian leader's attack with just a slight tremor of his arm.

Wang Hao retreated with his left hand, and at the same time activated the mechanism hidden in the hilt of the sword with Yuanli, and saw that the umbrella closed, the handle extended, and the Thousand Chance Umbrella turned into a spear.

The tip of the umbrella turned into a sharp spear and pierced into the body of the barbarian leader. With a cry of pain, he grabbed the body of the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella.

Wang Hao's body trembled suddenly, and he exclaimed in his heart, "What a powerful force!"

In a competition of strength, Wang Hao lost to the leader of the barbarian tribe, and the Thousand Chance Umbrella was snatched by the other party.

However, Wang Hao changed his move immediately, and the Longyuan Sword in his right hand turned into an afterimage.

The sharp sword pierced through the air, stirring up the wind and clouds. For a while, even the wind and sand all over the sky slowed down a lot.

"Twelve Wind and Cloud Styles!"

The barbarian leader flew out covered in blood, and Wang Hao felt much more relaxed. Although the barbarian was born with supernatural power, he didn't know how to use it. He didn't feel too difficult to deal with it.

Wang Hao stabbed towards the barbarian leader with his sword, ready to give him the final blow, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a thrilling power emanating from the barbarian leader.

He suddenly remembered what Bai Qi had warned him about.

"The barbarian powerhouse at the Heaven Martial Realm possesses a power that we have never seen before!"

(End of this chapter)

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