Chapter 383
"You speak barbarian languages?"

Wang Hao was very surprised. He had had some contact with the barbarians a few days ago. Except for the barbarian leaders, the other barbarians spoke a barbarian language that he could not understand at all.

Barbarian languages ​​are very different from human languages, especially in pronunciation. Wang Hao couldn't even imagine how to pronounce many syllables.

The Fat Rat chuckled, "Of course I will, but it's definitely not as good as those barbarians, but it's still okay to fool around."

Mantis was puzzled and said: "Head, if it is true as you said, mixing with barbarian tribes would be great, but our looks are so different from barbarians, how can we mix in?"

Pan Shi also didn't quite believe it, "Mantis is right, your idea is really unbelievable!"

Wang Hao smiled, "Since I dare to say it, there is naturally a way."

While speaking, Wang Hao took out some materials from the inventory.

These materials are the inner skin of some ferocious beasts, which are very delicate.

Wang Hao sighed in his heart: "The mask craft I learned from a down-and-out craftsman in Frozen City, I didn't expect to benefit me so much!"

He activated the refining hand, and under the control of his mind, the inner skin changed rapidly.

"This is……"

The Fat Rat and the others were dumbfounded. They suddenly discovered that the inner skin of the ferocious beast that Wang Hao took out had been transformed into four exquisite human skin masks under his refinement.

These four faces looked like barbarians who had just been killed by praying mantises!
"Head, this mask you made is simply fascinating!"

"Stop flattering, try first!"

The three hurriedly took the mask and put it on their faces. Wang Hao pinched the cheeks for the three to make the mask fit perfectly.

"Not bad!" The effect of the mask was very good. From the face alone, the four of them looked like barbarians.

But this alone is not enough, whether it is clothing or hair, the difference between the four and the real barbarians is still very large.

Looking at the long braid of Mantis Xu, Wang Hao said helplessly: "In order to be able to mix into the barbarian tribe, I have wronged you!"

Mantis understood what Wang Hao meant, and stood firm and said: "If you can understand the detailed information of the barbarians, what's the point of being wronged?"

Wang Hao nodded, and walked in front of Mantis, a sword energy cut off his long braid.

Wang Hao activated the refiner, and used the hair of the four people as the material for the refiner, refining it into the same hairstyle as the barbarian who had just been beheaded.

In the end, they changed into barbarian clothes, and Wang Hao and the others had become out-and-out barbarians.

The four looked at each other and laughed loudly.

"Boss, you said that if we return to the camp according to this image, I'm afraid we will cause a big mess!"

Wang Hao said in a deep voice: "Of course it will cause a big mess! When we go back, we will definitely have the military achievements of the three of you, no one can compare with you!"

Pan Shi said worriedly: "Head, there are five barbarians killed by the mantis, and we only have four. Will it arouse the suspicion of the barbarians?"

"It doesn't matter. Since it's an act, we will naturally do a full set. Let's smear some barbarian blood on our bodies, and then make a few cuts on our bodies, saying that we encountered an ambush in the canyon, so that no one escaped."

"good idea!"

Everything was ready, Wang Hao and the others headed towards the direction where the barbarians came, and when they were halfway through the incense stick, they suddenly found a large army of barbarians.

Wang Hao was startled. The barbarians he met at this time were very different from the barbarians he saw in front of the canyon.

The barbarians here are all sturdy, with axes made of animal bones pinned to their waists, and they are full of chilling intentions. They are obviously trained soldiers!
Pan Shi said in a low voice: "We have encountered a regular army of barbarians, everyone be careful, don't show your feet!"

The four of Wang Hao pretended to be barbarians, soaked in blood, and rushed forward in a panic. Soon, barbarians came to meet them.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa!"

The barbarian questioned in barbarian language. Although Wang Hao couldn't understand, he could guess that the other party was questioning the four of them and what happened to them.

"Wow wow wow!"

The one who spoke was Fat Rat, the smartest among Wang Hao's three subordinates. He was born to be a master of acting, and the frightened expression on his face was lifelike, expressing the sense of fear to the fullest.

Fat Rat's performance was obviously flawless. According to the plan, Fat Rat told the barbarians that five of them were ambushed by humans and one of them was buried.

More importantly, Fat Rat told them that the remaining mineral deposits have been transported away by humans, and there is nothing of value in the canyon.

The barbarian's face became more and more ugly, and finally he roared twice, ordering all the barbarians to withdraw.

Now that there are no mineral deposits, and there are still humans ambushing in the canyon, no matter how poor the barbarian's IQ is, they know that they can't move forward at this time.

Fat Rat quietly blinked at everyone, indicating that they passed the test.

In this way, the four followed the barbarian troops and headed south.

After walking for a day and a night, the four of Wang Hao finally saw the barbarian tribe!
This is a huge tribe. As far as Wang Hao can see, there are thousands of animal skin tents. Considering that the orcs are brave and good at fighting, and all the people are soldiers, the combat power that only this tribe can form can shock human beings. !
Wang Hao felt chills in his heart, "The wilderness is vast, and the area is not small at all. In this barren land, how many similar tribes are stationed? If these tribes are united, how much power can they form? How terrifying!"

The more he thought about it, the colder Wang Hao felt, and the faces of the other three were also very ugly.

Before coming here, the barbarian tribe they guessed had a population of at most a hundred households, but they didn't expect it to be so huge!
The barbarian power they saw was just the tip of the iceberg!
At this time, the same idea came to the minds of the four, this time they must find out the details of the barbarians!
Before entering the tribe, there was a huge beating sound of war drums in the tribe, and the roar of war drums was shocking.

At the gate of the tribe, many barbarian women and children poured out. They held meat and slept to welcome the return of the troops!

Many barbarian warriors laughed and took the meat, stuffed it into their mouths, and randomly grabbed a glass of wine and poured it into their mouths.

Following the example of other barbarians, Fat Rat also took a large piece of meat from a barbarian child and stuffed it into his mouth.

In just an instant, his expression changed. The meat was only medium rare!

In order not to reveal his secrets, Fat Rat resisted the nausea in his stomach and ate up the meat. He took a glass of wine, trying to calm down the shock, but the wine entered his stomach, making his face even more exciting.

Fat Rat wanted to slap himself a few times at this time, the majestic Heavenly Martial Realm powerhouse survived without eating, all because of the roundworms in his stomach, so he wanted to vomit but could only endure it.

Wang Hao, Mantis and Panshi looked at Fat Rat's appearance and wanted to laugh so much, but they could only bear it.

In the center of the tribe is a very wide square, the square is so large that it can accommodate the entire tribe of barbarians.

In the middle of the square, there is a stone pillar with a height of more than ten meters, and a totem in the shape of a tauren is carved on it.

Wang Hao felt a bit of coolness pouring into his body, he hurriedly took precautions, but was shocked to find that the source of the coolness was actually the totem in front of him.

"Golden pupils!"

Wang Hao opened the golden pupil silently. He observed the totem carefully, but found nothing wrong. It was just like an ordinary stone pillar.

"Strange, how can an ordinary stone pillar be surrounded by evil forces? Could it be that the problem lies in the totem carved on the stone pillar?"

The barbarian warriors faced the totem and lined up. After a while, a barbarian leader with great power came to the front of the team.

Wang Hao can feel that this barbarian leader is stronger than the barbarian leader who was beheaded by him in the canyon before!

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

The barbarian leader seemed to be lecturing the troops, but to Wang Hao, all he could hear was the cry of a toad.

He thought helplessly in his heart: "We must master the barbarian language as soon as possible, otherwise the barbarians will notice the problem sooner or later."

Every time the barbarian leader said a word, the soldiers would scream wildly when they were satisfied. Wang Hao could only imitate his appearance and be a Mr. Nan Guo who pretended to be a fool.

At the end, the wild cries of the barbarian warriors stopped abruptly, and the three of Mantis stepped forward and walked out of the queue.

Fat Mouse hastily pulled Wang Hao, and Wang Hao took advantage of the trend, almost going wrong.

The leader of the barbarians walked up to Mantis and began to lecture. Mantis responded in barbarian language without any problems.

Seemingly satisfied with Mantis's answer, the barbarian leader happily patted him on the shoulder and walked up to Panshi.

Pan Shi's barbarian language is better than that of Mantis, so naturally there will be no problems.

Wang Hao's heart tightened slightly. He was different from the three of Mantis in that he didn't know a word of barbarian language!

"Could it be that if you just entered the barbarian tribe, you will be exposed?"

In Wang Hao's mind, he quickly calculated his chances of winning the battle with the barbarian leader. He held his right hand falsely, showing a posture of holding a sword. He could call out the Longyuan Sword at any time and stab the enemy.

Fat Mouse quietly gave Wang Hao a reassuring look, Wang Hao nodded slightly, and relaxed his empty right hand again.

After the leader of the barbarian tribe finished lecturing Fat Rat, he walked up to Wang Hao. He talked a lot. Wang Hao looked calm, but there were fine beads of sweat overflowing from his hands.

Naturally, Wang Hao didn't reply, he couldn't open his mouth, otherwise he would reveal his secrets, exposing all four of them.

Seeing that Wang Hao ignored him, anger appeared on the face of the barbarian leader. He was just about to reprimand when Fat Rat spoke.

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

Wang Hao saw that the barbarian leader's face showed suspicion after hearing what the fat rat said, and finally gradually eased with the fat rat's explanation.

Finally, he gave Wang Hao a look of pity, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Wow woo woo!"

While speaking, the barbarian leader ordered someone to fetch a tray with a worm the size of a thumb.

Wang Hao clearly felt that all the barbarian warriors cast envious eyes on him.

The leader of the barbarian tribe picked up the bug and stuffed it into Wang Hao's ear. Wang Hao subconsciously wanted to resist, but saw the fat mouse hinting that he should stay calm.

Wang Hao couldn't bear it anymore, and let the barbarian leader stuff the bugs into his ears.

A miraculous thing happened. The voice from the barbarian leader's mouth turned into human language in Wang Hao's ears.

"Brave warrior, your performance of bravery and skill in battle has won the appreciation of the Tauren Lord, bless you!"

(End of this chapter)

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