Chapter 386
The savage, who had won eighteen consecutive victories, lost any fighting spirit the moment he saw Balur.

He threw in the towel!This kind of behavior was originally the most shameful behavior of the barbarians, but at this moment, no one accused him.

Just because his opponent is Balur!
Balur is the number one genius of the Tauren Tribe!When he was blessed by the bull head god at the age of seven, he was directly promoted to the realm of earth martial arts!
Such a miracle is extremely rare even if you look at the whole wilderness.

When Balur was 16 years old, he was already the number one master of the younger generation of the tribe. He was selected by the king of the barbarians to join the personal guards, the first army in the wilderness - Tyrannosaurus Army!

No one knows how powerful the Tyrannosaurus Army is, but every barbarian present knows that if the Tyrannosaurus Army is touched, the five human troops currently guarding the border will be slaughtered in just a moment!
In the face of Balur, except for the leader, who dares to say victory?
The tribal leader stood up and walked in front of Balur, who bowed down and saluted.


The leader patted Balur on the shoulder with satisfaction, and praised: "Balur, after three years of experience in the Tyrannosaurus Army, your cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds! At this speed, within five years, you will be Can surpass me!"

"The leader is mighty, and Balur dare not stand shoulder to shoulder!"

The leader laughed loudly, "There is no need to be humble! We barbarians respect the strong. When the day you surpass me, this bull-headed tribe will definitely be handed over to you!"

"Thank you, leader Miao Zan!"

The leader looked at Balur and became more and more satisfied. He shouted loudly: "I order Balur to be the number one warrior of the tribe, and he will conquer the evil god tribe on my behalf!"

The leader's decision made the whole tribe excited, and the barbarians shouted Balur's name loudly.



Just when the voices of the people reached their peak, an untimely voice sounded from the crowd.

"Wait a moment!"

The voice was not loud, but it was extremely penetrating. In an instant, the entire crowd fell silent.

The eyes of all the barbarians were focused on one place. They were very curious as to who had the courage to question the leader's decision.

The one who spoke was naturally Wang Hao. He didn't care what tribal genius Balur was. At this moment, no one could disrupt his plan.

Wang Hao came out in front of the leader and Balur, but he didn't even look at Balur.

"Leader, according to the rules of the tribe, only the strongest can be qualified to fight on your behalf. Now I want to challenge Balur!"

The crowd was silent for a long time again, and then burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! This guy is going to challenge Balur, is he crazy?!"

"Balur can kill him with one finger. Is he tired of living, or is he humiliating himself?"

"I heard that this guy was injured in the head by a human when he went out to battle before, and he couldn't even speak. If the leader hadn't been kind enough to reward him with the treasured treasure worm, he might still be deaf and dumb now. !"

"So, his brain has been broken, no wonder he dared to challenge Balur!"

"I thought some other great warrior appeared in the tribe, but it turned out to be a buffoon!"

The leader's face was very ugly, but there are people in the tribe who dare to question him, this is absolutely not allowed!

But when he saw more and more people coming out, most of his anger calmed down. He was the leader of the tribe, so why should he be angry with a subordinate who had a problem with his brain? Wouldn't that make him look very imposing?

However, Balur didn't know Wang Hao's situation. He thought that someone was challenging him, and his fighting spirit instantly surged.

A terrifying aura enveloped the crowd, and the might of the fourth level of the Heavenly Martial Realm made many barbarians feel tight in their chests and a little out of breath.

He said in a deep voice, "Boss, Balur is willing to accept this warrior's challenge!"

It was hard for the leader to refuse, after all, this is the prevailing ethos of the barbarians for thousands of years. He comforted him: "Balur, this warrior is a bit out of his wits, so you should be gentle."

Balur walked towards Wang Hao step by step, and he whispered in a barbarian language: "I don't care if you have mental problems, since you dare to challenge Balur, you must be prepared to be carried down!"

Wang Hao pretended not to hear, and made preparations for fighting.

This move of his directly angered Balur.

"Damn it, you dare to ignore Balur!" After saying that, Balur raised his casserole-sized fist and smashed it on his head.

There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd. Balur's figure was already much taller than ordinary barbarians. Compared with him, Wang Hao's figure was like the contrast between Mianyang and a rhinoceros.

The weight of Balur's fist is still fresh in the memory of many barbarians. When he was in Balur, he once smashed a stone pillar that couldn't be surrounded by ten people into powder!
Now that Balur has been in the Tyrannosaurus Army for many years, no one knows how powerful a punch is.

Facing Balur's powerful fist, which was like a rhino hitting a mountain, Wang Hao didn't show any signs of avoiding it. There was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

Of course, no one could detect this smile.


When Balur's fist was less than half an arm away from Wang Hao's nose, Wang Hao suddenly turned around!

Balur's fist rubbed against Wang Hao's ear and smashed forward. When he realized something was wrong, Wang Hao had already turned his back to him.

Wang Hao's two palms tightly hugged Balur's thick arm, and Balur struggled hard, but he didn't struggle away.


Wang Hao bent down, and the tall Balur flew over Wang Hao's head, and then fell heavily, smashing a deep hole in the ground.

Throw over the shoulder!
Wang Hao's actions made the barbarians onlookers subconsciously take a deep breath. In their minds, the most powerful warrior in the tribe other than the leader was thrown seven times by an unknown guy. Faint?
"Did I read it wrong? Balur was thrown out?"

"You read that right... a guy who just became an official warrior of the tribe threw Balur out!"


These arguments penetrated into Balur's ears verbatim, and he became angry with embarrassment, and the blood in his body was boiling.

Careless!He originally thought that as the leader said, the opponent was a guy with a brain problem. Who would have thought that the opponent would have such a reaction speed and supernatural power!
The leader and the great witch who were watching the battle were also stunned for a moment, the situation in front of them was completely beyond their expectations.


Balur yelled angrily and got up from the ground. He glared at Wang Hao, and the killing intent burst out all over his body, which made people feel suffocated.

"Balur will screw your head off!"

Facing Balur's threat, Wang Hao looked calm.

"If you have the ability, just let the horse come here!"

Balur felt the contempt and anger again, he roared and rushed towards Wang Hao, where his legs were strong, every step he took could leave a shallow footprint on the stone slab on the ground.

"Tyrannosaurus Fist!"

Balur swung another punch, this punch was faster than the previous attack, his fist made the roar of a tyrannosaur, and the ground under his fist was smashed into a deep pit.

Wang Hao squinted his eyes and exclaimed in his heart, "Compared with other barbarians, this Balur is more than 01:30 points stronger. The fists he swings imply a certain rhythm of technique, and this rhythm is definitely not made by humans. , I am afraid it is a martial art created by the barbarians! What kind of existence is the Tyrannosaurus Army in his mouth?"

Barbarians who can use martial arts. Thinking of this, Wang Hao couldn't help becoming vigilant. The bodies of barbarians have inherent advantages compared to humans, and they are not even weaker than monsters. The pressure on the domain is likely to be even greater!

"Don't be in a hurry to defeat him, let's see how many secrets there are in him!"

After making up his mind, Wang Hao moved his legs slightly, took a wonderful step, and easily dodged Balur's attack.

This step is a skill of walking in the clouds. Wang Hao can't use human martial arts openly, but when he disassembles it, with the knowledge of barbarian martial arts, he can't see any scrutiny at all.

Balur only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and Wang Hao dodged his attack, only to see Wang Hao's hands were like a flash of lightning, instantly holding his fisting arm.

"Is this guy trying to throw me again?! What a wishful thinking!" Balur was furious, "Balur will never make two mistakes from one place!"

His legs were bent, and he sank down in the posture of a heavy weight. At this time, he did not have the strength of tens of thousands of catties, so it was absolutely impossible to shake him at all!

"Stupid!" Wang Hao commented secretly in his heart, "In order to save face, he gave up resistance and passively defended! If I call out the Longyuan sword at this time, I can easily cut off his head!"

Of course, Wang Hao couldn't summon the Longyuan Sword. It is certainly a good thing to kill a barbarian elite, but what Wang Hao planned was an even bigger surprise!

"Since you want to compete in strength, then come!"

Wang Hao secretly operated the Jiulong Jue, mobilizing the energy of his whole body in his hands. At this time, the strength condensed in his hands is more than tens of thousands of catties? !
"Get up!"

Wang Hao yelled violently, the veins on his arms popped up, he gathered all his strength, and waved his arms towards the sky!

If Balur is a mountain, Wang Hao at this time is a giant who pulls up the mountain!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Balur's body broke off the ground, and he was thrown into the sky under Wang Hao's tremendous force!

The surrounding savages exclaimed at the same time, and everyone opened their eyes wide, looking at everything that happened in front of them in disbelief.

However, what made them exclaim was far more than that. They saw Wang Hao squatting down and showing a jumping posture.


The earth and rocks under Wang Hao's feet exploded, and he turned into a sharp arrow, shooting straight into the sky!

In the blink of an eye, Wang Hao had already caught up with Balur. When the two were parallel in the air, Wang Hao raised his arms.

"Get down again!"

Balur looked at Wang Hao's movement in horror. He wanted to block it, but his speed was much slower than Wang Hao's.

When he overtook Balur by half of his body, Wang Hao's arm hit Balur's face heavily!
Balur's figure fell like a meteorite!

(End of this chapter)

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