Chapter 393 Assassination Assassination
The 37 Tyrannosaurus put pressure on General Mu, which was countless times greater than facing thousands of troops.

There is no other reason, the realm of every Tyrannosaurus is in the realm of Tianwu!
Not to mention, on the Tyrannosaurus Rex, there is a Tyrannosaurus Warrior of a higher level!

The soldiers in the Hongjiang region were ashen-faced. These elite fighters who had fought desperately on the battlefield countless times could not arouse any fighting spirit at this time.

Counting the tyrannosaur, the enemy has a total of 74 Tianwu realms!
This kind of power, without the intervention of the domain owner, can even destroy the bottom ten outer domains!
The scene of the battle needs no description, it was a one-sided massacre. Only General Mu, who was at the ninth level of the Heavenly Martial Realm, resisted a little, but he couldn't escape the fate of being besieged and killed.

All of this was just what happened in Banzhuxiang. Before he died, General Mu finally understood why the Qilin Army hadn't sent anyone across the canyon.

The south of the canyon is comparable to hell!

Rocky, the leader of the tyrannosaurus army, jumped off the tyrannosaurus and crushed the head of a human warrior with one foot.

He looked at the burnt Tauren tribe with a gloomy expression.

"There is no trace of battle on the mysterious weapons of this group of human warriors. It seems that the Niutou tribe was not destroyed by them. The Niutou tribe is considered a middle-level tribe in the wilderness. Who can be silent? Destroy it?"

"Leaving aside this matter for now, how could there be humans passing through the canyon? Are humans planning to launch a counterattack?"

"This matter is important and must be reported to the commander immediately!"

The Tyrannosaurus army returned the same way, and the pace of the Tyrannosaurus was more urgent than when it came.

But Wang Hao, the culprit of everything, is in another barbarian tribe's... dungeon.

The three of Wang Hao and Fat Mouse pretended to be barbarians again, this time, they played the role of captives.

The dungeon was very dark and extremely humid. Fat Rat said angrily, "This place is so damp that even insects don't want to stay there. If these barbarian bastards don't get me out again, I will kill myself!"

Pan Shi scolded: "Dead Fat Rat, what are you complaining about? Didn't you see that the boss didn't make a sound?"

Fat Mouse shrank his neck embarrassingly, and Wang Hao was beside him, closing his eyes and resting his mind, not caring about the environment he was in at all.

The idea of ​​continuing to pretend to be a barbarian was proposed by Fat Rat. After enjoying the benefits of exterminating two tribes one after another, he couldn't wait to attack the next barbarian tribe.

However, after wandering all night, none of the four could find the barbarian who was alone.

Wang Hao had an idea, and simply pretended to be a barbarian who came to investigate the enemy's situation, deliberately showed his traces, and was captured by the nearest tribe.

This tribe is called the Spider Tribe, and they believe in the Spider Goddess.

The members of the Spider Tribe seemed to want to torture the four Wang Hao who had come to spy on the information. They kept the four of them in the dungeon for five full days without giving them any food or water.

However, there is no pressure on the four of them. As long as a strong person in the Tianwu realm can practice, he can survive.

On the sixth day, the gate of the dungeon finally opened.

The dazzling sunlight shot from above the heads of the four of them. A barbarian poked his head in and shouted, "You four, get out!"

Wang Hao winked at Fat Mouse, who had been suppressed for a long time, indicating that it was not the time for him to do anything yet.

The four of them walked out of the dungeon pretending to be extremely weak, and were brutally escorted out by the barbarians of the spider tribe.

A small leader of the spider tribe walked up to the four of them and looked them up and down.

"Which tribe are you from? Why are you sneaking around our spider tribe?!"

Praying Mantis responded by saying what he had already discussed.

"The four of us don't belong to any tribe and have been wandering around in the wilderness."

"We are not sneaking around, we just hope that the spider tribe can take us in!"

Hearing Mantis' explanation, the little leader laughed loudly, "Joke! Do you think you can fool me with your nonsense that can't even fool a child? Believe it or not, I smashed your head with a stick?!"

The four of them pretended to be very scared, and Mantis hurriedly said, "Forgive me! I really didn't lie! If you don't believe me, you can ask the old witches of your tribe to come and investigate. There is no tribe in the body of the four of us." mark!"

A savage sneered and said, "Boss, let's just kill them! We haven't fed the ferocious beasts we raised today! You can save yourself from hunting again!"

The little leader didn't answer right away. He was quite entitled in the spider tribe. He knew some things that other barbarians didn't know. In his impression, both the old witch and the leader liked to recruit those barbarians who didn't belong to the tribe. .

He stared at the expressions of the four of them closely, and could not see any trace of lying.

"You, go and invite the old witch!"

The barbarian who had just opened his mouth to kill the four of them reluctantly left, and after a while, he invited the old witch.

Like any tribe, the old witch is surrounded by the most powerful warriors of the tribe.

The old witch held a staff and walked in front of the four of them. Soon, his eyes lit up.

"They didn't lie. I can't feel any traces of gods in their bodies."

The old witch asked with a serious expression: "I heard that the four of you are here to join our tribe, so are you willing to believe in our god, the Spider Goddess?"

"Yes! Yes!" Fat Rat hurriedly replied, "As long as we are not allowed to wander, we are willing to submit to the tribe and believe in the Spider Goddess!"

The old witch nodded in satisfaction, and said to the guards beside him, "Untie their ropes and bring them to the totem."

The restraints on the four people were untied, and under the surveillance of a group of barbarian warriors, they walked under the totem of the spider tribe.

Compared with the Tauren tribe, the spider tribe's totem is larger, and the evil power surrounding the totem is also stronger.

The old witch kept the other tribal warriors at a distance. He held a staff and began to sing praises to the gods.

The sky was getting darker, and the evil power on the totem was gathering more and more. Wang Hao knew that it was time to make a move.

A dagger pierced the old witch's back with precision. The sharp blade pierced the old witch's heart and burst out of his chest.

Wang Hao's avatar appeared behind the old witch, with a cold expression, letting the old witch's blood splash on his face.

Wang Hao smiled in his heart, his plan has come true.

The quickest way to stop the growth of the barbarians is to kill the old witch who can communicate with the gods. In this way, before the new old witch appears, the tribe will stagnate for at least several decades .

The old witch is the most important existence in every tribe, if he blindly assassinates them, it will definitely be very difficult.

But it is very easy to approach under the pretext of wanting to believe in their gods.

Wang Hao's avatar drew out the dagger and beheaded the old witch's head. Then, he grabbed the dagger with one hand and stepped into the void again...

The old witch was killed, and the entire spider tribe fell into chaos. No one noticed that the four barbarians who were originally captured by them disappeared.

Ten miles away from the spider tribe, Fat Rat laughed wildly: "Happy! Happy! Doing things with the boss, really happy!"

The eyes of Mantis and Panshi were also shining with excitement.

Know yourself and know the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles!After learning the secret of the barbarian's spirituality, their disguised assassination went extremely smoothly.

"Boss, what are we going to do next?"

Wang Hao smiled slightly, "Continue to find the next tribe. Before returning to the camp, we may have to spend a few more times in the dungeon."

Fat Rat said excitedly: "I would like to make a few more barbarian tribes into chaos, even if I spend a year in a dungeon!"


In the next forty days, the tribes stationed in the wild north really suffered.

In just one and a half months, 21 tribal old witches have died.

These old witches all died at the hands of a haunted human assassin, and with the death of the old witches, there would always be four wandering barbarians who came to these tribes to surrender.

At this time, it had been two months since the four of Wang Hao left the Qilin Army. Whether it was Wang Hao or Fat Rat, their faces were exhausted.

"Boss, do you want to continue?"

Wang Hao shook his head this time, "We won't continue. We have assassinated so many old witches. The other tribes have probably heard the news and are taking strict precautions. If we repeat the old tricks, we will probably die."

"You have accumulated a lot of military merits, go back and return!"

Crossing the canyon again and returning to the frontier, when they returned to the Qilin Army, the three Fat Rats were stunned by the sight in front of them.

Originally, the barracks where only a thousand people from the Qilin Army lived was now expanded by more than ten times, and at a glance, the border could not be seen.

They suddenly discovered that there were at least [-] troops stationed on this border!
"Damn it, did you have hallucinations after staying in the wilderness for a long time?" Fat Rat patted the praying mantis beside him, "Pinch me, whoops! You're really going to do it!"

Mantis said angrily: "You didn't have hallucinations, it seems that the boss's flying eagle transmission has an effect."

The three looked at Wang Hao, only to see Wang Hao's face was very calm, as if he had expected such a result, which made the three admire him even more.

The commander camp of the Qilin Army is holding a military meeting. There are six armies from other domains who came to help the Qilin Army. Seven commanders are surrounded by the sand table, all frowning.


The loud report broke the silence of the meeting, and the leader of the Qilin Army waved his hand to signal his subordinates to report.

"Commander, Wang Hao and his three subordinates are back!"

The commander's eyes lit up. The scouts sent by the Hongjiang region last month did not return for ten days. The Qilin army sent people to meet them, but only found that this team had been eaten by fierce beasts and only bones remained.

After this incident, martial law was imposed on the border, and all the pioneer soldiers returned to the barracks.

However, only Wang Hao and the others disappeared.

"Let them in quickly!"

The four of Wang Hao stepped into the camp, and the commander knew the identity of Wang Hao's ten-son candidate. Seeing that he was fine, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Wang Hao, where have you been for the past two months?"

Wang Hao said with a smile: "Go and beat the autumn wind that beat the barbarians."

"Fight the autumn wind?"

"Commander, before reporting, I will give my three subordinates first, please give me some military merit."

Wang Hao played tricks on Fat Rat and the three of them, only to see that the three of them took off the yuan ring and poured out the contents.


Nearly a thousand barbarian heads rolled to the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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