Chapter 396 Flesh and Blood

Shooting random arrows, even though these human cavalry had not received formal cavalry, they were so close to the wolf cavalry, and they also had the skill of hand practiced in martial arts all the year round, so that their arrows could not be shot in vain.

The cavalry were very smart. They did not choose to shoot their feathered arrows at the barbarians on the back of the giant wolf. The barbarians were physically strong, and even if they were hit by a few arrows, they would not lose their fighting power immediately.

The target of the feathered arrow was the giant wolf under the wolf seat. The fur of the giant wolf was soft and could not block the sharp arrow.

In the blink of an eye, on average each giant wolf was hit by two feathered arrows. The giant wolf let out a cry of pain, stopped under its feet, and was thrown off the ground by the huge inertia.

The giant wolves lost their balance, and the barbarians on their backs also suffered. They rolled continuously on the ground and fell all over.


The cavalry jumped off their horses one after another, drew out their mysterious weapons or Horcruxes, and launched an attack on the barbarians who got up from the ground.

In small-scale ground battles, barbarians who fight only with their bodies are no match for human fighters who know exquisite martial arts. In less than half a stick of incense, only the leader of the wolf cavalry is left.

He looked at the border less than 100 meters away, with an expression of unwillingness on his face.

"Human bastards, come on!"

He roared angrily, but in the ears of human warriors, his words were just ugly roars.

After ten breaths, the battlefield quieted down. At the cost of nearly [-] cavalry, humans finally found a way to restrain the barbarian wolf cavalry - cavalry and shooting!
All of a sudden, the entire barracks was busy, and the weapon refiners accompanying the army began to forge longbows and crossbows that were more powerful and fired faster.

At the same time, the two eagles flew to the east and west respectively, and the army led by the Phoenix Academy and the army led by the Qinglong Academy would soon get this precious information.

These two armies are not hindered by the canyon, and the battle situation there must be more intense.

With the cooperation of the whole army, all the cavalry were equipped with well-equipped crossbows in just three days.

The crossbow weapon can fire ten bolts in a row, and it is very powerful. Not to mention a giant wolf, even a stronger beast, if it is hit by an arrow, it will cause serious injuries.

In addition to the cavalry, the infantry were also equipped with longbows with huge bow strings. Although the power of the longbow was not as powerful as that of the crossbow, it was superior in that it had a longer range. Every round of salvo would become a nightmare for the barbarians.

Looking at the full-spirited and amazing fighters, Wang Hao sighed: "It's a pity that the borders of the four regions of the southern border are too long, otherwise, as long as a high-wall fortress is built in a dangerous place, the terrible mobility of the barbarians can be completely restrained." , defending the city is what human fighters are best at!"

In order to cope with the upcoming war, Wang Hao has been practicing for three days. He has already touched the barrier between the fourth and fifth levels of Tianwu Realm. As long as he works harder, he can complete the breakthrough!

But the time left for Wang Hao is gone. The soaring smoke indicates the invasion of the barbarians.

The human army assembled quickly, and Wang Hao led three of his subordinates to the front line of the battlefield.

The sight in front of them made the three of Fat Rats gasp. Unlike the invasion of only thirty wolf cavalry three days ago, this time the barbarian army assembled as many as [-] people!

Among the [-] people, [-]% were infantrymen with clubs, [-]% were wolf riders with amazing mobility, and the remaining half were elephant soldiers, which even Wang Hao had seen for the first time.

Elephant soldiers, as the name suggests, are barbarian cavalry riding giant elephants.

These giant elephants are very huge, three meters tall, with sharp ivory on both sides of their long noses.

The skin of the giant elephant is gray-brown, like a rock.

Wang Hao activated the eyes of the real dragon, and immediately got the detailed information of the giant elephant. He muttered to himself: "Stone elephant, is it a beast of the first level of the Earth Martial Realm?"

"Boss, look over there!"

Fat Rat's exclamation sounded, and Wang Hao looked in the direction of Fat Rat's finger, and saw a beam of smoke rising from the east and west sides.

"It seems that the barbarians sent troops on three fronts at the same time!"

Wang Hao looked serious. Now there are seven armies gathered here, with a total of more than [-] people. Although the ratio of [-] to [-] seems very impressive, the odds of winning...he is not optimistic!

Wang Hao said in a deep voice: "Fat rats, mantises, and rocks, when a big battle breaks out, they will all be more active. Don't lose your life! I will do my best to train you, but I don't want you to die here!"

Pan Shi nodded vigorously, "Boss, don't worry, we will survive!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The drums of war sounded, and the human army arrayed up as quickly as possible. The seven commanders remained calm in the face of danger, allowing the soldiers to face the powerful enemy in their best condition.

The two sides confront each other, waiting for the coming of war.

The first to attack was still the barbarian wolf cavalry. This time, there were a total of [-] wolf cavalry charging!They distanced themselves from each other, holding broad blades, and marched forward.

"Archer ready!"

A shout resounded through the entire army, and the human archers held the longbow, stuck the feather arrows on the bowstring, and pulled the longbow into a full moon.

Beads of sweat appeared on the foreheads of every archer, and they held their breath, waiting for the order to be issued.

The speed of the wolf rider was astonishingly fast, and within a short while, he was within the range of the longbow.


In an instant, nearly ten thousand feathered arrows broke away from the longbow and shot into the sky!

When the feather arrow reached the highest point, it fell downwards and turned into dense raindrops, forming a drifting heavy rain.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"

The sound of feather arrows piercing the air was endless, and a sharp arrow fell into the formation of wolf riders.

The volley was powerful, but the aim was a bit off. Most of the arrows landed on the open space between the wolf cavalry and the wolf cavalry.

However, the random arrows had no eyes, and the dense feather arrows made it impossible for the wolf riders to guard against them.

A feathered arrow fell from the sky and pierced through the head of a giant wolf. The wolf died on the spot, and the barbarian on its back flew ten meters away.

The wolf rider behind him tripped over the dead giant wolf, and was also thrown out, and was stepped on his chest by the giant wolf behind him.

The ferocity of the barbarians was fully revealed at this time. They only panicked for less than five breaths, and continued to charge again without fear of death.


The second round of salvo began, and nearly a hundred wolves died on the way to charge.




The volleys were fired round after round, but the number of rounds expected by the commanders was less than half!
Each archer was equipped with ten feathered arrows, but when the wolf rider rushed to less than 300 meters from the human array, he only shot five rounds.

Five rounds of salvo shot and killed a total of [-] wolf riders!

"Cavalry charge!"

The human cavalry launched a charge. The [-] cavalry at the front of the charge raised their crossbows, while the cavalry behind them raised their spears.

The distance of 300 meters is just a blink of an eye. When the distance between the two sides is only [-] meters, the sound of crossbow firing can be heard endlessly.

The terrifying power of the crossbow was fully revealed. In a very short period of time, the ten arrows stored in the crossbow were completely fired.

The wolf cavalry at the forefront of the charge fell down. Of the 500 wolf cavalry, only [-] of them rushed in front of the human cavalry.

There are tens of thousands of human cavalry, but the wolf cavalry still charge up fearlessly!
In close contact, the huge gap between the human cavalry and the wolf cavalry was immediately revealed. Although the number was ten times that of the opponent, three hundred cavalrymen were beheaded by the wolf cavalry in just one encounter.

The wolf riders formed an awl-shaped array, like a sharp bayonet, piercing deeply into the cavalry formation.

They go forward bravely and don't get entangled with the cavalry around them at all!

The bayonet stabbed deeper and deeper, and for a while, the hearts of the seven commanders were all pulled.

Behind the cavalry are human infantry, if the wolf cavalry breaks through, it will be a disaster for the infantry!
"Block! Block me!"

The roars of the commanders did not make the human cavalry more brave, and in the end, the wolf cavalry still killed the infantry.

The human infantry showed nervous expressions on their faces. If they were to face the wolf riders, they would use their flesh and blood to resist the sharpest sword.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"

The sound of piercing the sky sounded again, but this time, it was not the arrows that filled the sky.

The strong human beings finally couldn't help but attack, one by one, the warriors of the earth martial arts and even the heaven martial arts, stepped into the air and killed the wolf cavalry.

The gap in realm turned the originally extremely brave wolf rider into a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. In just one meeting, the wolf rider lost as many as a hundred riders.

However, the good times didn't last long, and there was another sound of breaking through the air, coming from the barbarian formation.

The strong men of the barbarians have also done it!

The confrontation between the strong men can be described as earth-shattering. The strong barbarians used the power obtained through the gods to suppress the strong human beings for a while!
The wolf riders, who were no longer in the way, finally entered the formation of human infantry. There is no doubt that disaster and massacre have come!

The human cavalry wanted to rescue them, but they couldn't turn back, because in front of them, there were [-] barbarian infantry, brandishing bone clubs, rushing in front of them.

The cavalry could no longer stop, they could only bite the bullet and charged towards the barbarian army.

The Fat Rat and the other three had already made their move. They each faced a barbarian strong man at the Heavenly Martial Realm, and their eyes were red.

On Wang Hao's body, a red blood mist ignited, and the blood soul was activated. He alone resisted three barbarian Tianwu experts, and relieved the pressure for others as much as possible.

The sound of clashing swords, the screams of humans and barbarians, and the mournful cries of dying could be heard endlessly, and the blood flowed endlessly, staining the earth red.

Wang Hao beheaded a barbarian Tianwu strong man with a single sword. He stepped on the void and scanned the battlefield.

Because of the number of people, humans still have the upper hand for the time being, but this situation cannot last for too long.

At the end of the barbarian formation, the elephant soldiers have already started to move.

The stone elephant took heavy steps, stepping towards the formation of humans step by step!

(End of this chapter)

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